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First Guilty Pleasure DVD review Published
Wow is right! :-/ Odd. And I can't quite make up my mind on how I feel about what I read either. Then again it IS almost 3:45 AM so that could be the reason for it. LOL
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It's a fairly good review.
The reviewer says that Meat struggles to hit some of the high notes I was just wondering, has he seen the clip of Bat Out Of Hell? You're telling me he didn't hit the high notes at the end?
You won't like it !! (the DVD) You will make it the frog in Biology class.
But I know I'm truly looking forward to it, and thank you for all the hard work and dedication you've put into it ! |
I'll love the dvd for sure!!! |
Caryl |
Doesn't mean the entire product is bad, will have to wait and see on that, but it is just honest opinions and there isn't anything wrong with that. |
"put it under a microscope" .... I'll simply enjoy the concert as a whole, and only comment on the DVD when I've seen the final released version. To be perfectly honest with you, my only wish is that The Giving Tree and Mad Mad World had been included ... hopefully they will both be released on video somewhere down the road because they have both been truly amazing live on this tour. |
I will recluse myself from further discussion on the matter for the simple fact that nothing that I have seen so far has made me want to buy the thing, so I simply won't be spending my hard earned money on this. |
I found the tour to be enjoyable overall but lacks something I can't put my finger on it though.
Caryl |
Never, ever, EVER stop rocking, else you'll have me to deal with lol. Take care Meat! |
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Not to worry, I will be out of your hair by Sept. 2013. It will be like I was never here. Just gone like a puff of smoke.
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I too hope it's a reaction to the post you quoted. Your vocals have been marvellous the past couple of tours. And at every show you do during the next year there will be thousands who leave delighted, with another evening of something very special to hold dear. You sing .. and thousands of hearts beat faster, thousands of faces are wreathed in happy smiles, thousands of voices join you .. many woefully out of key but filled with joy as they rock along with you :-) Caryl |
That wasn't a particularly nice way to break it to all the LOYAL AND DEDICATED fans on this forum, if that is what was being implied. Yet again, ONE negative post gets all the attention! What about all of us who have been supporting Meat for decades? Do we even exist???
:wtf: When I logged in today and saw "68 new posts" I thought something interesting had happened. But no, it's the same quarrelling and the same silly games as usual. :angry: What has become of this place??? I'm abandoning all hope. Nothing will change, it will only get worse, I guess.
On the bottom of the article it says : FANS WILL LOVE THIS !!!!! And I...have faith in that !!! So Meat : I believe it was worth the long wait for us !! ;D
yep !! same old stuff. I can get insulted all over the internet , but I just come here when I need a good insult. So it will really hurt my feelings . You have to go to a place where it says Fan Club for it to hurt like it should. I always know some one will have a good one here. Let me say this to all who say positive things I really thank you, you don't go unnoticed . Hope I can always live up to
your expectations , I will give you everything I have to give. Again, Thank you very much. M Quote:
Vicki |
Meat your simply the best and don't let those naysayers get you down. Love ya man. Oh and please don't retire :(
Also, thanks Meat, it means a lot, I'm always behind you. Sent from my HTC Incredible S using Forum Runner |
Thanks Wario for posting this :)
Well.....the review was mostly ok, but what s**t me about it was when Joe said about "The sound recording is spot on, and while at times he may struggle to the hit the notes". Struggle to hit the notes??? Meat sang pretty bloody well in the Hunter Valley, and concert performances aren't suppose to sound polished and note perfect. What a tosser! Then we go to this statement "Meat Loaf is not as energetic as he once was but still holds a commanding presence". Well excuse me but Meat puts on a f***ing good show regardless of what energy he puts into it ;) For the young age of 64 he's still got it in my books :) Otherwise the review wasn't too bad ;) |
As for "my only wish is that The Giving Tree and Mad Mad World had been included"......impossible to add something to an Australian tour dvd if the songs weren't released world wide. That is why we only had Stand in the Storm, which imo was the more appropriate song to have in the dvd ;) |
I've heard wonderful things about your shows this summer and what fine voice you're in and there's lots of people saying it too. :-) |
I've never been disappointed in anything you've done and I know that there are 1000's of people as psyched for the DVD as I am! Just looking at your facebook page the amount of loyal fans waiting to see your shows and heap well deserved praise on you. Sadly there are people who focus on the negatives out there and even more annoyingly people tend to be more forthcoming with dislike rather than praise. We love you Meat so please don't retire yet :(
Caryl |
Thank you for that nice message to us on my birthday !! ;) I'm on a high and happy vibe now !! ;) You're so sweet !!! I love you !!!:-P <3 I hope to meet you again... It probably won't be soon...but... next year...hopefully...When you tour the UK again, it's difficult for me to travel to the US... :( But I'd do anything to meet you again lol ;-)) I want you to know that I still think every day about the first time I met you last february in London (England). ;D Good memories ! Don't you ever ever stop rocking !!! Love you !!! XXX <3 |
You insult him in one thread and then ask him for a favour in another?!!!!!! :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm: |
Quite frankly Meat overreacted to my statement. One person expresses a dislike for 1, I'll say that again, 1 product, that being the DVD, and meats reaction is to announce retirement. And your damn right I want board tapes. The MMW IMO is much better than the GP tour, and I would like to have a professional recording of it. So in the future let us not forget our own past when scolding someone in the present, because that is just a tad hypocritical. :facepalm: Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner |
Caryl |
Meat, with your next release, do a box set of a DVD and a 6 pack of beer. No better way to stop overanylising stuff than to just have a f*cking good time :mrgreen: Quote:
