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Betty 17 Nov 2007 02:27

A German singer.... the best German singer imo!!! Laith Al-Deen!
Think this was my 6th concert of him and it was the best one I´ve ever seen!!! He and the band were great, it was just... well, no... I´m speechless lol

YouTube Video

He´s the most incredible live artist I´ve ever seen on stage!!!!!
YouTube Video

duke knooby 17 Nov 2007 06:32

good concert then??

duke knooby 17 Nov 2007 06:35

totally knackered

RadioMaster 17 Nov 2007 10:02

im afraid tidying up, washing, hoovering and cleaning dishes is on todays schedule :?

duke knooby 17 Nov 2007 11:08

crucial football match tonight... have to win

Mick Loaf 17 Nov 2007 11:21

Come on Scotland!!!!

Lord Kagan 17 Nov 2007 12:10

how the feck did i make a profit last night?

RadioMaster 17 Nov 2007 12:19

how the ~~~~ is this thing working??

Betty 17 Nov 2007 12:38

uuuuuuh, not good...
need some more hours of sleep!

still thrilled by last night!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lord Kagan 17 Nov 2007 12:40

whys that?

Lord Kagan 17 Nov 2007 12:49

and why the FECK do i have a number written on my arm??????????????

Lord Kagan 17 Nov 2007 12:49

10 digits.... ah well mutve been too pissed

duke knooby 17 Nov 2007 12:50

you should send it to me

Monstro 17 Nov 2007 12:50


Originally Posted by Lord Kagan (Post 377619)
and why the FECK do i have a number written on my arm??????????????

No, that's an upside down L, your Mum's probably put an R on your other arm to help you out lol

Lord Kagan 17 Nov 2007 12:52

never knew that

Lord Kagan 17 Nov 2007 12:52

i would jonty but theres a number missing ah well time to wash it off

Hypnobabe 17 Nov 2007 13:13

how impressed am I with Nokia?

I managed to put my phone in the washing machine yesterday, not even twenty four hours later and after leaving it in the airing cupboard all in pieces, it's working fine! The screen looks like it's still under water, but other than that, not problems!!

Betty 17 Nov 2007 14:29


duke knooby 17 Nov 2007 14:43

damn it they're hard to do a deal with... still decision is almost made

duke knooby 17 Nov 2007 14:49

what should i get my ma for her birthday?????

Lord Kagan 17 Nov 2007 15:19

windie cleaner

duke knooby 17 Nov 2007 15:46

no, something nice

duke knooby 17 Nov 2007 16:13

why do i agree to do these things for people??????

better go and mot this thing, wish me luck

Lord Kagan 17 Nov 2007 16:32

get her some posh expensive windie cleaner

Gez 17 Nov 2007 16:33

I'm back and ready to party 2 nite:D

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