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Wannabe Genius 13 Dec 2004 15:39

Post your thoughts
Just put whats on your mind :lurk:

Rob The Badger 13 Dec 2004 15:42

I'm afloat on a sea of existential thought. It's petrifying.

Tim 13 Dec 2004 16:47

Need to eat... and it just sucks.

airhead 13 Dec 2004 16:56

my leg is out of its cast. It looks like i really need to shave my leg too. It looks like Hairy Mcgoo's.

crystal shards 13 Dec 2004 18:24

should clean my dishes ... wargh ... damned cat ...

Lizziebaby 13 Dec 2004 19:23

i'm lost

Heli 13 Dec 2004 19:25

My new piercing is starting to sting a little :(

Tim 13 Dec 2004 19:55

God i'm sick... horrible... but i want to play that lovely old computer game that i found.

Rob The Badger 13 Dec 2004 20:12


Originally Posted by Lizziebaby
i'm lost

Hold me.

Heli 13 Dec 2004 22:42

I wish i hadn't have rubbed my make up has made it go all sore :oops:

Bren 13 Dec 2004 23:24

i'm happy .....and very proud of my son and daughter

Lizziebaby 13 Dec 2004 23:29


Originally Posted by Rob The Badger

Originally Posted by Lizziebaby
i'm lost

Hold me.

I'm trying

Biter 14 Dec 2004 01:30

Im happy yet miserable. I have a very sexy older boyfriend who took me on a very romantic "date" today...and i have the beginnings of a migraine.

Life sucks sometimes

DIZZY DRUMMER 14 Dec 2004 06:48

If still ruddy deaf from seeing Blink 182 last night :twisted:

DIZZY DRUMMER 14 Dec 2004 07:16

Must go get ready for work - get daughter out of bed & make the snap for lunch

Skeleton 14 Dec 2004 09:51

I have only two hours at school and when Iīm back home I have to clean my apartment... Itīs so dirty... I hate cleaning...

Ageing Bat 14 Dec 2004 10:01

Work, work, work......and more work. Roll on Christmas! 10 days of doing absolutely nothing, well apart from feeding the 5000 who seem to find their way to my door!

Pixie 14 Dec 2004 12:16

Just finished wrapping less than a third of my kids' Xmas presents which took me 3 HOURS!! Taking the shine off the festive season a little but now doing some mental exercies (probably similar to Rob the B :D ) to calm self down...ooommmmm etc etc

Bren 14 Dec 2004 13:22

...i like this song........must go do the housework... :( .....

......and i hope Tim's feeling better today........'s very quiet here

DIZZY DRUMMER 14 Dec 2004 13:27

What do I need to get from town tonight? Have to do some shopping today as tomorro I'm off for a night out with an old "Friend" & works night out on Saturday

OH ya must get Jeff an Xmas card as it's my last drum lesson for 3 weeks on saturday too

getting a sore throat - hope I'm not coming down with owt :silence:

airhead 14 Dec 2004 22:11

mums moaning, my belly hurts, my minds blank and I haven't done any christmas shopping yet.

KebLou 14 Dec 2004 22:15

I feel really empty.

Rob The Badger 14 Dec 2004 22:57

I need to get out of this house...I just need to get away and be with the people I love.
But I can't.

DIZZY DRUMMER 14 Dec 2004 23:09

Have to make sure that my black shirt is dry for tomorro night

Have a meeting with an old friend

Biter 15 Dec 2004 00:56

I am in love... :lock:

I like that emoticon...

Im gonna go to a chatroom now and scare my favourite moderator who is called Jamie

RockingBat 15 Dec 2004 07:13

I have to learn Microsoft Exchange Server As Soon As Possible.

Skeleton 15 Dec 2004 08:43

I hate my teacher... :evil: Sheīs so stupid... She speaks too loud and donīt explain how to use our computer program... I study business and we use special program for companieīs bookaccount... :evil:

Ageing Bat 15 Dec 2004 09:06

I'm feeling old ........... my daughter's 18 today!

Have that many years really passed? Seems like it was only yesterday.

airhead 15 Dec 2004 11:32

The teachers saying something but the words are going in one ear and out the other. I have to finish my coursework. Mum and me are going to have an argument.

I want to get outof school, and get out of my house and go and play with kids my age and act stupid.

Can I play with you, Rob?

