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AndyK 06 Mar 2007 14:10


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 324100)
At least you always know where you stand here lol

:lol: yeah right :twisted:

Hypnobabe 06 Mar 2007 15:42

My sister's asked me to e-mail her some pictures, 'cos her cd drive is playing up and she can't run the cd they're on - so far I've got 19 e-mails worth to send :shock:

Betty 06 Mar 2007 16:48

Finished work one hour earlier, and for what?!
Exactly, for working at home! :bicker:

Betty 06 Mar 2007 17:04

Why the hell is everyone pregnant!?
Is that infectious?? :shock:

Anyway, I´m becoming aunt Betty, aunt Betty oh and I´m also becoming aunt Betty.... :cheer: :weee: :cheers:

Monstro 06 Mar 2007 17:10

I may look it but I'm NOT pregnant

mszee 06 Mar 2007 17:12


Originally Posted by Betty (Post 324143)
Why the hell is everyone pregnant!?
Is that infectious?? :shock:

Anyway, I´m becoming aunt Betty, aunt Betty oh and I´m also becoming aunt Betty.... :cheer: :weee: :cheers:


RadioMaster 06 Mar 2007 17:22


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 324148)
I may look it but I'm NOT pregnant

ditto :))

Ageing Bat 06 Mar 2007 17:25


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 324148)
I may look it but I'm NOT pregnant

Wish I was though - I'd be worth millions!

Betty 06 Mar 2007 17:46


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 324149)

Thank you!!! :D
I´m soooo happy!! My first becoming aunt Betty day is due at the 12th March ...
The following two becoming aunt Betty times are approx in August and September... dumdidum...:lol:

Monstro 06 Mar 2007 17:48


Originally Posted by Ageing Bat (Post 324154)
Wish I was though - I'd be worth millions!

As much as I would??? lol

Hypnobabe 06 Mar 2007 17:56

I'm not pregnant either.

just thought you should all know

AndyK 06 Mar 2007 18:00

'Nor me ...

samurai7 06 Mar 2007 18:02

I am.

AndyK 06 Mar 2007 18:06


Originally Posted by Son Of Meat Loaf (Post 324162)
I am.

Can I be your agent?

firefly 06 Mar 2007 18:06


Originally Posted by Son Of Meat Loaf (Post 324162)
I am.


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

LucyK! 06 Mar 2007 18:17

I most certainly am not :shock:

mszee 06 Mar 2007 18:23

Not here either and thank feck for that...

AndyK 06 Mar 2007 18:25


Originally Posted by Lucy! (Post 324171)
I most certainly am not :shock:

:whistle: not for the want of practise, and before anyone else offers, the position is taken ;-)

mszee 06 Mar 2007 18:26


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 324173)
:whistle: not for the want of practise, and before anyone else offers, the position is taken ;-)

*Laughs and laughs*...

samurai7 06 Mar 2007 20:01


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 324173)
:whistle: not for the want of practise, and before anyone else offers, the position is taken ;-)

I was going to say 'Rub it in, why don't you?' but it looks like you already have been! ;) :p

Monstro 06 Mar 2007 21:57

Nearly forgot CSI is on

JanT 06 Mar 2007 22:07

Ooohhh my daughter loves that.

Forgot what I was thinking now.

LucyK! 06 Mar 2007 22:27


Blackkat13 06 Mar 2007 22:28

yeah good show but I don't watch new york though

JanT 06 Mar 2007 22:29

:shock: Forgot again, (must be my age)

Blackkat13 06 Mar 2007 22:43

Now how old are you? :lol:

AndyK 06 Mar 2007 22:50

Yes! No early start tomorrow ... thanks BA :))

JanT 06 Mar 2007 22:58


Originally Posted by Blackkat13 (Post 324322)
Now how old are you? :lol:

43 but Sealion dentures runs in our family.

Lord Kagan 06 Mar 2007 23:05


RadioMaster 06 Mar 2007 23:09

that Led Zeppelin remastered best of kicks ass!

Betty 06 Mar 2007 23:30

Ok, now I´m REALLY fed up!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil: :bicker: :angry:

Blackkat13 06 Mar 2007 23:37


Monstro 06 Mar 2007 23:58


Originally Posted by Betty (Post 324346)
Ok, now I´m REALLY fed up!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil: :bicker: :angry:

Happier now?

mszee 07 Mar 2007 00:00

Amanda, can you please change your avatar? It freaks me out...

Betty 07 Mar 2007 00:02


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 324356)
Happier now?

