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Monstro 15 Feb 2007 19:28


AndyK 15 Feb 2007 19:29

As a guilty man who lives in guiltyville.

samurai7 15 Feb 2007 19:33

...and twice as ugly

AndyK 15 Feb 2007 19:35

This is going to be one of the most entertaining cigarettes I've ever smoked. (and before you rabble comment it's regular tobacco!)

Monstro 15 Feb 2007 19:36


Originally Posted by Son Of Meat Loaf (Post 317950)
...and twice as ugly

Says the man with a face for radio!!!!

LucyK! 15 Feb 2007 19:37


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 317953)
This is going to be one of the most entertaining cigarettes I've ever smoked. (and before you rabble comment it's regular tobacco!)

You're welcome :))

Monstro 15 Feb 2007 19:37


Originally Posted by Lucy! (Post 317957)
You're welcome :))

The mind boggles

JanT 15 Feb 2007 19:38


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 317955)
Says the man with a face for radio!!!!

:shock: :lmao: never heard that one before.

samurai7 15 Feb 2007 19:49


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 317955)
Says the man with a face for radio!!!!

Rather radio than freak-show any day :p

Anyway, sorry about the earlier comment about your mother. That was out of order. Heck, I don't even know the man... :p

Monstro 15 Feb 2007 19:49

Geordieloaf, channel five m8 quarter past seven!!!!!

Chris 15 Feb 2007 20:50

oh suger lumps!

This is a major c**k-up even by my standards!

Monstro 15 Feb 2007 21:43

half time 0-0, should really be winning!!!!

Betty 15 Feb 2007 22:02

:yawn: ... :zzz:

Monstro 15 Feb 2007 22:41

3-1 HOWAY THE LADS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hypnobabe 15 Feb 2007 23:48

Why this trip? Of all the times to do it, why now?

Monstro 15 Feb 2007 23:53

You ok H?

geordieloaf 15 Feb 2007 23:56

Another great win!
Toon march on in europe. Monstro fancy going to hampden Park. lol

Monstro 15 Feb 2007 23:56

We get there m8 and I will!!!!!!!!

geordieloaf 15 Feb 2007 23:59


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 318033)
We get there m8 and I will!!!!!!!!

Keep the faith, one day it's got to happen.
Although i have been saying that for along time now!

Monstro 16 Feb 2007 00:02

same here and I'm older than you lol

SW31 16 Feb 2007 00:35

hmm only fifty years

smoggies still on the rd to wembely

Hypnobabe 16 Feb 2007 00:48


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 318027)
You ok H?

Yeah, I'm okay... Hubby's away on a business trip in Hong Kong, and he was supposed to be on a plane tonight, except he checked his ticket and discovered his plane left yesterday... so he'll be flying tomorrow night, arriving Saturday now...

After all the hassle I've had from his ex-wife while he's been away this time, it's just the straw that broke the camel's back... Still, nothing either of us can do about it...

Monstro 16 Feb 2007 00:52


Originally Posted by SW31 (Post 318063)
hmm only fifty years

smoggies still on the rd to wembely

Europe...the reason why a passport isn't a pre-requesite for a playing job
with ur team!!!!!!

SW31 16 Feb 2007 00:59

been there bought the tee-shirt

theres always the micky mouse cup into europe - intertoto

nah thats for falling over premadonas


Monstro 16 Feb 2007 01:03

that would be the micky mouse way that's got us there, won us that particular bit of silverware (watch next Thursday 7.15pm for presentation of trophy) and has got us through the group stages and into the knockout stages as well would it?

Monstro 16 Feb 2007 01:04

And we've played Champions league lol

SW31 16 Feb 2007 01:09

sorry can't be in too watch tv

Monstro 16 Feb 2007 01:10

and I'll never forgive you for letting Steve go to manage England

Monstro 16 Feb 2007 01:14

It looks like I'll get to 2500 posts tonight

SW31 16 Feb 2007 01:15

yep should of sent roder insted

SW31 16 Feb 2007 01:16

might just get to 3000 myself

Monstro 16 Feb 2007 01:16

He'd have done a better job and contrary to what I said last year I wouldn't want him to leave

Monstro 16 Feb 2007 01:17


Originally Posted by SW31 (Post 318128)
might just get to 3000 myself

you've had a lot longer to get there than I have!!!!!