Bren 15 Dec 2004 11:39

thinking....i wish something nice would happen......(feeling very down and miserable today)

.....then i recieved a lovely card from an old friend...and the day seems now much brighter.... and the world a better place

Pixie 15 Dec 2004 12:14


Originally Posted by keb
I feel really empty.

*Hugs* - no one should feel alone at Christmas xx

Pixie 15 Dec 2004 13:16


Originally Posted by Rob The Badger
I need to get out of this house...I just need to get away and be with the people I love.
But I can't.

Why can't you Rob? Just leave everything and GO! :D NOW!! :P

crystal shards 15 Dec 2004 13:51

mag nimmer ... whereīs my bed? ...

gonna ... kill ... that ... cat ... if she doesnīt stop

DIZZY DRUMMER 15 Dec 2004 14:08

i wish people would leave me alone - it's my lunch break.

I don't feel too well at the moment - abit low (but know why)

Just leave me alone :pray:

Pixie 15 Dec 2004 14:14

Why DO people stay with their unfaithfuly spouses? (Beckham, Nancy, Quinn etc...)

dottie 15 Dec 2004 16:48

I feel low, everyone wants a bite of me, feel like I'm surrounded by leeches, and its ironic in a way that they are all very close to me, but I still feel very alone, until I come on here, then I'm happy for a while.

Whats happened to me? Where is me? How do I make time for me?

Need my life back :( maybe a solitary one at that! Who knows.

How do I stop crying when the very person who can help me stop, is the one that started me in the first place?

Thats my truthful thought for the day, I hope tomorrow things seem a little brighter.......

dottie 15 Dec 2004 16:57


Originally Posted by dottie
I feel low, everyone wants a bite of me, feel like I'm surrounded by leeches, and its ironic in a way that they are all very close to me, but I still feel very alone, until I come on here, then I'm happy for a while.

Whats happened to me? Where is me? How do I make time for me?

Need my life back :( maybe a solitary one at that! Who knows.

How do I stop crying when the very person who can help me stop, is the one that started me in the first place?

Thats my truthful thought for the day, I hope tomorrow things seem a little brighter.......

Life is a crock of .... at the moment....

mariella 15 Dec 2004 17:02

* crawls through screen to give Dottie a Big hug *


Keab42 15 Dec 2004 17:13

computer science brainwashing successful... must install linux... down with microsoft... open-source forever...

Bren 15 Dec 2004 17:22

...the sunset a little while ago was really beautiful......

......friends make the day brighter.....they certainly have mine...

....Hug for Dottie.........

Skeleton 15 Dec 2004 18:12

Life is a Lemon (and I want my money back)... :(

crystal shards 15 Dec 2004 19:46


Originally Posted by Keab42
computer science brainwashing successful... must install linux... down with microsoft... open-source forever...

can only agree with that ...

KebLou 15 Dec 2004 19:50


Originally Posted by Pixie
Why DO people stay with their unfaithfuly spouses? (Beckham, Nancy, Quinn etc...)

Because if you love someone enough you will forgive them no matter what mistakes they make.

dottie 15 Dec 2004 20:03

Because if you love someone enough you will forgive them no matter what mistakes they make.[/quote]

Food for thought!

Testify 15 Dec 2004 23:11

i used to be happy... but iunno whats happened, feel low n i dont no how to change that... imonly happy when im around a certain person but as soon as im away from them i feel so down...

Lizziebaby 15 Dec 2004 23:46

I had an interview for a uni course today..think I failed....
I have my motorbike test tomorrow....think I'll fail...

Can't sleep...

Pixie 16 Dec 2004 10:26


Originally Posted by dottie
I feel low, everyone wants a bite of me, feel like I'm surrounded by leeches, and its ironic in a way that they are all very close to me, but I still feel very alone, until I come on here, then I'm happy for a while.

Whats happened to me? Where is me? How do I make time for me?

Need my life back :( maybe a solitary one at that! Who knows.

How do I stop crying when the very person who can help me stop, is the one that started me in the first place?

Thats my truthful thought for the day, I hope tomorrow things seem a little brighter.......

BIG hug Dottie!

I suppose the answer is to gather some strength, then tell them how much you love and need them. Their response says all...

Pixie 16 Dec 2004 10:27


Originally Posted by Lizziebaby
I had an interview for a uni course today..think I failed....
I have my motorbike test tomorrow....think I'll fail...

Can't sleep...

Bet you didn't fail your interview Lizzie! Good luck with the motorbike test - your instructor wouldn't let you take it unless they knew you were ready...

