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firefly 20 Feb 2007 09:05

aaaahhhh! just remembered it's pancake day today... got to make pancake's later on.

Monstro 20 Feb 2007 09:14

Pancake day??? I gotta get myself a diary

firefly 20 Feb 2007 09:19

You forgot too?;)

Ageing Bat 20 Feb 2007 09:19

Pancakes are all sorted for tonight...... Tesco's are doing Aunt Bessie's ready cooked one's buy one pack, get one free :mrgreen:

That's my kinda cookin'! :lmao:

Monstro 20 Feb 2007 09:21

mmmmm Aunt Bessie's, great, gonna have Yorkshire Puds on my mind all day now

Monstro 20 Feb 2007 09:22


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 319641)
mmmmm Aunt Bessie's, great, gonna have Yorkshire Puds on my mind all day now

And by Yorkshire Pudding I don't mean Andy lol

firefly 20 Feb 2007 09:23


Originally Posted by Ageing Bat (Post 319639)
Pancakes are all sorted for tonight...... Tesco's are doing Aunt Bessie's ready cooked one's buy one pack, get one free :mrgreen:

That's my kinda cookin'! :lmao:

:shock: You should make then.... more fun that way;)

firefly 20 Feb 2007 09:24


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 319642)
And by Yorkshire Pudding I don't mean Andy lol


mszee 20 Feb 2007 17:26

watching hospital ceiling lights flying by from the gurney is fun but only in the movies :-)

JanT 20 Feb 2007 17:53

Must put some lager in my vinegar bottle.

The Flying Mouse 20 Feb 2007 18:23

:twisted: Kids are growing up faster these days :shock:

Just been to the wacky warehouse with my nieces and nephew.

If you don't know what a wacky warehouse is, it's a childrens play centre with slides, ball pits, swinging ropes, wot not.

Uncle Neil has just had to promise not to tell any of their friends I took them, as it's not a "cool" place to hang out :wtf:

The oldest is 9 for crying out loud :nuts:

Well, there goes any street cred I ever had :sad:


Betty 20 Feb 2007 18:54

yep, now it´s official. I´m ill...
Am invited out for dinner this evening and just turned it down...
Definitely ill!

AndyK 20 Feb 2007 19:42


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 319642)
And by Yorkshire Pudding I don't mean Andy lol


Watch it ... I'm only a couple of hours away from you at the moment ... :twisted:

Monstro 20 Feb 2007 19:54

You should've said.....I didn't realise the north was getting a break

AndyK 20 Feb 2007 19:55

It's been on a break ever since you emigrated ...

Monstro 20 Feb 2007 19:58

I was forcefully removed

AndyK 20 Feb 2007 20:00

Some would say not far enough :lmao:

Monstro 20 Feb 2007 20:00

With you so close I may even agree!!!!

AndyK 20 Feb 2007 20:02

I'll be closer in a minute ... the hotel bar is further east than my room ...

Monstro 20 Feb 2007 20:08

Where are you?

Betty 20 Feb 2007 20:13

that´s interesting

"Total Posts: 577 (5.77 posts per day)"

Well done me:-)

Monstro 20 Feb 2007 20:14

Are you THAT bored Betty?

Betty 20 Feb 2007 20:15

<<< refuses to answer, because I already know I´m having a pathetic life....

But thanks for reminding me

Monstro 20 Feb 2007 20:19

Anytime lol

Betty 20 Feb 2007 20:22

You had one reminder for free for this year... so that was it.
You´ll have to wait till next year for the next one.

Chris 20 Feb 2007 20:25

Bullocks to the lot of them :evil:

AndyK 20 Feb 2007 21:40


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 319744)
Where are you?

Somerset/Dorset border

duke knooby 21 Feb 2007 01:05

un-officially look whos birthday it is tomorrow

mszee 21 Feb 2007 01:17


duke knooby 21 Feb 2007 01:19

young ross

mszee 21 Feb 2007 01:20


Originally Posted by knooby (Post 319872)
young ross

I thought it was 22nd? Oh yeah...for you it is tomorrow...geez, why am I so confused?

firefly 21 Feb 2007 09:19

Got a new job!....yipee:D :cheer:

Does'nt start until May tho..:roll:

Monstro 21 Feb 2007 10:01


I'm just off to see how much brown stuff can hit the fan at work today so have fun all.

rick 21 Feb 2007 12:37

we dont need brown stuff to hit the fan we have phesant's to hit my bus

and the best laugh is 4 passenger's phoned up to complain that i said OH S**t when it hit
not thank you for driving it for 5 miles to get them to civilisation and home
i think next time i'll just park it up and let the lazy sod's walk

firefly 21 Feb 2007 12:43


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 319888)

I'm just off to see how much brown stuff can hit the fan at work today so have fun all.