Oh yes!! :oops:
Thank you love ((big hug))

Monstro 07 Mar 2007 00:02

Who's Amanda?

mszee 07 Mar 2007 00:04


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 324360)
Who's Amanda?

Look at avatars above and take one educated guess...exclude me while you're at it...

Blackkat13 07 Mar 2007 00:04

Me...fine I was missing around with the custom avator trying to figure it out How's this???

Monstro 07 Mar 2007 00:05

Soz, the avatar still don't make you look female lol

mszee 07 Mar 2007 00:07

That avatar makes me feel like this...:yikes: :panic:

Sorry, Amanda...

mszee 07 Mar 2007 00:08

Marginally better...whew...

Monstro 07 Mar 2007 00:10


Originally Posted by Betty (Post 324359)
Oh yes!! :oops:
Thank you love ((big hug))

Every now and again I strike lucky and do something right lol

Blackkat13 07 Mar 2007 00:10

Ok...still trying to find a good pic

Betty 07 Mar 2007 00:15


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 324371)
Every now and again I strike lucky and do something right lol

You did indeed!

mszee 07 Mar 2007 00:19


Originally Posted by Blackkat13 (Post 324372)
Ok...still trying to find a good pic

Why do they all involve semi-nude dudes???

Monstro 07 Mar 2007 00:19


Originally Posted by Betty (Post 324382)
You did indeed!

<<<<Smug grin :D :D :D :D :D

firefly 07 Mar 2007 01:00


Originally Posted by knooby (Post 324411)
i want to be an angel or the devil himself...

:shock: Do you?.....

What happened to not posting again? :-P

firefly 07 Mar 2007 01:02


Originally Posted by knooby (Post 324415)
is still retired

So it seem's:lol:

mszee 07 Mar 2007 01:03


Originally Posted by knooby (Post 324415)
is still retired

Good job...:cool:

firefly 07 Mar 2007 01:04


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 324418)
Good job...:cool:


Monstro 07 Mar 2007 01:04


Monstro 07 Mar 2007 01:05


Originally Posted by knooby (Post 324424)
needs to maintain the magical 1666 posts

you didn't lol

Monstro 07 Mar 2007 01:07


Originally Posted by knooby (Post 324428)
you reckon?

says 1667 from what I'm looking at

mszee 07 Mar 2007 01:08


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 324423)


mszee 07 Mar 2007 01:09


Originally Posted by knooby (Post 324433)
then i fcuked up if thats the case

No, no, meant 16666 not 1666

Don't leave!!! :panic:

Monstro 07 Mar 2007 01:20

for god's sake I've met the man....LET HIM LEAVE!!!!!!!!

mszee 07 Mar 2007 01:25


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 324442)
for god's sake I've met the man....LET HIM LEAVE!!!!!!!!

I think you've met more than one...and you don't let THEM live...hahahahahaha...

mszee 07 Mar 2007 01:46

And soon there will be going to watch AI

Monstro 07 Mar 2007 01:54


Originally Posted by knooby (Post 324456)
6 members to embarrassed to be seen in here.. pretty sad i think

I'm one of them lol

tinkerbell 07 Mar 2007 01:59

the others :shock:

Monstro 07 Mar 2007 02:02

I seem to be in somewhat of a good mood, kinda not used to this feeling

samurai7 07 Mar 2007 02:40

I love pastry. It is surely the food of the Gods.

Monstro 07 Mar 2007 02:41


Originally Posted by knooby (Post 324487)
bat 3 really is a sack of souless passionless songs pieced together randomly, no meaning, no story, no emotion, no passion, no drama, no humour. just commercial current rock.. dated, boring, forgettable, and such a disappointment.. the sad thing is they really tried with this one, and as a meat loaf album.. which is what it is, it succeeds.


Monstro 07 Mar 2007 02:41


Originally Posted by Son Of Meat Loaf (Post 324489)
I love pastry. It is surely the food of the Gods.

Especially wrapped around steak and kidney

samurai7 07 Mar 2007 02:42


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 324491)
Especially wrapped around steak and kidney

Steak yes, kidney NO!!! :shock:

Monstro 07 Mar 2007 02:44

Hungry now

samurai7 07 Mar 2007 03:00

You should eat something then. That's what most people do when they're hungry. If they can, that is.

Monstro 07 Mar 2007 03:14

Bedtime, night all!!!!!!

JanT 07 Mar 2007 03:32

Roll on tomorrow.

firefly 07 Mar 2007 08:41

Happy Wednesday!