Heli 16 Dec 2004 10:45

I think we all need a pick-us-up. I think everyones feelings a little low at the moment! :(

Why not our own little christmas party in chat?! Anyone got any idea's on a time and date?

DIZZY DRUMMER 16 Dec 2004 22:07

Bloody hell - our fridge freezer has just died :bicker: - more expense just before Xmas - good job we have a chest freezer outside in the garage

Tim 17 Dec 2004 19:22

Just another lonely weekend... What can i do?? just borred.

I hate this freaking period of Chrismas and new year.... pleas let me skip it!!!

DIZZY DRUMMER 17 Dec 2004 19:32

should I go practice my drums - haven't done much of it this week - & have another lesson tomorro - or should I just have a shower get warmed up & cuddle up on the sofa with a hot toddy :roll:

Heli 17 Dec 2004 19:50 can i lose a few pounds over the weekend?? i'm 11 stone for god sake, and i'm 15! How did i let myself get like this! :oops:

Bren 18 Dec 2004 00:28

...tired ...been a very long one here now......... :(

the lonely bat will fly away....

Bren 18 Dec 2004 11:08

the sun is shinning....makes a change!..heavy rain all week....

..don't have to work today now :D have to work tomorrow though :(

......must go, things to do....back later maybe

DIZZY DRUMMER 18 Dec 2004 11:46

I am never going to get everything done - haven't even got our decorations up yet

Still have prezzies to buy - I hate going into town :twisted:

crystal shards 18 Dec 2004 14:47

donīt wanna go in town ... too freezing cold there *shuddering* ... bored ... wanna return to bed

DIZZY DRUMMER 19 Dec 2004 13:01



Rob The Badger 19 Dec 2004 13:55

You can't be bored if you have something to do...

DIZZY DRUMMER 19 Dec 2004 14:46


Rob The Badger 19 Dec 2004 16:09

My life on it.

Tim 19 Dec 2004 18:19

God... i feel like crap.

dottie 20 Dec 2004 02:14

Is that a smile beginning - yes by jove it is :)

DIZZY DRUMMER 20 Dec 2004 09:14


Pixie 20 Dec 2004 09:37

How am I going to get my work finished, sneak to the shops and get my hubby his last pressie all before he and the kids leave the house at 10.00 a.m.?

Skeleton 20 Dec 2004 11:34

My shoulders and back is broken... :(

I had to carry my bike (weight 40 pounds) for 3 miles... I think that somebody really stupid person broke a glass bottle o the ground and I didnīt noticed it īcouse here was no snow on the ground... and it was poring rain when I was coming home...

And my knee ligament streched so I have to keep bandage for couple days... I hate stupid people hwo throwing bottles on the ground...

But now we have snow on the ground so Iīm happy now even I have so much agony but thanks heaven one day more at school and we have three weeks leave... :D

Gez 20 Dec 2004 12:55


Thanks for listening :D

DIZZY DRUMMER 20 Dec 2004 13:44

Thank goodness that clinic has finished - 57 patients 8O

Roll on 5pm

Gez 20 Dec 2004 21:10

..did I flush the toilet?????????????

DIZZY DRUMMER 20 Dec 2004 22:05

can i get to deliver xmas cards to my mates in the hospital tomorro while working :roll:

DIZZY DRUMMER 21 Dec 2004 13:02

If a certain person at work speaks to me like that again - they are going to get PANNED :bicker: :bicker: :bicker:

DIZZY DRUMMER 21 Dec 2004 13:51

:angry: :bicker: :tard: :twisted: :wtf:

Ageing Bat 21 Dec 2004 16:28

Aaaargh! My mother's coming to stay tonight and the house looks like a bomb had dropped!

dottie 21 Dec 2004 18:04

There is light at the end of the tunnel............

KebLou 21 Dec 2004 19:01


Originally Posted by Ageing Bat
Aaaargh! My mother's coming to stay tonight and the house looks like a bomb had dropped!

When my nan comes back, I'll be in the good books, I've done all the washing today even hers. She won't moan that I didn't iron because she won't know the difference :P

Has anyone noticed that a house is easier to look after when there's only one person in it?

