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duke knooby 13 Nov 2007 18:25

i'm a little stunned at the deal offered

LucyK! 13 Nov 2007 18:29


Originally Posted by Deb (Post 376519)
I could tell you why but i'm sure you don't want to hear the answer :|But i've just had the same senario here with Sam :? Just different argument....

Sam's 19, right...?

RadioMaster 13 Nov 2007 18:46

Dont start a 5-page essay you know about for months the night before deadline.

Deb 13 Nov 2007 19:13


Originally Posted by Lucy! (Post 376672)
Sam's 19, right...?

Yes she is and I 100% won't be putting up with the same crap when she's 28. Hopefully she'll have a life by then and will have moved out :D (Not saying she doesnt have a life lol, as she probably has more of one than most of us lol. She never uses the net, that in itself is more of a life :lol:)

LucyK! 13 Nov 2007 19:24

Don't think there's anything I can add to that Deb! :lol:

duke knooby 13 Nov 2007 19:45


Originally Posted by Deb (Post 376679)
She never uses the net

wish i could say that

Betty 13 Nov 2007 19:47

not getting better

RadioMaster 13 Nov 2007 19:54


AndyK 13 Nov 2007 20:00

Must remember gloves!

Monstro 13 Nov 2007 20:04


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 376685)
Must remember gloves!

sleeping alone tonight are you?????

LucyK! 13 Nov 2007 20:06

I don't know whether to jump in and defend Andy or just be flattered that you didn't imply they're needed for anything to do with me :shock:

Monstro 13 Nov 2007 20:09

I'd stick with the flattered thought lol

AndyK 13 Nov 2007 20:12

Well I won't be wearing the boxing gloves you left here in may Michael :p

Monstro 13 Nov 2007 20:16

When I went to bed all I was thinking about was breakfast.................................

That turned out just to be an erotic dream lol

RadioMaster 13 Nov 2007 20:17


AndyK 13 Nov 2007 20:17

LOL ... we'd shown you where the fridge was ... we were expecting to wake to the smell of frying bacon ...

meatloaf-unofficial 13 Nov 2007 20:23

not long to wait now til Thursday.... I do hope I get through :pray:
please........................ God!!!!!!!!!

duke knooby 13 Nov 2007 20:24

love is hard to do

RadioMaster 13 Nov 2007 20:25

not long to wait now till tuesday :-) and thursday :D and saturday :))

meatloaf-unofficial 13 Nov 2007 20:25


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 376708)
love is hard to do

Not been in love yet, thought I believe Love is Blind!
To love someone, well we all love someone close; relatives etc....:D

Once they betray you or do something that hurts you, then Love is hard!

RadioMaster 13 Nov 2007 20:27


Cpl Mickey 13 Nov 2007 20:29


Originally Posted by Hypnobabe (Post 376626)
I hurt... my face is very swollen and I can hardly open my mouth, which some might see as a good thing after last week's karaoke...

The painkillers they've given me are good in that they kill the pain, but I feel like I'm stoned, which isn't such a good thing when I'm trying to walk the children to school...

Why, oh why, did I think having this tooth out would be a good idea?

((((((HUG))))) Hope you feel better soon xx

mszee 13 Nov 2007 20:31

I just got a headache just by reading a few posts above...

Cpl Mickey 13 Nov 2007 20:35


RadioMaster 13 Nov 2007 20:52

boiling water isnt good for thumbs

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