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mindnick1 28 Jul 2016 19:43

Tyce Green
I am not sure if you all know yet (or care lol) that Tyce Green has recorded 11 Jim Steinman songs for release this fall, we have re-recored three of the classics from Dead Ringer plus 8 more of Jims gems, they are all full on jim style productions and sound amazing....

ashkent7 28 Jul 2016 21:23


Originally Posted by mindnick1 (Post 615579)
I am not sure if you all know yet (or care lol) that Tyce Green has recorded 11 Jim Steinman songs for release this fall, we have re-recored three of the classics from Dead Ringer plus 8 more of Jims gems, they are all full on jim style productions and sound amazing....

Based on what I've heard - both of the samples and Tyce at the live shows - really looking forward to some re-imaginings. :lol:

Danny L 28 Jul 2016 21:40

A FULL ALBUM?!! I presumed this would be an EP

Braver Than We Are, Bat Out of Hell the musical, Tyce - amazing times!! :D:D:D:D:D

PanicLord 28 Jul 2016 21:47

Looking forward to it... love to hear imaginative new takes on classic tracks.

LucyK! 28 Jul 2016 22:39

You know how much I'm rooting for you all with this one, Nick! X

roomster 28 Jul 2016 23:53


Originally Posted by mindnick1 (Post 615579)
I am not sure if you all know yet (or care lol) that Tyce Green has recorded 11 Jim Steinman songs for release this fall, we have re-recored three of the classics from Dead Ringer plus 8 more of Jims gems, they are all full on jim style productions and sound amazing....

I have seen some videos on YouTube with Tyce Green now, and I have to say that I really look forward to this album... I'll definately buy it :D :up:

Do you have some more info? When? How to buy? Which songs?

renegadeangel 29 Jul 2016 04:53

I've heard a couple of songs and to be honest they are ok but they are no Meat Loaf. It's just a singer singing a song without the ownership.
Just my opinion

roomster 29 Jul 2016 12:33


Originally Posted by renegadeangel (Post 615591)
I've heard a couple of songs and to be honest they are ok but they are no Meat Loaf. It's just a singer singing a song without the ownership.
Just my opinion

I think he interpret and sing the songs with just as much ownership as Meat.

I really look forward to this album :D

Left In The Dark

For Crying Out Loud

YouTube Video

YouTube Video

renegadeangel 29 Jul 2016 12:43


Originally Posted by roomster (Post 615594)
I think he interpret and sing the songs with just as much ownership as Meat.

I really look forward to this album :D

Left In The Dark

For Crying Out Loud

YouTube Video

YouTube Video

I saw both videos and that is why I made the comment. My opinion is simple. Definitely a good singer but as far as making me feel the same way as Meat does when he sings those songs... not even in the same league.
I'll be first to admit that I am a diehard Meat fan but I also like hearing other artists doing Jim's songs. However I haven't anyone cover Meat's version of Jim's material and do it with the same justice that Meat does.

ThatWriterGuy 29 Jul 2016 12:49

The album will be VERY different to these 'impromptu' live performances (which, personally, I really enjoyed for what they were). However, if you're expecting a Meat Loaf copy -- look elsewhere.

loaferman61 29 Jul 2016 15:38


Originally Posted by ThatWriterGuy (Post 615596)
The album will be VERY different to these 'impromptu' live performances (which, personally, I really enjoyed for what they were). However, if you're expecting a Meat Loaf copy -- look elsewhere.

Meat Loaf can't be copied. I'm interested to hear someone else singing Jim's songs. He's a good singer, just can't really compare him to Meat. Probably kind of unfair to compare the young man to a rock legend really.

I'm just happy Jim's songs and style will still be carried forward by someone.

Meat Loaf_fan 29 Jul 2016 17:35

Voice of Tyce Green can't be compared to Meat. Why? I like Meat's depth and passion in his voice. Tyce Green has good voice but too thin (high - I guess ...).

There is no (at least today) male voice near Meat's voice.

PS. The only singer with good enough voice to carry out (solo) Jim Steinman songs is: Meat :-) ... and maybe Taylor Dayne (this is my opinion, so you have every rights to have your own ;) ).

ashkent7 29 Jul 2016 17:42

I see it like this...

Meat has "covered" a lot of Jim's songs that were recorded and released by others first(Pandora's Box aside you have Barbara Streisand, Bonnie Tyler, Boyzone, Celine Dion etc etc). He has also covered things like Let It Be and Come Together by The Beatles, Forever Young by Dylan.

With marginal exception (Bonnie and 2 out of 3/Barry Manilow and Read Em and Weep, that I can think of off hand), and discounting YouTube bedroom singers/cover bands/ many songs by Jim that Meat has recorded have been covered on a studio recording? Meat brings something to the songs that renders a lot of attempts DOA from the start. If you record them, you have to bring something completely new to the songs, and that is how I see this album delivering the songs.

