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Monstro 18 Feb 2007 14:59


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 318978)

We've won on the lottery :))

We shared it what do I spend my Ģ10 on?

AndyK 18 Feb 2007 15:03

You only won a tenner ... same here :oops:

Monstro 18 Feb 2007 15:05

It pays for next week's dream

AndyK 18 Feb 2007 15:32

Indeed it does ... although don't bother dreaming, next week it will be me :))

duke knooby 18 Feb 2007 16:06

back pain is awful

Betty 18 Feb 2007 16:16

this headache is killing me

Monstro 18 Feb 2007 16:47

Ah, don't you just love Sundays, a blast on the bike to Rye then a quicker blast back!!!!

mszee 18 Feb 2007 17:51

This Sunday is ok...cause tomorrow is Monday which is a day off...can live with that...

AndyK 18 Feb 2007 17:54

What makes you think you're holier than the rest of us?

Monstro 18 Feb 2007 17:56

Polishes halo....what you mean?

Monstro 18 Feb 2007 18:07

Memo to self - don't confuse the what are you listening to thread with the musical tastes one!!!!

Betty 18 Feb 2007 18:11

well great you told yourself, cause I was already about to do that for you :D

Monstro 18 Feb 2007 18:12

Hangover gone now???? lol

AndyK 18 Feb 2007 18:15


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 319025)
Polishes halo....what you mean?

:lol: wasn't thinking that posted thought about you mate ...

Betty 18 Feb 2007 18:17


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 319062)
Hangover gone now???? lol

god I canīt wait till you have your next hangover!!:twisted:

Monstro 18 Feb 2007 18:17

Who me?????? Never!!!!

Betty 18 Feb 2007 18:18

ok, must dreamed the last times

Monstro 18 Feb 2007 18:19

You and your dreams again lol

Betty 18 Feb 2007 18:21

jealous or curious? :-P

Chris 18 Feb 2007 18:42


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 319023)
What makes you think you're holier than the rest of us?

Well, signs like this tend to influence it a bit:

mszee 18 Feb 2007 18:43

You don't want ALL welcome on that sign...just in case...

mszee 18 Feb 2007 19:12

The dangers of hiding chocolate is a possibility that you may never find it again...:(

AndyK 18 Feb 2007 19:19

Just noticed someone has passed the 2000 post barrier, she's one of the forum's shyest and most retiring members :)) ... well done Lucy! xx

mszee 18 Feb 2007 19:22

Losing control of my optical mouse for some reason...any ideas???

COMPUTER mouse I might add for clarification purposes...

AndyK 18 Feb 2007 19:27

You sure it's not your hand that's got the shakes?

Clean the mouse mat, replace any batteries, de-fluff and de-gunk the underside of the mouse, resync the radio signal if it's a wireless mouse, or sober up :))

mszee 18 Feb 2007 19:31's optical mouse...and it's not wireless...don't see where to clean it cause not many openings on the bottom

Doesn't need a mat...but now works ONLY with a mat...

No, it's not my hand that is shaking and wasn't drinking for weeks now...on orders of some idiot I've paid good money to...

AndyK 18 Feb 2007 19:33

The LED is probably gunked up ... or the pads that touch the mouse mat/table might need a clean.

Chris 18 Feb 2007 19:34

Clean the base with a dry cloth, especialy the little dimple in the centre where the light is.

Rickmonster 18 Feb 2007 19:37

I should be snowblowing my driveway

mszee 18 Feb 2007 19:39

Thank you, guys...will do...never had this problem with optical mouse before...

Must be allergic to dust like it's owner...

And it's not even THAT dusty here...hmmm...

Betty 18 Feb 2007 19:42

parents will fly to sunny Gran Canaria in a few days and what about me???????????

mszee 18 Feb 2007 19:43


Originally Posted by Betty (Post 319148)
parents will fly to sunny Gran Canaria in a few days and what about me???????????

You'll get to have an orgy while they are away...;)

Betty 18 Feb 2007 19:45

oh, right!!!
totally forgot about the given opportunity lol
thanks zina

<<< sends out the invitations

Sue K 18 Feb 2007 19:56

... nothing... just glad i'm home and not at work ... :lol: ... i'm easily pleased... lol ...

