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Bren 25 Apr 2005 13:23

thanks pixie...indeed
washing machine fixed now... :D

Chris 25 Apr 2005 13:42

I need caffeine and I need Nicotine and I need them NOW!!!!!

That is all.

DIZZY DRUMMER 25 Apr 2005 14:58



SuperLoafMan 25 Apr 2005 14:59

Al have a few drinks lined up for you later FA..... ;)

Pixie 25 Apr 2005 15:02

BIG HUG FA :lol:

Remember, not long to July now..:D :D

Just been told I'm going to a conference in Aussie THE DAY AFTER Harewood Hall - OMG I'll be absolutely B***gered!

Bren 25 Apr 2005 17:19

Chris and both sound as though you're having a really bad day...

hope the day improved as it went along....

Ageing Bat 25 Apr 2005 19:09

Er, anyone want to have a go at my life, for a change???

Gez 25 Apr 2005 19:11


Originally Posted by Ageing Bat
Er, anyone want to have a go at my life, for a change???

You'd only realise how good your life is if you were to swap with me :shock:

Keab42 25 Apr 2005 20:42

Hmm i think i crashed Fred. i asked him to express elephants as a percentage and he didnt respond!

Tim 25 Apr 2005 21:10


Originally Posted by FALLEN ANGEL1000


Poor Fa..... hope you are allright by now.... take care. I'm tired....

Chris 25 Apr 2005 21:22


Originally Posted by Bren
Chris and both sound as though you're having a really bad day...

hope the day improved as it went along....

I'm actually having a fantastic day - I was at a Kylie concert last night so by the time the after-show drinks adn so on were over, I got home with just enough time to get change and go do a 13 hour day at work!!!:shock:

SuperLoafMan 25 Apr 2005 21:28


Originally Posted by Chris
I'm actually having a fantastic day - I was at a Kylie concert last night so by the time the after-show drinks adn so on were over, I got home with just enough time to get change and go do a 13 hour day at work!!!:shock:

How was the Kylie concert...I bet it was fab...she is one hot cookie Kylie :wink:

Cathie 25 Apr 2005 22:17

I am so sick of filling out forms...

Glad you had a good time Chris...even though I still think you're insane ;)

Chris 25 Apr 2005 22:25


Originally Posted by SuperLoafMan
How was the Kylie concert...I bet it was fab...she is one hot cookie Kylie :wink:

It was fantastic!

Although afterwards she walked past us and everyone else acted like it was perfectly normal whereas I was trying to say "Oh God, It's Kylie!" but it sounds like a load of gibberish from someone who's mouth had been numbed by a dentist!!!!! I almost drowned in my own drool!!!!:drool::drool::drool:

What i am thinking: Where the chuff have i put my credit card!!!

SuperLoafMan 25 Apr 2005 23:20

I would have been drooling aswell...I bet that was a right is so frelling gorgous.... :D

Hope ya find your Credit Card.... :shock:

Cathie 25 Apr 2005 23:23


Originally Posted by SuperLoafMan
Hope ya find your Credit Card.... :shock:

Yeah, Chris...good luck least it isn't your mobile this time... :roll: ;)

DIZZY DRUMMER 26 Apr 2005 07:09

Hope I get THAT email reply today :bunny:

Skeleton 26 Apr 2005 10:14

We had fishloaf for dinner... :lol: That was tasty.. :drool:

Pixie 26 Apr 2005 10:57

Oh FA, what are you doing on here at 5 a.m.?! :D

Hope things are better today - don't let them grind you down....

DIZZY DRUMMER 26 Apr 2005 14:30


Originally Posted by Pixie
Oh FA, what are you doing on here at 5 a.m.?! :D

Hope things are better today - don't let them grind you down....

Couldn't sleep Pixie - had to get up & do something :(

Pixie 26 Apr 2005 15:01

Oho FA, not having a virtual affair with an Australian or something are you??? :D :D

Chris 26 Apr 2005 21:03

Why is it that whenever I PM someone, they immediatly log off before reading it!!!

(The speed at which they log off is directly proportional to the importance of the PM!!!!):shock:

Cathie 26 Apr 2005 21:28


Originally Posted by Chris
Why is it that whenever I PM someone, they immediatly log off before reading it!!!

(The speed at which they log off is directly proportional to the importance of the PM!!!!):shock:

Sod's Law? :shock: ;)

DIZZY DRUMMER 26 Apr 2005 21:30


Originally Posted by Chris
Why is it that whenever I PM someone, they immediatly log off before reading it!!!

(The speed at which they log off is directly proportional to the importance of the PM!!!!):shock:

Chris - I don't :shock: - Love PMs :lol:

Chris 26 Apr 2005 22:09


Originally Posted by Cathie
Sod's Law? :shock: ;)

Quite possibly!!

