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dottie 07 Jan 2005 21:00 Taxman Grrr!!!

Ruined 2005 for us already.........

dottie 07 Jan 2005 21:28

Someone once said there only two things in life that are certain death and taxes. I would argue that they are one and the same, the only difference being that death can only claim you once, but taxes grab you every year... :silence:

Gez 07 Jan 2005 22:26

Changed my thought to agree with above :devil:

Tim 07 Jan 2005 22:50


DIZZY DRUMMER 08 Jan 2005 00:23

i'm seeing double :roll: :oops: 8O

Bren 08 Jan 2005 02:03


Originally Posted by Tim

thinking..ahh...what is wrong....

also thinking, only just got home, very tired and have to be at work early tomorrow.....

Tim 08 Jan 2005 17:15

Where is god? Why is he/she a bitch? Why give love you wings and also break them? And why can't we go around the world with only 10 cents?

Bren 08 Jan 2005 18:54

...wish i had the answers ...but i do not...

..really must go cook tea.......

Tim 08 Jan 2005 19:39


Originally Posted by Bren
...wish i had the answers ...but i do not...

..really must go cook tea.......

Hahaha, funny woman.

i must go now... but not feeling like going. Think going out with friends and have drinks will maybe change my mood.... hopefully.

Tim 08 Jan 2005 19:46

luckely these are my thoughts.

... still think it is sick that people on this forum support tribute bands. I don't think i can respect those people....

Keab42 08 Jan 2005 20:18


Originally Posted by dottie
Someone once said there only two things in life that are certain death and taxes. I would argue that they are one and the same, the only difference being that death can only claim you once, but taxes grab you every year... :silence:


Originally Posted by Billy Connoly
What have Ostriches, Pelicans and the Inland Revenue got in common??

they can all stick their bills up their a***es

airhead 08 Jan 2005 20:33


Is Little Britain funny or what???

I like the only gay in the village. I've known a few Vicky pollards in my life. But my ultimate has to be the blole in the wheelchair.

"I'll get us to Chessington today!"
"I don't wanna go,"
"But you've really been wanting to go!"
"Yeah i know,"
"Well, here do you wana go?"
"Are you sure?"
"I wanna go to France,"

In france:
"I wanna go chessington,"

Bren 08 Jan 2005 22:04

....wondering how it will turn out....

sketching idea for painting whilst listening to some of my favourite, sad and beautiful songs.........

....suits mood at present....

DIZZY DRUMMER 08 Jan 2005 23:10

I want an "animal " T shirt (muppets)

Testify 08 Jan 2005 23:14

...wondering why things have to be so difficult n why life has so many complications...

DIZZY DRUMMER 08 Jan 2005 23:47

Just wondering - why (& don't take offence Testify) I find the avator - well disturbing - am I looking at it the wrong way ????

Tim 09 Jan 2005 01:36


Originally Posted by Testify
...wondering why things have to be so difficult n why life has so many complications...

Cool Avater Testify.... me thinks i like that very much hehe

Bren 09 Jan 2005 15:03

...feeling guilty :lol: ....only got up a little while ago....and have much i must do......

Rob The Badger 09 Jan 2005 15:45

I feel like falling off a very tall building and landing on a big trampoline...

dottie 09 Jan 2005 17:36

I feel like leaving :( not here I hasten to add

Tim 09 Jan 2005 19:04

I must cook, but not feel like doing. Really don't know what i must eat now.

airhead 09 Jan 2005 22:55


Originally Posted by Rob The Badger
I feel like falling off a very tall building and landing on a big trampoline...

i love the avatar, Robbie!

have never noticed how sweet stupid guys can be, especially random ones who say things like:

"I wish I had four stomachs"

when they have a heart of gold too.

Pixie 10 Jan 2005 09:41

First in at work - WHAT a surprise (not!).

Got my Gran's funeral on Thursday, how am I going to cope with doing a reading and holding myself/the rest of the family together without losing it big time?

Hubby's working away for a week from Friday - is this good or bad?

KebLou 10 Jan 2005 12:06


Originally Posted by Pixie
First in at work - WHAT a surprise (not!).

Got my Gran's funeral on Thursday, how am I going to cope with doing a reading and holding myself/the rest of the family together without losing it big time?

Hubby's working away for a week from Friday - is this good or bad?

It's hard, I failed horribly with my reading as a 'friend' told me. My teacher told me I did brilliantly... Ok, to hold yourself together I tried not to think about anything, and practice your reading. If your reading doesn't go well, it doesn't matter, you did it for your Gran and that's all that matters and if you've got a 'friend ' like mine who tells you your reading was rubbish, then they are a sad loser. Your Gran would be thankful that you got up there and did it (I hope). Good Luck!

My thought: Why do the people who can't type properly or speak properly want to tell me what is and isn't academic? Plus they want to tell me about Psychology when they haven't studied nor do they have a clue about it. Argh! :nuts:

Pixie 10 Jan 2005 12:15

Thanks Keb, are you sure you're only 16? 8)

Everyone thinks they know a bit about Psychology, the same as they do about Politics - they're right to some extent, but isn't it annoying when you're studying it seriously? Give them some interesting case studies like Hawthorne, Maslow and particularly Milgram - that'll shock 'em (pardon the pun!) :D

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