AndyK 18 Feb 2007 20:15

I've just been banished from my own kitchen while t'other half (who would prefer it if I used the word Masterchef!) cooks for me ...

Sue K 18 Feb 2007 20:18

... i like Keanu Reeve...

Betty 18 Feb 2007 20:23


Originally Posted by tink (Post 319194)
... i like Keanu Reeve...

I second that!!
Saw three films with him within one week lol

mszee 18 Feb 2007 20:25


Originally Posted by Betty (Post 319150)
oh, right!!!
totally forgot about the given opportunity lol
thanks zina

<<< sends out the invitations

How can you forget THAT??? :shock:

Betty 18 Feb 2007 20:26


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 319206)
How can you forget THAT??? :shock:

Hmm, maybe because I forced myself not to think of that? ;)

mszee 18 Feb 2007 20:28


Originally Posted by Betty (Post 319208)
Hmm, maybe because I forced myself not to think of that? ;)

Hmmm...don't think I know your hard to respond here...

Betty 18 Feb 2007 20:33


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 319211)
Hmmm...don't think I know your hard to respond here...

Old enough for an orgy ;)

mszee 18 Feb 2007 20:41


Originally Posted by Betty (Post 319213)
Old enough for an orgy ;)

The reference wasn't to orgy...the reference to age come that wasn't the first thought that came to your mind when you found out you're parents are going elsewhere instead of a thought why they are not taking you...;)

duke knooby 18 Feb 2007 21:10

top gears on now... brilliant

Betty 18 Feb 2007 21:14

still old enough for an orgy :lol:
And probably too old for totally freakinī out just because my parents will be in holidays in a few days ;)

mszee 18 Feb 2007 21:25


Originally Posted by Betty (Post 319222)
still old enough for an orgy :lol:
And probably too old for totally freakinī out just because my parents will be in holidays in a few days ;)

And if the thrill is gone...then it's time to take it back!

Betty 18 Feb 2007 21:28


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 319227)
And if the thrill is gone...then it's time to take it back!

Even if you probably wonīt have the time to be happy that the parents are away??
Well, still got time till next saturday to take back the thrill ;)

Sue K 19 Feb 2007 02:00

... i want a longer weekend ... :( ...

firefly 19 Feb 2007 08:42

Monday morning!! I have so much to do today and not looking forward to it

AndyK 19 Feb 2007 10:32

Grrr ... Take a day off, and they arrange a meeting while I've been out ... I'm expected in Somerset at 9am tomorrow morning. Got to spend today sorting hotels, kennels and hire cars out.

Sue K 19 Feb 2007 10:38

... weekends are too short... this one was at anyrate... just don't feel like going to work today...

Bren 19 Feb 2007 11:24


Originally Posted by tink (Post 319336)
... weekends are too short... this one was at anyrate... just don't feel like going to work today...

i know the feeling tink....

Sue K 19 Feb 2007 11:30

... hi Sweetie Bren... i don't know... i HATE feeling this way... but i just can't gear myself UP today... sorry... hope you have a decent day !...

t... XO

Monstro 19 Feb 2007 11:42

Back to work today, turned computer on to find 120 emails, lovely. Please tell me why I do this job?

Lord Kagan 19 Feb 2007 11:43


AndyK 19 Feb 2007 11:45


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 319360)
Back to work today, turned computer on to find 120 emails, lovely. Please tell me why I do this job?

Only 120? Must've been a quiet week :lmao:

As for why ... doesn't it fund (in part) your ebay habit?

Monstro 19 Feb 2007 13:37


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 319366)
As for why ... doesn't it fund (in part) your ebay habit?

It pays for the therapy to get me off my ebay habit lol

AndyK 19 Feb 2007 13:39

Meeting finished early ... that means I can get on the road sooner, even though I don't want to go!!

Monstro 19 Feb 2007 13:40

I wanna go home

AndyK 19 Feb 2007 13:44


Hypnobabe 19 Feb 2007 14:22


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 319376)
It pays for the therapy to get me off my ebay habit lol

Did somebody call me? lol...

LucyK! 19 Feb 2007 17:50


RadioMaster 19 Feb 2007 18:48

just spoke to a friend, which I thought I would never meet again in my life :))

Betty 19 Feb 2007 19:10

that wasnīt a very concentrating day so far

mszee 19 Feb 2007 19:38

No thoughts...all done thinking...