SW31 16 Feb 2007 01:29

slow typer

Monstro 16 Feb 2007 01:31

poor excuse lol

SW31 16 Feb 2007 02:03

but have good buddies on here now

Monstro 16 Feb 2007 02:04

aren't we all?

SW31 16 Feb 2007 02:07

& so say all of us

Monstro 16 Feb 2007 02:08

you know, having a drink and posting on here dont half get your post score up

SW31 16 Feb 2007 02:10

yep it's not just the women that can be post - whores

Monstro 16 Feb 2007 02:11

yeah but Dottie shows us all how it should be done

SW31 16 Feb 2007 02:16

yep but zina--mszee is catching up rapidly

Monstro 16 Feb 2007 03:14

I'm still going for it

Monstro 16 Feb 2007 03:30

Done all the posts in off topic and everyone's gone to sleep, what else is there for me to do???????

Monstro 16 Feb 2007 03:33

Music's still playing, still got alcohol, someone please join me lol

The Flying Mouse 16 Feb 2007 04:19

:twisted: Just can't focus on anything else but redheads with nice bottoms for some reason :shock:

Monstro 16 Feb 2007 04:26

I'm not a readhead nor have I a nice bottom lol

mszee 16 Feb 2007 04:28


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 318279)
I'm not a readhead nor have I a nice bottom lol

Yeah...but look at your avatar...enough said...

Monstro 16 Feb 2007 04:28

So Neil's after me?????????

mszee 16 Feb 2007 04:30


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 318284)
So Neil's after me?????????

Well, that avatar DOES look like a redhead, eh?

Can't see the arse...but you's a small detail...

Monstro 16 Feb 2007 04:31

and I know he's not that fussy

mszee 16 Feb 2007 04:32


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 318286)
and I know he's not that fussy


The Flying Mouse 16 Feb 2007 04:32

:twisted: *thinks about posting some lewd and inappropiate comment about "pussy" , thinks better of it, walks off*

Monstro 16 Feb 2007 04:33

oh go on, love to see a mod mod a mod tomorrow lol

The Flying Mouse 16 Feb 2007 04:36


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 318289)
oh go on, love to see a mod mod a mod tomorrow lol

:twisted: I'm always being told to go infrac myself :shock:

Monstro 16 Feb 2007 04:44

wasn't infrc, was more go **** yourself lol

mszee 16 Feb 2007 04:46


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 318304)
wasn't infrc, was more go **** yourself lol

Different spelling same need to mince words...

Monstro 16 Feb 2007 04:46

I NEVER mince lol

mszee 16 Feb 2007 04:47


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 318309)
I NEVER mince lol

*Bites her tongue NOT to ask what you do...*

Monstro 16 Feb 2007 04:48

I just wait for the Flying pussy to come here

Monstro 16 Feb 2007 05:23

Anyone here??? I'm nearly at 2600 posts lol

Monstro 16 Feb 2007 05:24

<<<<wonders should he just post bull to get there lol

Monstro 16 Feb 2007 05:36

Ok, done 2600 posts (though not all tonight) and most of them bull, before anyone says it, so I'm off to bed. G'nite all!!!!!! xxx

firefly 16 Feb 2007 08:22

:wave: Good morning guy's and girl's

Monstro 16 Feb 2007 11:07

Head hurts

geordieloaf 16 Feb 2007 11:18


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 318338)
Head hurts
I will pass you an asprin, have yourself a full english that always helps me.

SW31 16 Feb 2007 11:22


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 318338)
Head hurts

to many www .dc

Monstro 16 Feb 2007 13:23

Right, I'm awake now

samurai7 16 Feb 2007 13:26


Originally Posted by Son Of Meat Loaf (Post 317974)
Anyway, sorry about the earlier comment about your mother. That was out of order. Heck, I don't even know the man... :p

Erm, hello?!? :roll:

Thought we were having an argument here?! And I can't believe nobody commented on ^^^^ that line. Methinks it's a classic ;) :twisted:

LucyK! 16 Feb 2007 13:37

If it's any help, I did laugh out loud when I read it Sean, and I did refer other people to read it! :up:

Lord Kagan 16 Feb 2007 13:40


firefly 16 Feb 2007 14:29

I should'nt really be here... got so much to do and so little time.