Gez 21 Dec 2004 19:27

Phhhhhhhhaaaaaarrrrrrrrrttttttttttttttt.........thats better :yikes:

DIZZY DRUMMER 21 Dec 2004 22:25

getting tired now

Gez 22 Dec 2004 10:31

Have I enough hours in the day to get things**dy rotten weather too :yikes:

DIZZY DRUMMER 22 Dec 2004 13:42

I'm tired - fed up & have to do an extra clinic today as some ~~~~~~ is off work :twisted:

airhead 22 Dec 2004 14:53

I'm pissed off.

feel like i'm battling my emotions permanently.

Why can't i be happy?

School really thinks ive gone round the bend. They are putting me in a anger management thing.

I need a hug. :cry:

Tim 22 Dec 2004 20:02

Need a holiday... but don't have any :(

Southpark is cool!

Bren 23 Dec 2004 00:10

Hug for airhead....

Hug for Tim....

i'm exhausted, been a very long day!

Heli 23 Dec 2004 00:43

Hugs for Bren

DIZZY DRUMMER 23 Dec 2004 07:19

shattered before I start today :zzz:

crystal shards 23 Dec 2004 16:42

absolutely no idea ...

Ageing Bat 23 Dec 2004 16:43

Aaaah, just over an hour to go, and that's me finished work for the year!

I'm soooo looking forward to a lie in tomorrow morning, but I bet some awkward so-and-so will wake me up. Probably the dogs.

dottie 23 Dec 2004 17:02

Peace reigneth - just :roll:

KebLou 23 Dec 2004 17:55

I'm going to a friends house, and I have to grab some food before going.

Tim 23 Dec 2004 18:48

Wish for snow.

Bren 23 Dec 2004 21:39

it is snowing here on the forum Tim :lol:

...happy....listening to nice music :D ......blues traveler at moment....week off work........

...just got to survive christmas now ..haha

DIZZY DRUMMER 23 Dec 2004 21:42

I'm shattered :zzz:

airhead 24 Dec 2004 00:13


Biter 24 Dec 2004 01:48

Im tired yet I cant sleep.

I just snapped at airhead for no reason other than me being pissed off and grumpy - sorry hon you didnt deserve that.

Tomorrow I have to find a way to live through hell on earth aka Tesco's Pharmacy on christmas eve 8O

My nose hurts cos I just walked into a door. Im a dopey cow sometimes.

Told mum about the new boyfriend..which went down rather did the bottles of champagne on the table...

Boyfriend is coming down to my work tomorrow to see me before he goes away :cry:

If I dont get to post again... Merry christmas :P

DIZZY DRUMMER 24 Dec 2004 07:06

Roll on 1pm when I finish work til Wednesday - Can't wait :bunny:

Although I do then have to do battle with all of the people in Asda who think the shops are going to be closed for weeks :yikes:

airhead 24 Dec 2004 16:49


Originally Posted by Biter
Im tired yet I cant sleep.

I just snapped at airhead for no reason other than me being pissed off and grumpy - sorry hon you didnt deserve that.

Tomorrow I have to find a way to live through hell on earth aka Tesco's Pharmacy on christmas eve 8O

My nose hurts cos I just walked into a door. Im a dopey cow sometimes.

Told mum about the new boyfriend..which went down rather did the bottles of champagne on the table...

Boyfriend is coming down to my work tomorrow to see me before he goes away :cry:

If I dont get to post again... Merry christmas :P

don't worry hun, thats okay! *hugs*

going out for a pub disco and i fee stressed out. I can't tell my mum my problem because she just says am i trying to give her a nervous breakdown and i can't tell my friends because i don't want to burdern them. help me...

Tim 24 Dec 2004 19:30

Flucking Christmas, just flucked up. Drunk allready... god i hate this time of year. Alone, screwed up and just wondering what sh"t the next year will bring....

Screw everybody!

DIZZY DRUMMER 24 Dec 2004 21:18

Just relaxing with a beer - where is everyone :hic:

Tim - Join me - You have a friend in me :D

Tim 24 Dec 2004 21:41


Originally Posted by FALLEN ANGEL1000
Just relaxing with a beer - where is everyone :hic:

Tim - Join me - You have a friend in me :D

Thanks Fallen Angel. Surently will join you!!!

DIZZY DRUMMER 24 Dec 2004 21:53

** FA has a drink with Tim ** & tells him he is never alone on this site

Tim 24 Dec 2004 21:59


Originally Posted by FALLEN ANGEL1000
** FA has a drink with Tim ** & tells him he is never alone on this site

Thanks man. Very nice of you to say that, but you are right. But it is just that feeling he....

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