This evening i have sent 48 PM's across 7 message boards - only one ahs been read!!!

Keab42 26 Apr 2005 23:08

Sorry for not replying sooner Chris. firefox supresses the PM pop-ups so unless i spot the thing at the top of the screen i dont realise i have one. besides i had to get half an hours work in before Fred Dibnah. i believe somebody famous might appear on it :wink: (or have i missed that one?)

Pixie 27 Apr 2005 08:51


Originally Posted by Chris
Quite possibly!!

This evening i have sent 48 PM's across 7 message boards - only one ahs been read!!!

Same principle as when you ring someone and really need them to be there - they're not and you always have to leave a message. And the other way round - when you really don't want to speak to them they're always there...:(

Chris 27 Apr 2005 11:16


Originally Posted by Keab42
Sorry for not replying sooner Chris. firefox supresses the PM pop-ups so unless i spot the thing at the top of the screen i dont realise i have one. besides i had to get half an hours work in before Fred Dibnah. i believe somebody famous might appear on it :wink: (or have i missed that one?)

I wasn't on this weeks. :(

I was on last week when he was outside the mill (Andy Thornton's) opposite my work and i met hima dn got an autograph and everything!! And if you hunt through my blog, you will probably find a photo of Mr Dibnah on Bessie what i took that day after I met him!!!!

And I was on the week before when he drove across Scammonden Bridge over the motorway and i was watching form the Brown Cow pub at the end of the bridge. (And totally randomly before my boss became a newsagent he worked on the motorways and helped build that bridge!!!)

Keab42 27 Apr 2005 11:20

Typical... the one episode you miss is the one you wanted to see.

Bren 27 Apr 2005 12:26


Originally Posted by Keab42
Typical... the one episode you miss is the one you wanted to see.

..i missed that one too....

DIZZY DRUMMER 27 Apr 2005 13:31

Need some proper sleep :zzz:

Cathie 27 Apr 2005 13:43

Ok...just to prove what a total idiot I am when it comes to computers...

...last night we had a powercut and computer wouldn't let me back online... it still wouldn't let me on so I rang the helpline...

..."what's your router number?" they asked...

..."what's a router?" I replied...

...once we got that one sorted I had to find it and turn it on and off...except that this computer is my dad's...and all the wires are jumbled up behind the finding the right one was a pain...

...thought I'd got it so dutifully switched it on and off...


..."ok, I'll run a line check" was at that moment that I realised I'd switched the wrong plug on and off :roll: :roll: :roll:

...once I managed to get the guy back on the phone I tried to explain but apparently calling every electrical appliance in existance "thing" doesn't work when you're trying to describe what you mean...neither does wild hand gestures... off the phone, switched the right plug on and off and it worked :D

I think the poor guy I talked to is on the verge of a nervous breakdown...but at least I'm back online!

My thoughts: I really am useless when it comes to computers :shock:

Bren 27 Apr 2005 19:44

i'm just as bad with computers cathie.... :lol: ....take comfort in the fact you are not alone :lol:

Keab42 27 Apr 2005 20:41


Originally Posted by Bren
i'm just as bad with computers cathie.... :lol: ....take comfort in the fact you are not alone :lol:

true! ;):lol:;):roll::?

Bren 27 Apr 2005 20:44

Thankyou for that Keab! :lol:

Keab42 27 Apr 2005 20:48

i could have said more ;)

Bren 27 Apr 2005 20:50

:lol: ....i'm sure you could... :lol:

Cathie 27 Apr 2005 21:24


Originally Posted by Bren
i'm just as bad with computers cathie.... :lol: ....take comfort in the fact you are not alone :lol:

Lol, thanks Bren! :D

Chris 27 Apr 2005 21:34

Thank chuff I ahd my phone turned off all day!!

Some one on these forums ahs been known to ring me at 8am on my day off asking how I fancy driving the breadth of the country as the PC "looks dodgy"!!!!

Cathie 27 Apr 2005 21:36


Originally Posted by Chris
Thank chuff I ahd my phone turned off all day!!

Some one on these forums ahs been known to ring me at 8am on my day off asking how I fancy driving the breadth of the country as the PC "looks dodgy"!!!!

Least it wasn't me!!! :shock:

Chris 27 Apr 2005 21:39


Originally Posted by Cathie
Least it wasn't me!!! :shock:

No, it wasn't you

Cathie 27 Apr 2005 21:43

Good Chris, cos I thought I'd missed something there. For a second thought I had been ringing people up in my sleep or something! :shock: :shock: :shock:

Pixie 28 Apr 2005 10:14

Actually I think you did really well Cathie to persevere and get it sorted out - well done! :D ..lesser people would have failed :lol:

Ageing Bat 28 Apr 2005 11:44

All alone in my office today :cheer: New chair arrived yesterday, just have to wait 6 months for it to mould to my bum 8O Utilising my time constructively today, in the boss's absence - Surfin'!! :lurk: Isn't it amazing the things you find on the net!!