I'm not sure how many of the songs are "Meat's songs" (I know a couple that have been mentioned) but one thing they won't be is just copied because as said above, even Meat's non-Jim more mainstream songs just can't be copied.

stretch37 29 Jul 2016 22:29


Originally Posted by loaferman61 (Post 615600)
Meat Loaf can't be copied. I'm interested to hear someone else singing Jim's songs. He's a good singer, just can't really compare him to Meat. Probably kind of unfair to compare the young man to a rock legend really.

I'm just happy Jim's songs and style will still be carried forward by someone.

If you're going to sing Steinman songs, yeah you definitely need to bring something to the table. The song can't just be 'sung' or it sounds hollow.

I just spent 6 months figuring out how to sing For Crying Out Loud. I was planning on doing it for my 9th anniversary. Believe it or not, the damn video I did overnight, the song took me months to learn how to sing even after knowing it for like 10 years :P

I'm a bass. So I tuned it down. My approach to the song became very simple and obvious near the end. It's all about emotion. It was all about how I feel about my wife and love, and the idea of somehow living without her. You've gotta have a play or something in your head. You have to sing it with feverish emotion that's real, not just acted. What that ended up producing was a softer version of the song. People seem to like it! It got a great response on Facebook. I'm ok with how it turned out.

Getting the right mixture of emotion and living the song along with singing style and not over singing or under singing it was very, very hard.

It really gave me a new understanding of how much Meat puts into his work.

Here's the Wav soundcloud

Video is

nikox1 29 Jul 2016 22:50

He's a decent singer, and he's bringing some Steinman music forward I guess.
Best of luck to him, but yeah I agree Meat gets Jims songs like no other.
Ps Matt keep up the good work :D

proctorloaf 29 Jul 2016 23:50

Why are we comparing Tyce to Meat? Meat is incomparable. No-one sings a song like Meat Loaf. Tyce isn't a Meat Loaf tribute act. He's interpreting Jim's songs in his own way. This isn't American Idol. It's not a competition. It's art. Meat is an artist. Tyce is also an artist. Both performers are making new art and we get to experience it! We are so lucky to have new material this year from 3 sources. We should be thankful.

nikox1 30 Jul 2016 01:06

I've listened again, he is very good

Danny L 30 Jul 2016 01:33

Type is a musical theatre guy - wonder if he or indeed others from Pat's Steinman shows are up for a role in BOOH?

It's great these songs are being revisited and hopefully introduced to a new generation

Danny L 30 Jul 2016 01:34


Originally Posted by proctorloaf (Post 615607)
Why are we comparing Tyce to Meat? Meat is incomparable. No-one sings a song like Meat Loaf. Tyce isn't a Meat Loaf tribute act. He's interpreting Jim's songs in his own way. This isn't American Idol. It's not a competition. It's art. Meat is an artist. Tyce is also an artist. Both performers are making new art and we get to experience it! We are so lucky to have new material this year from 3 sources. We should be thankful.

Braver Than We Are

Bat Out of Hell

Tyce Hero

Jim Steinman is about to make a thunderous comeback!!

anotherday 30 Jul 2016 02:15

Tyce is pretty good. He sings the songs with conviction and passion.

He's no Meat, but he isn't trying to be. There is always room in the world for more Steinman.

stretch37 30 Jul 2016 02:20


Originally Posted by anotherday (Post 615614)
Tyce is pretty good. He sings the songs with conviction and passion.

He's no Meat, but he isn't trying to be. There is always room in the world for more Steinman.

That's the main thing!

rockfenris2005 30 Jul 2016 10:00

Making a general comment here... but I was tired of hearing that no one could do a Steinman song like Meat, ten years ago. Imagine how tired I am now. YES, no one CAN do a Steinman song like Meat, that is certainly true unto itself. But no one can do a Steinman song like... Steve Barton in "Tanz". Watch this video.

This is sort of HIS "For crying out loud" in my mind. Then there's Elaine, Rory, Holly, Kyle, Karine, Ellen, Karla, Bonnie Tyler. They all bring so much to the table. I'm never going to hear Meat Loaf wail the end of "Faster than the speed of night" the way Holly does. I say this as a massive Meat Loaf fan!!!

ashkent7 30 Jul 2016 21:39


Originally Posted by rockfenris2005 (Post 615618)
Making a general comment here... but I was tired of hearing that no one could do a Steinman song like Meat, ten years ago. Imagine how tired I am now. YES, no one CAN do a Steinman song like Meat, that is certainly true unto itself. But no one can do a Steinman song like... Steve Barton in "Tanz". Watch this video.

This is sort of HIS "For crying out loud" in my mind. Then there's Elaine, Rory, Holly, Kyle, Karine, Ellen, Karla, Bonnie Tyler. They all bring so much to the table. I'm never going to hear Meat Loaf wail the end of "Faster than the speed of night" the way Holly does. I say this as a massive Meat Loaf fan!!!

I've got a couple of versions of Steve's Tanz, and his English Demos among other things, and for me he did Steinman as well as he did for the same reason as Meat. He absolutely owed the character of Krolock the same as Meat owns the characters he envisions as the actual singers of the songs.