Betty 16 Feb 2007 18:22

today´s a good day!!
left work early and just had a nice, long, cold but funny walk at the coast with my best mate.
took beautiful pictures aswell :D

oh and, nearly forgot, IT`S WEEKEND :cheer:

AndyK 16 Feb 2007 19:41


Originally Posted by Son Of Meat Loaf (Post 318368)
Erm, hello?!? :roll:

Thought we were having an argument here?! And I can't believe nobody commented on ^^^^ that line. Methinks it's a classic ;) :twisted:

So, are you asking for help with your argument?

Thought you were big and ugly enough to manage that on your own you two :))

Chris 16 Feb 2007 20:17

How does Andy manage to vanish just when he is needed!!!

AndyK 16 Feb 2007 20:37

I am needed in so many places that I can only be in the place I'm needed the most :))

Betty 16 Feb 2007 22:35

5 peoples in this room
2 are sleeping (ok, they´re kids lol) and 3 people are on 3 different computers lol

duke knooby 16 Feb 2007 22:38

must start looking for tickets soon

mszee 16 Feb 2007 22:46


Originally Posted by knooby (Post 318454)
must start looking for tickets soon


duke knooby 16 Feb 2007 22:46

ok, im a bit early, but they might be in demand.

mszee 16 Feb 2007 22:47


Originally Posted by knooby (Post 318459)
ok, im a bit early, but they might be in demand.


Betty 17 Feb 2007 01:56

god, my parents are so unbelievably spontaneous!!!:shock:

samurai7 17 Feb 2007 03:54


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 318425)
So, are you asking for help with your argument?

Thought you were big and ugly enough to manage that on your own you two :))

No, I was talking to Monstro. He gave up on the argument, the big soppy lezzer. :-P

Betty 17 Feb 2007 09:44

too early to get up for a saturday morning...
knew I shouldn´t have made the appointment:?

SW31 17 Feb 2007 11:19


firefly 17 Feb 2007 13:56


Betty 17 Feb 2007 14:11

It´s such a lovely day!
Have almost everything I wanted to do today done :weee:

geordieloaf 17 Feb 2007 14:11

Why haven't i got a hangover!

AndyK 17 Feb 2007 15:46

I think I've just made someone's day :))

firefly 17 Feb 2007 15:53


Originally Posted by geordieloaf (Post 318596)
Why haven't i got a hangover!

:roll: ummm!... let me think:lol:

geordieloaf 17 Feb 2007 16:09


Originally Posted by firefly (Post 318611)
:roll: ummm!... let me think:lol:

Ok must try harder tonight.

Betty 17 Feb 2007 19:28

hmm, to go out or not to go out this evening :?

and what the hell is the meaning of this dream I had!??!?!?!?

firefly 17 Feb 2007 22:45


Originally Posted by geordieloaf (Post 318617)
Ok must try harder tonight.

Make sure you do!!! Mine's a double Bacardi and Coke;)

geordieloaf 18 Feb 2007 04:14

Ok i am very drunk! Got Bat Out Of Hell played in one of the most popular bars in Newcastle and honestly the whole place went wild.
I cant even focus on the screen happy days!
Sorry if this makes no sense were is my vodka and red bull?

Sue K 18 Feb 2007 05:27

... here it tis ... the weekend again... and i still love it !!! ... :D ...

Betty 18 Feb 2007 12:45


Hypnobabe 18 Feb 2007 13:12


Originally Posted by Betty (Post 318648)
hmm, to go out or not to go out this evening :?

and what the hell is the meaning of this dream I had!??!?!?!?

PM me and I'll interpret the dream for you... one of my specialities... ;)

Monstro 18 Feb 2007 13:48

I really should get dressed, loads to do today that I should've done yesterday

Chris 18 Feb 2007 14:14

One of the most deprerssing sights ever:

You are bidding on 28 items.
You ahve been outbid on 27 items.

AndyK 18 Feb 2007 14:51


We've won on the lottery :))

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