Thank's Michael

firefly 21 Feb 2007 13:11


The Flying Mouse 21 Feb 2007 13:33

:twisted: "we dont need brown stuff to hit the fan we have phesant's to hit my bus"

I now have an image of a gang of pheasants in black hoodies hiding by a quiet little lane, hefting broken half bricks :wtf:

mszee 21 Feb 2007 13:45

Why do I get this nagging impression that Rick is an EXCELLENT driver??? :wtf:

Chris 21 Feb 2007 13:51

Rick, next time you aim for a pheasant make sure i am behind you please.

By law, if you hit a pheasant on the road and kill it, you cannot pick it up or move it but the next person can legally pick it up, announce ownership and take it home to stew and put inside a nice pheasant pie.

Ageing Bat 21 Feb 2007 13:56

It's a wonder that 'Greedy Gordon' doesn't put a tax on road kill...... he's taxed pretty much everything else to do with roads and driving. :roll:

Chris 21 Feb 2007 13:57

Remind me tonight to post my joke about Gordon, Tony Bliar and the rural countryside!! Tis rather enjoyable!

Ageing Bat 21 Feb 2007 13:58


Originally Posted by rick (Post 319912)

and the best laugh is 4 passenger's phoned up to complain that i said OH S**t when it hit

Good job you didn't say anything about plucking pheasants then! ;) :lmao:

Ageing Bat 21 Feb 2007 13:59


Originally Posted by Chris (Post 319939)
Remind me tonight to post my joke about Gordon, Tony Bliar and the rural countryside!! Tis rather enjoyable!

Is it the one where they're in a bar mixing with the locals?

mszee 21 Feb 2007 14:00

In other news...I was driving today behind QQ car (if somebody doesn't know what it is - it's an antique car license plate)...some kind of British old thingie...didn't look like much of anything antique...just OLD...

Big sticker on the back "GB"

Alright...I have NEVER yet encountered this kind of driver:

The speed ranged between 42 and 65 with no cars in front for no particular reason.

The car was swerving back and forth all over the lane like a person REALLY doesn't know what straight line is...ouch...

And that concludes my morning rant.

Thank you very much for your kind attention!

firefly 21 Feb 2007 14:01


Originally Posted by Chris (Post 319936)
Rick, next time you aim for a pheasant make sure i am behind you please.

By law, if you hit a pheasant on the road and kill it, you cannot pick it up or move it but the next person can legally pick it up, announce ownership and take it home to stew and put inside a nice pheasant pie.


Ageing Bat 21 Feb 2007 15:37

Two more to go :mrgreen:

Monstro 21 Feb 2007 15:38

There I was happily walking down the road in my pheasant costume, christ my head hurts!!!!!!

firefly 21 Feb 2007 15:40


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 319967)
There I was happily walking down the road in my pheasant costume, christ my head hurts!!!!!!


Betty 21 Feb 2007 18:02

If only people would be rich, and if only intelligence would be buyable...
The world could be such a lovely place then....

AndyK 21 Feb 2007 19:50

So Rick, how many fields did you have to drive across to get that pheasant?

Chris 21 Feb 2007 20:17

Hang on a minute, Rick drives a bus near leeds.

Rick, where exactly near leeds have you found these pheasants wandering around?

I'm just asking for a friend like.
*prepares poaching shoelace*

AndyK 21 Feb 2007 20:18

*Rings game keepers on W Yorks / N Yorks borders*

Chris 21 Feb 2007 20:25


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 320052)
*Rings game keepers on W Yorks / N Yorks borders*


I could try and waft them on to my car. Then I can claim posession!

geordieloaf 21 Feb 2007 20:25

Yes while driving in the rural area's on our fishing adventure's we often have a collision with the odd wandering pheasant.
Didn't know the law about the actual driver not being allowed to stop and collect it.
I will have to take my car next time and follow him.

AndyK 21 Feb 2007 20:30


Originally Posted by Chris (Post 320059)

I could try and waft them on to my car. Then I can claim posession!

No Chris ... logic dictates you' wrong herer ...

If by some fluke of nature a pheasant was killed by your Smart Car, then as the driver you can't claim posession, as you yourself staed above.

So by thory, what's mor elikely to happen is that the pheasant following the pheasant that waft onto your car will be able to claim a road killed Smart car :))

dottie 21 Feb 2007 20:36

Just to let you know I am finally back with my super duper notebook:D one happy bunny....