Lord Kagan 07 Mar 2007 08:50

Need sleep

firefly 07 Mar 2007 09:09

Day start's off GGGRRREEEAAATTT..........then one little thing is all it take's:panic:

Monstro 07 Mar 2007 09:10

What a lovely day, MORNIN' ALL!!!!!!!!!

firefly 07 Mar 2007 09:15

Lovely... Morning Michael

RadioMaster 07 Mar 2007 09:47

One good thing about being sick: I dont have to go to school...:))

firefly 07 Mar 2007 09:52

:shock: How can somebody have a shoe size 18?

I would'nt like to go shoe shopping for them!

LucyK! 07 Mar 2007 10:19

I *knew* A guy with size 19 feet :shock:

firefly 07 Mar 2007 10:23


Originally Posted by Lucy! (Post 324556)
I *knew* A guy with size 19 feet :shock:


LucyK! 07 Mar 2007 10:25

I know, I know....and the whole "proportion" thing just isn't true! :lol:

LucyK! 07 Mar 2007 10:28

To get back to Posting My Thoughts.....

:cheer: :yay: :cheer: !

RadioMaster 07 Mar 2007 10:57

in all honesty, my feet are 41-42

AndyK 07 Mar 2007 11:59

There isn't a big grin smilie big enough!

firefly 07 Mar 2007 12:09


Originally Posted by RadioMaster (Post 324563)
in all honesty, my feet are 41-42

:lmao: NOW thar's what I call BIG

Betty 07 Mar 2007 12:57

Lovely day!!!
Just, why exactly did I learn for an exam that wasn´t written today?
Anyway, thanks to the teacher for being ill.

Naaah, I don´t want to go to work now :nope:

Monstro 07 Mar 2007 13:36

<<<<still laughing

LucyK! 07 Mar 2007 13:39

Why are aircraft circling above my house? :shock:

Monstro 07 Mar 2007 13:41


Originally Posted by Lucy! (Post 324587)
Why are aircraft circling above my house? :shock:

You left your landing light on?

firefly 07 Mar 2007 13:42


LucyK! 07 Mar 2007 13:44

:lol: no!

Been upstairs, came down for lunch about 15, maybe 20 minutes ago, and there are helicopters going round and round above the house...thought Mr Blair might be around but they don't look like police helicopters...very odd, and bloody noisy!

firefly 07 Mar 2007 13:49

I should really go and iron... but i don't want too

AndyK 07 Mar 2007 13:54


Originally Posted by Lucy! (Post 324590)
:lol: no!

Been upstairs, came down for lunch about 15, maybe 20 minutes ago, and there are helicopters going round and round above the house...thought Mr Blair might be around but they don't look like police helicopters...very odd, and bloody noisy!

Get packed ... your lift's arrived!

LucyK! 07 Mar 2007 13:56


RadioMaster 07 Mar 2007 13:57


Originally Posted by Lucy! (Post 324590)
:lol: no!

Been upstairs, came down for lunch about 15, maybe 20 minutes ago, and there are helicopters going round and round above the house...thought Mr Blair might be around but they don't look like police helicopters...very odd, and bloody noisy!

maybe they discovered the 23 hitchhiker bodies lying in your basement?

mszee 07 Mar 2007 14:02


Originally Posted by Lucy! (Post 324590)
:lol: no!

Been upstairs, came down for lunch about 15, maybe 20 minutes ago, and there are helicopters going round and round above the house...thought Mr Blair might be around but they don't look like police helicopters...very odd, and bloody noisy!

Ummm...did you check today's tabloids???

Extra, Extra!!!

Famous artist Lucy X is having lunch!!!

LucyK! 07 Mar 2007 14:05

Ohh how I wish that were true...if Lucy were a famous artist she would not be teaching 5 year olds tomorrow night!!! :lol:

mszee 07 Mar 2007 14:11


Originally Posted by Lucy! (Post 324598)
Ohh how I wish that were true...if Lucy were a famous artist she would not be teaching 5 year olds tomorrow night!!! :lol:

The night is never know...;)

firefly 07 Mar 2007 14:30

why is life so complicated ?:roll:

mszee 07 Mar 2007 14:31


Originally Posted by firefly (Post 324611)
why is life so complicated ?:roll:

That's because we often make it more complicated ourselves than it needs to be...human nature is a VERY funny thing...

firefly 07 Mar 2007 14:41


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 324612)
That's because we often make it more complicated ourselves than it needs to be...human nature is a VERY funny thing...

Do we?....thinking should she laugh ;)

mszee 07 Mar 2007 14:59


Originally Posted by firefly (Post 324615)
Do we?....thinking should she laugh ;)

Not always...but often...hey, if it makes you laugh...all the better!:lol:

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