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Sue K 03 Feb 2007 19:35

... the week old wonton soup... didn't kill me ! ...

yet... lol...

Chris 03 Feb 2007 22:32

Never ask a man where he is from. If he is from Yorkshire then he will tell you and if he isn't...well, you wouldn;t want to embarrass him. :)

Chris 03 Feb 2007 22:34


Originally Posted by Willie Nelson
There is nothing wrong with saying what you believe.
Unless you believe in some weird shit in which case you should shut the hell up.

mszee 03 Feb 2007 22:42

Alright, my dear friends...:twisted:

SO...I am no longer a redhead!!! :mrgreen:

And thank GOD for THAT...:D

I am SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chris 03 Feb 2007 22:43

Life is not about how high you climb or how fast you can run, it is about how well you bounce back.

mszee 03 Feb 2007 22:45


Originally Posted by Chris (Post 314133)
Life is not about how high you climb or how fast you can run, it is about how well you bounce back.


firefly 03 Feb 2007 23:14

Good night so far!!!!;)

Sue K 04 Feb 2007 00:09

... uh oh... no thought to post... lol...

tinkerbell 04 Feb 2007 01:13

My feet are cold/freezing

duke knooby 04 Feb 2007 01:20

i had a thought, why not heat your feet

mszee 04 Feb 2007 01:21


Originally Posted by knooby (Post 314221)
i had a thought, why not heat your feet

Apparently you lost that one thought you ever had on the way to this thread...

How is your mice doing?

duke knooby 04 Feb 2007 01:22

heard some scratching about 40 mins ago, so they haven't gone away ya know.

mszee 04 Feb 2007 01:27

And I have to assume you haven't invited them in either...?

Sue K 04 Feb 2007 02:24

... handcuffs ...

tinkerbell 04 Feb 2007 02:25

im bored

Sue K 04 Feb 2007 03:00

... i'm tink... glad to meet ya ! ... :lol: ...

tinkerbell 04 Feb 2007 03:03


Sue K 04 Feb 2007 03:08

... glad to see ya laugh ... :D ...

tinkerbell 04 Feb 2007 03:13

A sense of humour i have, patience i don't, my big weakness

Sue K 04 Feb 2007 03:17

... i've been told i have patience to a fault... lol...

tinkerbell 04 Feb 2007 03:18

extreme patience.. cud do with some of that:roll:

Sue K 04 Feb 2007 03:23

... middle ground with it would probably be best... lol ... with TOO much... sometimes NOTHING gets accomplished ! ... :shock: ... lol ...

tinkerbell 04 Feb 2007 03:26

Tis true,:D

mszee 04 Feb 2007 05:03

It's strange how hair color can change things so much...hmmm...

geordieloaf 04 Feb 2007 05:38

I have just got in, i think i might well be sick....

Monstro 04 Feb 2007 09:47

Knew I should've gone home yesterday, weather's taken turn for the worse here

firefly 04 Feb 2007 09:58

Really!!!!! the weather's nice here!!

Sue K 04 Feb 2007 12:26

... it's cold here... and ... I DON' WANNA GOOO... again ... lol ...

Hypnobabe 04 Feb 2007 12:33

I suppose i should get up off my a** and do some housework, since I should have done it on Friday, and then yesterday... but I really can't be bothered....

firefly 04 Feb 2007 13:02

My head hurt's!!

geordieloaf 04 Feb 2007 13:33

I'm really not well. I blame the greasy burger i had on the way home!

geordieloaf 04 Feb 2007 13:38

800th post! :D
Now i'm off to bed again.

firefly 04 Feb 2007 13:52


Originally Posted by geordieloaf (Post 314308)
800th post! :D
Now i'm off to bed again.

:cheer: Congrat's

clpmss 04 Feb 2007 14:45

If I posted my thoughts I would get kicked off of this site.

Monstro 04 Feb 2007 15:41

Cat's fed, bike loaded, I'm off home!!!!!!!

mszee 04 Feb 2007 15:43


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 314321)
Cat's fed, bike loaded, I'm off home!!!!!!!

Safe trip, Michael!

Sue K 04 Feb 2007 16:35

... global warming my foot !... it's downright FRIGID out there !!! ... :shock: ...

Betty 04 Feb 2007 17:06

This weekend is too exhausting for me!!
Been home this morning at somewhat around 6am...
Just woke up, and Iīm again at a friendīs in 20 minutes...:shock:

Itīs killing me!!!

Sue K 04 Feb 2007 17:17

... i'm still glad it's the weekend ... :D ...