*Wipes her hands on her robe and scampers back under the rock where she came from*

Chris 19 Feb 2007 19:48

stupid chuffing a***hole.

mszee 19 Feb 2007 19:50


Originally Posted by Chris (Post 319464)
stupid chuffing a***hole.

Lately you've been having such a cheerful heart sings...

Betty 19 Feb 2007 19:57

donīt wanna go outside... but I need a cig :?

geordieloaf 19 Feb 2007 20:45

I hate Monday's!

Monstro 19 Feb 2007 21:52

Is it bedtime yet?

Betty 19 Feb 2007 21:53

think Iīm annoying somebody by making gum bubbles lol

geordieloaf 19 Feb 2007 22:03

So tired

Monstro 19 Feb 2007 22:16

I really need to leave ebay alone!!!!!

tinkerbell 19 Feb 2007 22:58

my friend just let me down:(

duke knooby 19 Feb 2007 22:59

do you feel deflated?

tinkerbell 19 Feb 2007 23:01


Betty 19 Feb 2007 23:18

I love LOST!

duke knooby 19 Feb 2007 23:53

been out manouvered by a mouse, not good.

duke knooby 20 Feb 2007 00:22

dino 246 is SUCH a beautiful looking car

Betty 20 Feb 2007 00:22

god, I want that too :(

Monstro 20 Feb 2007 00:22

awesome sound, just awesome!!!!!!!

duke knooby 20 Feb 2007 00:40

gonna hit the highway like a battering ram

mszee 20 Feb 2007 00:41

Nice wheels, Jonty...

duke knooby 20 Feb 2007 00:44

shes a beauty and its nicked from the web, not mine, though i did do some work on one a few years ago

mszee 20 Feb 2007 00:45

She is a doubt...

duke knooby 20 Feb 2007 01:42

f ing mice, 1 in the bath, 1 in the dining room, threw one back outside, cant find the other

mszee 20 Feb 2007 01:43


Originally Posted by knooby (Post 319601)
f ing mice, 1 in the bath, 1 in the dining room, threw one back outside, cant find the other

OK...let's start from the found two mice...but you can find only one...


duke knooby 20 Feb 2007 01:44

had one in the dining room, one in the bath

mszee 20 Feb 2007 01:45


Originally Posted by knooby (Post 319603)
had one in the dining room, one in the bath

Well is caught and the other is either in the dining room or in the am I doing so far???

duke knooby 20 Feb 2007 01:46

put the plug in the bath and left a trap thinking it couldnt get out
it climbed up the chain, though i think its the one i threw into the garden, it was the bigger of the 2

mszee 20 Feb 2007 01:47

My head is spinning from all your mice...

duke knooby 20 Feb 2007 01:48

none for a week
1 on sat night, 1 on sun morning, then 2 sighted (i chucked out) and a possible 3rd tonight
all wee ones, not good!!

mszee 20 Feb 2007 01:49

Do you have a nest somewhere in the house...or whatever it's called where mice live???

duke knooby 20 Feb 2007 01:50

looks like it
must be over 30 now

mszee 20 Feb 2007 01:53


Originally Posted by knooby (Post 319610)
looks like it
must be over 30 now


You need a Pied Piper now...:lol:

duke knooby 20 Feb 2007 01:54

no no, just need a cat, wonder what marvins fee would be??

mszee 20 Feb 2007 01:59

I think they are ready to lend it to you for free...hahahahahahaha...

samurai7 20 Feb 2007 02:02


Originally Posted by knooby (Post 319593)
shes a beauty and its nicked from the web, not mine, though i did do some work on one a few years ago

Really? Stereo or hubcaps? :-P


Originally Posted by knooby (Post 319603)
had one in the dining room, one in the bath

Ooh, you lucky thing! :shock:

duke knooby 20 Feb 2007 02:03

lol, your on the ball tonight you cheeky thing

mszee 20 Feb 2007 02:04


Originally Posted by Son Of Meat Loaf (Post 319617)

Ooh, you lucky thing! :shock:

Oh just made me laugh out loud...thanks!!! :lol:

samurai7 20 Feb 2007 05:23


Originally Posted by knooby (Post 319618)
lol, your on the ball tonight you cheeky thing


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 319619)
Oh just made me laugh out loud...thanks!!! :lol:

I try ;)

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