DIZZY DRUMMER 28 Apr 2005 13:36


Originally Posted by Ageing Bat
All alone in my office today :cheer: New chair arrived yesterday, just have to wait 6 months for it to mould to my bum 8O Utilising my time constructively today, in the boss's absence - Surfin'!! :lurk: Isn't it amazing the things you find on the net!!

It is - love surfing on me lunch - although makes a mess on the table :lol:

Roll on 4pm tomorro :cheer:

Bren 29 Apr 2005 21:50


Keab42 29 Apr 2005 22:37

i like sunny weather...

Testify 29 Apr 2005 22:45

meat loaf rocks.....*bops along to music*

Tim 30 Apr 2005 11:17


SuperLoafMan 30 Apr 2005 11:28

...Me too....Mum got me up to help with my little brother.... :evil:

Bren 30 Apr 2005 14:33


...but no work for a whole week :D ...nice....

SuperLoafMan 30 Apr 2005 18:25


Originally Posted by Bren

...but no work for a whole week :D ...nice....

So you going to be working on your post number :lol:

Pixie 30 Apr 2005 18:41

Eaten too much today :( BUT now will have to rock along to a bit more Meat tonight :D

Bren 30 Apr 2005 18:46


Originally Posted by SuperLoafMan
So you going to be working on your post number :lol:

...well think i just might ... :lol: ....i will have plenty of time to be here on the forum :D

SuperLoafMan 30 Apr 2005 18:48

cool...I am doing my best to the 1,000 mark....I dont think am doing too bad thanks to you guys :D

Bren 30 Apr 2005 21:04

won't be long till you get there SLM.......

DIZZY DRUMMER 30 Apr 2005 22:36


Originally Posted by Pixie
Eaten too much today :( BUT now will have to rock along to a bit more Meat tonight :D

Go for it Pixie

Tim 01 May 2005 11:07

strange he... slept a long time, but still very tired...

Bren 01 May 2005 11:44

...i tried to have a nice sleep....but woke up with bad headache..
....not helped by fact that hubby is currently drilling holes in bathroom wall, with noisy drill.... :roll:

SuperLoafMan 01 May 2005 14:35


Originally Posted by Bren
won't be long till you get there SLM.......


Keab42 01 May 2005 18:51

i remember when we were all amazed that dottie had reached 1000 posts.

SuperLoafMan 01 May 2005 19:04

Dottie's post number is great....i hope i get to 7,000 :shock:

Cathie 01 May 2005 19:27


Originally Posted by Keab42
i remember when we were all amazed that dottie had reached 1000 posts.

That seems so long ago :shock:

I really have to get postwhoring... :cool:

Tim 01 May 2005 21:31


Originally Posted by Bren
...i tried to have a nice sleep....but woke up with bad headache..
....not helped by fact that hubby is currently drilling holes in bathroom wall, with noisy drill.... :roll:

Oh my god!!! Bren... is he really doing that? Crisis situation... gather together, group meeting, group hug, everyone is on his own.... hahah... Seems to me that you have had a bad weekend....

DIZZY DRUMMER 01 May 2005 22:01

fed up with trying to get rid of Trojan horse startpage 19.j - anyone any ideas ????

Bren 01 May 2005 23:16


Originally Posted by Tim
Oh my god!!! Bren... is he really doing that? Crisis situation... gather together, group meeting, group hug, everyone is on his own.... hahah... Seems to me that you have had a bad weekend....

you are right there Tim......i have had a bad weekend..

hope you had a good weekend :D

Cathie 01 May 2005 23:22

Hope you have a better day tomorrow Bren

Bren 01 May 2005 23:26

thanks cathie :D

Keab42 02 May 2005 00:33


Originally Posted by FALLEN ANGEL1000
fed up with trying to get rid of Trojan horse startpage 19.j - anyone any ideas ????

i assume you've got fully updated virus software.

do you run windows xp. if so a system restore sometimes helps.

Gez 02 May 2005 18:46

I've got a virus you know :oops: :oops:

Tim 02 May 2005 19:42

tired but happy.... was a bad day, but who cares... thursday free!!! Yeah...

Gez 02 May 2005 20:30

.....i drove all night :shock:

Pixie 03 May 2005 10:40


Originally Posted by Gerry
I've got a virus you know :oops: :oops:

Hope it's not contagious Gerry :shock:

Got your virus sorted out now FA?