Monstro 04 Feb 2007 18:31

<<<Makes mental note to have choke looked at, bike makes weird noises at 120

LucyK! 04 Feb 2007 18:52

Really don't think I should go back...

mszee 04 Feb 2007 19:10


Originally Posted by Lucy! (Post 314352)
Really don't think I should go back...

Neither should I...but probably in a very different sense...:lol:

Lord Kagan 04 Feb 2007 19:11

Mondays a sh!t way to spend 1/7th of your life

AndyK 04 Feb 2007 19:21

Wonder if I can get someone to tie me up so I don't have to go to London at the crack of dawn tomorrow ...

mszee 04 Feb 2007 19:23


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 314391)
Wonder if I can get someone to tie me up so I don't have to go to London at the crack of dawn tomorrow ...

Is the line forming to the right or to the left??? :shock:

AndyK 04 Feb 2007 19:29

Doesn't matter which side, there won't be a queue ...

mszee 04 Feb 2007 19:32


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 314401)
Doesn't matter which side, there won't be a queue ...

To tie you up? Just shows you that you're not always right...

AndyK 04 Feb 2007 19:33

Oh yes I am ... desire is so different to reality.

mszee 04 Feb 2007 19:34


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 314410)
Oh yes I am ... desire is so different to reality.

Who said anything about desire??? :shock:

Thought we were talking about not letting you go to London...unconfuse yourself and get your mind out of the gutter...please!!!

samurai7 04 Feb 2007 19:35


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 314345)
<<<Makes mental note to have choke looked at, bike makes weird noises at 120

That would be you screaming, no? :-P

AndyK 04 Feb 2007 19:36

But that's where it works best ...

mszee 04 Feb 2007 19:39


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 314418)
But that's where it works best ...


duke knooby 04 Feb 2007 19:42

mr king, what happened to the live album meat mentioned in '95?? over 4 hours worth of live songs... did it become live around the world???

AndyK 04 Feb 2007 19:44

I guess so yeah ...

duke knooby 04 Feb 2007 19:53

heart breaking to think off all that live material just sitting there not being used when there are more new singles crying out for some unusual or rarer recordings to be added along with songs that didnt make it on to monsters loose

Monstro 04 Feb 2007 20:28


Originally Posted by Son Of Meat Loaf (Post 314416)
That would be you screaming, no? :-P

Screaming - no
Swearing - yes!!!! :D :D :D

mszee 04 Feb 2007 20:29


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 314439)
Screaming - no
Swearing - yes!!!! :D :D :D

One doesn't preclude the other...doing BOTH is lots of fun...sometimes...

JanT 05 Feb 2007 01:12

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank my good friend from college who very kindly sent me a doc file along with a virus. I'd like to shake her warmly BY THE THROAT!!!

Betty 05 Feb 2007 01:23


Originally Posted by JanT (Post 314487)
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank my good friend from college who very kindly sent me a doc file along with a virus. I'd like to shake her warmly BY THE THROAT!!!

:shock: not good, not good...
Did you manage to delete the virus??

My thought:
I really should sleep, gonna be a looong day tomorrow.... but Iīm just not tired :evil: :evil: :evil:

JanT 05 Feb 2007 01:28


Originally Posted by Betty (Post 314489)
:shock: not good, not good...
Did you manage to delete the virus??

Nope, opted for a reformat and a reinstall of everything. Am still downloading updates as we speak.

Betty 05 Feb 2007 01:34


Originally Posted by JanT (Post 314490)
Nope, opted for a reformat and a reinstall of everything. Am still downloading updates as we speak.


JanT 05 Feb 2007 02:03


Originally Posted by Betty (Post 314491)

Yup, am still downloading updates rofl

Hypnobabe 05 Feb 2007 03:31

I've got toothache and I can't sleep.... just waiting for the Anadin Extra to kick in... :(

Betty 05 Feb 2007 03:59

Just canīt sleep... :roll: :mad:
Alarm goes in 2,5 hours. Great!

To make things worse, it is also damn cold in my bedroom :down:

firefly 05 Feb 2007 09:19

:wave: Hello!!!

Monstro 05 Feb 2007 09:21

Morning Ali

firefly 05 Feb 2007 09:38


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 314507)
Morning Ali

Morning Michael... How are you?

Sue K 05 Feb 2007 09:53

... monday ... moanday ...

firefly 05 Feb 2007 11:41

That's another day of shopping over with!

Hypnobabe 05 Feb 2007 11:45

I've still got toothache...

firefly 05 Feb 2007 12:08


Originally Posted by Hypnobabe (Post 314532)
I've still got toothache...

Hope you feel better soon.

LucyK! 05 Feb 2007 12:29

2 days, 2 trips at hideous times of day and I'm exhausted. And it was worth every minute!

