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watching/listeing Meat Loaf live in Mexico - Paradise
... the local sports radio station... i've at long last gotten hopped up in the hoopla.. of my hometown team being in the SuperBowl.. 8O ...
just the clock ticking....hum of the computer
...and hubby drilling holes in the wall 8O .....hahaha |
.. still the local sports radio station.. a replay of yesterday's WINGBOWL.. in celebration of the SuperBowl... the WINGBOWL.. an eating contest.. where the contestants see however many bbq chicken wings they can chow down in the allotted.. winner came in at 162 wings... 8O ... and won a car... :D ...
Open Arms - Tina Turner!
... still the local sportie station.. and they're tawking SERIO football nowww... :roll: ... lol...
Under Pressure - Queen + Bowie
... sports radio.. 610... still...
It Just Won't Quit .... Meat Loaf
... still 610 sports talk on the radio...
Downside of love - Richie Sambora
... still 610 sports talk.. local radio.. and quite enjoying it... lol... maybe i'll know something about football.. by tomorrow... 8O ...
Two suns in the sunset...................Pink Floyd
... need i really say??... lol.. STILL the sports talk on the radio.... it's FUN.. and funny... :lol:
Why do you need it so badly? Why do you like it so much?
Go outside and drive - Blues Traveler
... still boys and their toys.. talking FOOTBALLL.. lol...
..they show American Idol 2005...
... the boys on the radio... now singing the Eagles fight song.. lol.... OH they're having such a good time.. gearing themselves up for the BIG GAME.. lol...
sometimes less is more - Justin Hayward
They choose Miss Finland...
Those beauty contests are really stupid... |
... still the sports talk station...
They shows Survivors: Pearl Island...
I know it´s old but it doesn´t matter to me... |
children of paradise - Justin Hayward
.. still the sports talk station.. and i'm very excited.. as my two fave hosts.. that i listen to during the week are coming on in about a half hour.. live from Jacksonville Fl.. where the BIG GAME.. is being played... :D ...
once you wake up - John Popper :D
... still the sports station on the radio....
Tip the domino - John Popper
... still the sportstalk.. patiently waiting for my two fave hosts.. Steve and Anthony.. to arrive... :D ...
10 o´clock news..
... still the sportstalk show.. and my faves have arrived... :D .. they are so funny....and soooo excited... reporting with an audience.. of rabid Philadelphia Eagle fans.. in Jacksonville Fl... all hopped up for the SuperBowl....
Frasier.. :lol:
... still the sportstalk show.. and a fan's on the phone.. singing the Eagles song.. in Armenian.. lol....
Where is that?
Mum - on the phone
... an ad.. on the sports talk station....
Be less specific.
The best time of your life - Green Day
Pink Floyd - pigs on the wing 1
Chappelle´s show on MTV... That really don´t make me laugh...
children of paradise - Justin Hayward
Kids are cool.
... still the sports talk radio show... back to talking seeeerious football... lol...
Yes, let us get back to on the sports talk station .
the static where channel 4 should be *goes to tweak his aerial*
... still the sports talk station... the fans in the audience.. singing the fight song to a caller... :D ...
Miami Vice :lol:
Testify :cheer:
The Last Emperor on TV, good movie.
Very good movie Mariella. My pleasure :D
I'm listeing to some new ringtones hahah.. need them for my mobile :D |
... the SAG Awards on the telly ....
To nothing in particulair. Mostly my thoughts :D
The Rain. does it ever stop?
Blues Traveler - Mullin' it over (live)
... You Took The Words .. from the MSO dvd.. 'Imself... :D ...
Blues Traveler - Mountains win again (live from the Thinnest of Air DVD)
... Two Out Of Three... from the MSO dvd.. 'Imself...
Don't stop - Fleetwood Mac
... Out Of The Frying Pan.. from the MSO dvd.. 'Imself...
Soul Man - Blues Brothers
... the greatest gift i ever received...
Meat's performance of FCOL on the MSO dvd... thanks Meat! |
Blues Traveler - Love & Greed
Is the holding of hands a symbolic gesture for humans?
.. FCOL.. from the MSO dvd.. again... 'Imself.... and was going to put on the sports station after.. but.. THERE'S A BASKETBALL GAME ON THERE.. think that's SACrelidge...on SUPERBOWL SUNDAAAY!!!!!!
Who or what is the MSO dvd? "" . But what? That is something I did not know before.
Heaven Can Wait...so very beautiful don't you think?
I don't think about so very beautiful .
Mother Father - Dave Matthews band
Blues Traveler - Save His Soul
Try to determine if this is a person or a computer responding.
Oh I get it. Very interesting.
Once you wake up - John Popper :D
If i had it all - Dave Matthews Band
Children of paradise - Justin Hayward
Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
Currently listening to "The Full Monty" on stage.......today I love my job! (and yes....the show does do the 'full monty'...we checked :wink: )
Nilson - Without You
frozen.............Madge :D
Where angels sing.........what else? :lol:
That's all.
its a favourite of mine Fred, that is why i am listening to it.Greetings to thee.
Blues traveler-save his soul is a favorite of his or hers you that is why he or she is listening to it. I suppose that makes sense.
Phil Collins - Against All Odds :lol:
...Layla.. playing over the closing credits of the film GOODFELLAS...
Life's a lemon..........very loud. :lol:.... so theraputic
The 'Fredco Mix' of "Love Is The Answer" -Rundgren
Noah and Saskia (childrens program)
Meat Loaf - is nothing sacred
Love inside an out.....heebiGeebies
Pink Floyd - Momentary Lapse of Reason
The Actor - Moody Blues
annoying Honda Diesel advert ".....hate something...change something...hate something..."
... On The Record with Greta VanSusteren... on the telly...
Ruthie Henshall - Someone To Watch Over Me
Ruthie Henshall - Someone To Watch Over Me
... news break on the Bill O'Reilly show..
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