AndyK 21 Feb 2007 20:38

Welcome back Dottie!! :cheer:

Chris 21 Feb 2007 20:44

Welcome back Dottie.

There goes the neighbourhood again!

Betty 21 Feb 2007 21:43

Hiya Dottie!! Nice to meet you ;)

Monstro 21 Feb 2007 22:22

Finally home, only two days to go........

duke knooby 21 Feb 2007 22:32

huh?? 2 days till what?

Monstro 21 Feb 2007 22:34

The weekend and the following week off!!!!!

Lord Kagan 21 Feb 2007 22:34

the weekend?

Lord Kagan 21 Feb 2007 22:35

Guess I had the right guess, What do I win?

mszee 21 Feb 2007 22:35


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 320109)
The weekend and the following week off!!!!!

Is it me or you have every second week off???? :shock:

Monstro 21 Feb 2007 22:42

I try to but work say I cant..........

duke knooby 21 Feb 2007 22:43

im having next week of aswell, retirement is great

Lord Kagan 21 Feb 2007 22:43

Never knew you were 65

AndyK 21 Feb 2007 23:08

Wonder what it is? :shrug:

firefly 21 Feb 2007 23:10

must be something in the air! lol

duke knooby 21 Feb 2007 23:18

evil in the air, thunder in the sky

AndyK 21 Feb 2007 23:20

good job the streets aren't bloodshot then!

Monstro 21 Feb 2007 23:20

<<<Goes to make sure his bike is ok lol

Monstro 21 Feb 2007 23:29

Got regional management meeting tomorrow in Brighton first thing and the whisky is slipping down, sooooooooo glad the bottle's nearly empty and I ain't got no more lol

AndyK 21 Feb 2007 23:32

Want me to PM you some?

Monstro 21 Feb 2007 23:34

No, I'm in one of those "I'd drink till I pass out" moods lol

AndyK 21 Feb 2007 23:39

Know the feeling lol

Monstro 21 Feb 2007 23:40

It really is a good job that the only bottle of whisky left is one I'll never open!!!!

duke knooby 21 Feb 2007 23:42

why have it if you never get to taste and enjoy it??

AndyK 21 Feb 2007 23:44

Some are too precious to touch.

Monstro 21 Feb 2007 23:44

Went to a fund raiser for the charity that I used to work for. It's a bottle of House Of Commons single malt signed by the one and only taxmeister himself Tony Blurrrrrrr

duke knooby 21 Feb 2007 23:45

ebay headed???

Monstro 21 Feb 2007 23:46

No, this one's a memory of a job I was in for nine years

AndyK 21 Feb 2007 23:47

That is a shame ... it's a nice single malt that one. My brother used to work there and brought a bottle home on Christmas.

duke knooby 21 Feb 2007 23:48

is she a bushmills???

Monstro 21 Feb 2007 23:48


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 320163)
That is a shame ... it's a nice single malt that one. My brother used to work there and brought a bottle home on Christmas.

I've never tried it, is it good?

AndyK 21 Feb 2007 23:48

Jonty you're a Heathen :twisted:

It's lovely ... at least that's what my addled and blurred memory tells me!

JanT 21 Feb 2007 23:49

Got one over on my right foot :D

Monstro 21 Feb 2007 23:50


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 320168)
Jonty you're a Heathen :twisted:

It's lovely ... at least that's what my addled and blurred memory tells me!

Lest we was the Irish that invented whisky!!!!!!!!

duke knooby 21 Feb 2007 23:56

why am i a heathen??

Monstro 21 Feb 2007 23:59


Originally Posted by knooby (Post 320182)
why am i a heathen??

<<<<<Hasn't got time to post a list but I'll get round to it eventually

duke knooby 22 Feb 2007 00:02

steady on... just for the whisky will do for now

Monstro 22 Feb 2007 00:05

whisky and heathen don't mix

duke knooby 22 Feb 2007 00:06

dunno what to say, dunno what i did

Monstro 22 Feb 2007 00:08


duke knooby 22 Feb 2007 00:11

still lost for words

Monstro 22 Feb 2007 00:16


Originally Posted by knooby (Post 320200)
still lost for words

Wow, Jonty lost for words, this should be a thread all by itself lol

duke knooby 22 Feb 2007 00:23

no, it shouldnt

Monstro 22 Feb 2007 00:25

you lost for words??? It should be lol

AndyK 22 Feb 2007 00:26

Wouldn't be a busy thread would it? Lots of posts of Jonty saying nothing :lmao:

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