Hope you're having a more peaceful time now Bren *HUG* :D

DIZZY DRUMMER 03 May 2005 10:44


Originally Posted by Pixie
Hope it's not contagious Gerry :shock:

Got your virus sorted out now FA?

Hope you're having a more peaceful time now Bren *HUG* :D

What ever Gerry has - It will be contagious :lol:

Not got it sorted out - bet getting there thanks Pixie - should be OK later on today

Keab42 - I have windows 98 on this computer :roll:

I'm nervous about my drum lesson today - new tutor :angst:

Tim 03 May 2005 18:53

...busy day.. glad i'm home...

Gez 03 May 2005 19:18

ACHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock:

Bren 03 May 2005 20:58

..... :roll: .....?..... :(

DIZZY DRUMMER 03 May 2005 22:25


Originally Posted by Gerry
ACHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock:

After sympathy again Gerry :nuts:

Bren 04 May 2005 12:13

....another day of things not going right... :roll: ...not having a good week...

Pixie 04 May 2005 14:08

Sorry to hear that Bren - *quick hug* before rushing out....xx

DIZZY DRUMMER 05 May 2005 07:20


Originally Posted by Bren
....another day of things not going right... :roll: ...not having a good week...

Sorry to hear that Bren - I'm sure things will improve - just hang on in there :heart:

Ageing Bat 05 May 2005 09:07

Bren, you have to have the bad times, to be able to really appreciate the good. Having swung from one end of the spectrum to the other several times in the past 18 months, I'd settle for the happy medium! C'est la vie!

Tim 05 May 2005 09:34

Poor Bren.... Big Hug!!! Hope things will improve today. Know what it is if you have a bad time!! But we are here for you!

Bren 05 May 2005 10:01

Thanks Tim, ...ageing bat, FA, and Pixie....... :D

Tim 05 May 2005 11:34

That is why you have friends Bren.

Bren 05 May 2005 12:49

thanks Tim.. :D a better frame of mind today....will see how the day goes....

Ageing Bat 05 May 2005 12:55

Got the mint Aero Bubbles. Absolutely yummie :lurk: :lurk:

Tim 05 May 2005 13:05


Originally Posted by Bren
thanks Tim.. :D a better frame of mind today....will see how the day goes....

Really hope that bren. Well, me not. Got into a telephone fight with a friend, who thinks i will come over to help her. Well, sorry, not today. I'm free, and in desperate need of some rest.

Chris 05 May 2005 13:49


Originally Posted by Ageing Bat
Got the mint Aero Bubbles. Absolutely yummie :lurk: :lurk:

Wait until you try the new Aero Irish Cream and Sticky Toffee bars :drool:

Pixie 05 May 2005 14:34

Hope so Bren :D

Stoppit Chris and AB - you're making me soooo hungry I may just ditch my diet...:shock:

Bren 05 May 2005 15:19


Originally Posted by Tim
Really hope that bren. Well, me not. Got into a telephone fight with a friend, who thinks i will come over to help her. Well, sorry, not today. I'm free, and in desperate need of some rest.

can understand you needing some have been working hard and long hours......need a break/rest....time to yourself

Tim 05 May 2005 16:02

Indeed... not only that. Last 2 years worked constantly, with only a day off once in a while... no vacation orso...

Bren 05 May 2005 16:08

..definately in need of a break, and some time to yourself then....

Ageing Bat 05 May 2005 17:16

Ate too many aero bubbles. Feel sick now...... :sick:

Keab42 05 May 2005 21:20


Originally Posted by Ageing Bat
Ate too many aero bubbles. Feel sick now...... :sick:

i think its the chocolate around the bubbles that did it.

Cathie 05 May 2005 21:25

I'm warning you's not safe to say "chocolate" around a chocoholic...if this continues I cannot be held responcible for my actions... :shock: :twisted:

Chris 05 May 2005 21:28


Originally Posted by Cathie
I'm warning you's not safe to say "chocolate" around a chocoholic...if this continues I cannot be held responcible for my actions... :shock: :twisted:

It's OK people, everyone stand back!!

*Erects barriers around chocoholic*

*Dons protective clothing and proffers Malteasers*:shock::lol:

Keab42 05 May 2005 21:29


Originally Posted by Cathie
I'm warning you's not safe to say "chocolate" around a chocoholic...if this continues I cannot be held responcible for my actions... :shock: :twisted:

Free chocolate over there ----->

Cathie 05 May 2005 21:59

<runs over there ---->...narrowly avoiding wall> :tard:

where is it? huh huh huh???? :shock:

Keab42 05 May 2005 22:05

bit further that way --->

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