Very true. Unless you're talking about me because i'm so goddam awesome :mrgreen: Quote:
Some people will do that. But it doesn't mean they should See my earlier comment regarding beer and rock n roll. We call this concept "Fun" :mrgreen: (<-----this guys getting quite the outing this post). Quote:
We are here for honest opinion posted in a respectful manner. OK "sounds far from perfect" isn't the nicest thing you could say, but i'll lay whatever odds anyone wants to throw down that it's nowhere near the worst thing he's had said to him in the last 35 years. Quote:
Again, if you listen to it for the purposes of "Fun" you'll have a great time, i'm sure. Listen to it as some sort of homework project and the fun sort of flies away. Get tanked and sing along :cheers: (I should have been in advertising :bleh: ) Quote:
Who could ask for anything more without the building of a gulag? :shrug: Before - :D :? :mrgreen: :bunny: :bicker: :metal: :twisted: 8) After - :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: |
You think that, you don't know us. But you could have at least said............ Quote:
Sorry, the devil makes me do it :oops: Quote:
That's not exactly fair Meat. That's like blaming all English people because Piers Morgan is an asshole. :wtf: See the comment above about not pleasing everyone. It's TRUE. Come on, you know this by now Meat. I can't believe this is the same guy who stood on a sidewalk in New York shouting "F*CK YOU CLIVE". If you see the odd comment that isn't positive here it's because you are not god, you are not perfect, and not everyone will be pleased by every single thing you do. But if I had your overall approval rating.......... :faint: Also consider that your fans are those most likely to know you best, and expect the best. Sometimes standards can be unrealistic. And one final thing to consider. People know your work here, so you might not be criticised anywhere else like you are here (which I personally don't believe) but you also don't have such an outporing or love, support, and affection either many other places either. You know this yourself because you wrote................. Quote:
Read this thread again and see how upset and supportive of Meat people are. Quote:
Caryl |
*"Screaming" Mayor may not have been the best choice of words for the matter. But when I listen to the clip of hot patootie that's what I feel it sounds like. And what I have said on this thread being labeled as right or wrong does not change how I feel about the product. Simply expressing what I feel about this product and this product only
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Plus also Meat didn't run off because of me. He ran off because of the stick he had taken from so many other members, it just so happened my mistake was there to be used at the time as an example why he was leaving. You know how I know this? Meat and I spoke via PM and settled it. So you are completely and utterly wrong in both regards, plus you slate Meats vocals on songs as being terrible, and then ask him for something. |
:twisted: Last post heavily edited :bleh:
Enough with the personal attacks. There is a difference between personal opinion and attacking someone. Any more will earn the poster a few points and get the thread locked. In fact, let's put a stop to this whole game of Who Shot John and get back to the subject of the DVD and the review. |
Good idea. Have there been any other reviews? |
Dya know what, I wish I hadn't put anything on here. I stated that I was excited about the new DVD and what I heard so far sounded fantastic and it has just escalated into something I didn't want to see.
Meat, I dont want you to be out of my hair this time next year. I really dont. You have made an awesome collection of albums in my car. I truly, truly hope you continue to do what you do but I want you to be happy doing it. If you're not happy doing it then you do what you feel is right of course. I am sorry to everyone, including Meat Loaf, for my original comment which has spurred on all the negativity and arguing that Meat has had to read. I would like to apologise again for my original comment. Take it easy guys and dont take it all to heart please, Meat! I still love ya! |
Take care Meat! Xx |
Check this out
Just agreeing with you, Yep Same old stuff !!!!
No I think it should be a case of beer !!!
Tell me where you heard it ?
M Quote:
I think you are correct !!
M Quote:
Well it made me chuckle anyway. :) "Cut - let's go back!" Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner |
I will probably get lambasted for saying this, but it sounds like more of a yell than a note, To the point that by the time you hit the word time, it sounds like your voice cracks On that word both times. In my opinion, the version of hot patootie that was released alongside the "if I can't have you" single was a much stronger version of the song, Featuring a much stronger vocal performance than what I am hearing from the guilty pleasure offering. I apologize if I offended you with what I said, I was simply trying to say what I thought about that particular song Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner |
I referred to the overall discussion culture on this forum, the tendency to play the blame game and to make each other feel guilty. I'm tired of it. Apparently it's not about music and exchanging ideas anymore, it seems to be more about egos. Sorry if you don't like this post but that's how I have been feeling about this forum for quite a while now. |
He is great.. I had never heard him before, sorry for my ignorance. But when he sings at the beginning, from about 2:20 to 3:30, tears came to my eyes, because I could feel the pain he was singing about.
Meat, you have exceeded my expectations every time I've seen you. And that's a lot of times. There's always a surprise, always something new that thrills me or takes my breath away or makes me cry. You always make me laugh, too :) That young guy in Bossier City was right (it's funny how this has come to mind a bunch of times since then) when he said "Once in a lifetime!!" because that's what your shows are! Each and every one is a once in a lifetime experience. Love, Kathy Quote:
http://www.expressmilwaukee.com/arti...meat-loaf.html |
Carole |
Happy Tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuesday, meatie peepPeeps ... xo
Although, of course, the guy HAS to retire sometime! Was just hoping it wasn't going to be just yet.
ooooooooooooooh I have it in my hand! :) Busy in the office though so can't give it a listen to yet! booooooooooooooo. Pic anyone?!
http://pbs.twimg.com/media/A3pclzmCMAIBQOV.jpg:large - Shipping Friday! - not ordered yet? link below :)
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