Chris 05 Feb 2007 14:35

You don't scream at 120 on a motorbike.

Now, 120 in a plastic smart car and you know what true screaming is all about.

JanT 05 Feb 2007 16:56

Think I've got this puter sorted. Just need to back it up now.

geordieloaf 05 Feb 2007 18:55

I've got brainache!
Another day closer to the weekend.

Betty 05 Feb 2007 19:07

No way, that I can stand 2,5 yrs of days like this one!!!! :shock:
11 hours is just too long !!!!!!!!! :faint:

AndyK 05 Feb 2007 19:56

That's the planes, trains and automobiles out of the way for me for a few weeks ... some of it was dull work stuff and a waste of time , the rest wasn't in either case ... :))

Chris 05 Feb 2007 19:59

Oh blast adn darn it.

I've had to severely tone my thoughts down as i think the word censor would give me a permenant ban if i posted what i think.

LucyK! 05 Feb 2007 21:37


Hypnobabe 05 Feb 2007 22:37


Originally Posted by firefly (Post 314535)
Hope you feel better soon.

Thanks for the good wishes, firefly...

Been to the dentist, I have a pocket between the wisdom tooth and the gum which gets infected (don't know why it's only happened recently 'cos it didn't happen before about four months ago) so I've had it washed out with disinfectant liquid, and then packed with gauze which is medicated with (among other things) clove oil, which, if anyone here has ever used it for toothache will know, tastes disgusting.

I've also been told I may have to have the wisdom tooth taken out.

I am not a happy bunny.

samurai7 05 Feb 2007 22:37

Only half an hour until Prison Break! :D

LucyK! 05 Feb 2007 22:38

That doesn't sound like a very girly programme...!

firefly 05 Feb 2007 22:42


Originally Posted by Son Of Meat Loaf (Post 314645)
Only half an hour until Prison Break! :D


Betty 06 Feb 2007 01:07

Falling asleep at something around 8pm is not the best thing to do...
Iīm sure Iīll regret it in a few hours...!!!

Hypnobabe 06 Feb 2007 01:27

I'm hungry

firefly 06 Feb 2007 08:24

Morning all....I have a virus and don't feel very well.

firefly 06 Feb 2007 09:34

It's snowing now!!!

Monstro 06 Feb 2007 09:37


Originally Posted by Hypnobabe (Post 314643)
Thanks for the good wishes, firefly...

Been to the dentist, I have a pocket between the wisdom tooth and the gum which gets infected (don't know why it's only happened recently 'cos it didn't happen before about four months ago) so I've had it washed out with disinfectant liquid, and then packed with gauze which is medicated with (among other things) clove oil, which, if anyone here has ever used it for toothache will know, tastes disgusting.

I've also been told I may have to have the wisdom tooth taken out.

I am not a happy bunny.

I feel for you, not nice!!!!!!!!!

AndyK 06 Feb 2007 11:07

4 days out of the office ... 10 voicemail messages, 567 email messages, four post it notes ... oh it's fun being popular :))

mszee 06 Feb 2007 11:32


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 314770)
4 days out of the office ... 10 voicemail messages, 567 email messages, four post it notes ... oh it's fun being popular :))

Oh yes...and therein lies the price of popularity...;)

LucyK! 06 Feb 2007 13:11

Don't think, just do :))

AndyK 06 Feb 2007 13:40

Wish I could ...

firefly 06 Feb 2007 13:58


Don't think i should have done that...::lol:

Betty 06 Feb 2007 14:03

Feeling good...
3 hrs till end of the work day :weee:

Hypnobabe 06 Feb 2007 14:10


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 314768)
I feel for you, not nice!!!!!!!!!

Thanks hon, feeling quite a lot better today, it's still sore if I poke it (I know, don't poke it...) but at least I managed to sleep last night 'cos it wasn't throbbing!

Hope you feel better soon Firefly x

firefly 06 Feb 2007 14:15


Originally Posted by Hypnobabe (Post 314795)
Thanks hon, feeling quite a lot better today, it's still sore if I poke it (I know, don't poke it...) but at least I managed to sleep last night 'cos it wasn't throbbing!

Hope you feel better soon Firefly x

Thank's babe!!!

Glad to hear your feeling better today...and yes... your right...DON'T poke it;)


Monstro 06 Feb 2007 15:42

Anyone want my job, you're more than welcome to it!!!!!!!!

AndyK 06 Feb 2007 15:43

Err no thanks, I've enough on with my two ta :))

Hypnobabe 06 Feb 2007 15:54


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 314810)
Anyone want my job, you're more than welcome to it!!!!!!!!

Depends... what do you do?

mszee 06 Feb 2007 15:55

With friends like these...

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