There are certain songs that I think it would be virtually impossible to top Meat on, but there are a lot of Steinman songs out there and for various reasons there are some that are much better suited to someone other than Meat. It's a bit like Dylan's Knocking on Heaven' Door is great, but for me Guns and Roses is awesome.

renegadeangel 31 Jul 2016 00:01


Originally Posted by rockfenris2005 (Post 615618)
Making a general comment here... but I was tired of hearing that no one could do a Steinman song like Meat, ten years ago. Imagine how tired I am now. YES, no one CAN do a Steinman song like Meat, that is certainly true unto itself. But no one can do a Steinman song like... Steve Barton in "Tanz". Watch this video.

This is sort of HIS "For crying out loud" in my mind. Then there's Elaine, Rory, Holly, Kyle, Karine, Ellen, Karla, Bonnie Tyler. They all bring so much to the table. I'm never going to hear Meat Loaf wail the end of "Faster than the speed of night" the way Holly does. I say this as a massive Meat Loaf fan!!!

When someone goes out and covers songs that the original artist has already nailed then expect comparisons
Meat can never to TEOTH or FTTSON as Bonnie did a great job and definitely owns them.
Tyce should establish himself first with some new Steinman songs before delving into the back catalogue where the songs were already done to near perfection

PanicLord 31 Jul 2016 00:04

New Steinman songs?

stretch37 31 Jul 2016 00:11


Originally Posted by nikox1 (Post 615606)
He's a decent singer, and he's bringing some Steinman music forward I guess.
Best of luck to him, but yeah I agree Meat gets Jims songs like no other.
Ps Matt keep up the good work :D

Thanks bud. PS From what I've seen from Tyce Green he sounds great. He brings his own thing to the songs.

Tribute acts are fun and are supposed to be nostalgic, but artists who are true to themselves but still sing those older songs to their own convictions are wonderful, and I encourage it.

Some cover songs I've heard as a nieve younger person I've actually mistaken for the original! For example, about 10-15 years ago I heard Limp Biscuit's cover of Behind Blue Eyes, and it was the first time I ever heard the song. I LOVED IT! (yelling intended baha)

Later on I become a huge David Gilmour/Roger Waters fan and I thoroughly enjoy the originals more now, but at first I liked that aholes version better ;)

I also love Johnny Cash's cover of One by U2. He brings something else to the song.

So it just goes to show you, covers can be a great thing.

mindnick1 01 Aug 2016 21:30

Great discussion!! And thanks for all the great comments about Tyce, i will see that he sees this...

Couple things....

As many of you said, this is in no way a tribute act, and nor can you compare his vocals to Meats, he is not trying to be Meat and nor should he, Tyce is 24 years old and was singled out by Jim from the 54 Below shows, (which Jim was at) for his amazing vocal performances of some of Jims gems....The videos posted are great, but those players were all NYC session players and did that with almost no rehearsal, the album is a HUGE jim Style production, lots of piano, synths, drama, loud guitars(ME), emotion, tears, laughter etc etc....this is TYCE bringing Jim's music to a new generation of listeners..

So far you can expect to hear, Left in the Dark, Gonna Love her, Holding out for a hero plus at least 8 more to be announced soon.....follow on facebook if you like..and again thanks for all the great comments

and here is a link to an acoustic show we did for Jim...

PanicLord 01 Aug 2016 22:14


Originally Posted by mindnick1 (Post 615644)
Great discussion!! And thanks for all the great comments about Tyce, i will see that he sees this...

Couple things....

As many of you said, this is in no way a tribute act, and nor can you compare his vocals to Meats, he is not trying to be Meat and nor should he, Tyce is 24 years old and was singled out by Jim from the 54 Below shows, (which Jim was at) for his amazing vocal performances of some of Jims gems....The videos posted are great, but those players were all NYC session players and did that with almost no rehearsal, the album is a HUGE jim Style production, lots of piano, synths, drama, loud guitars(ME), emotion, tears, laughter etc etc....this is TYCE bringing Jim's music to a new generation of listeners..

So far you can expect to hear, Left in the Dark, Gonna Love her, Holding out for a hero plus at least 8 more to be announced soon.....follow on facebook if you like..and again thanks for all the great comments

Going for some awesome choices! IGLHFBOU is my favourite song so has a lot to live up to. Looking forward to hearing it all

samurai7 02 Aug 2016 21:48


Originally Posted by stretch37 (Post 615631)
For example, about 10-15 years ago I heard Limp Biscuit's cover of Behind Blue Eyes, and it was the first time I ever heard the song. I LOVED IT! (yelling intended baha)

Later on I become a huge David Gilmour/Roger Waters fan and I thoroughly enjoy the originals more now, but at first I liked that aholes version better ;)

Sorry to rain on your parade, but Behind Blue Eyes is a Who song written by Pete Townshend, not a Pink Floyd song by Gilmour & Waters. But agreed that Fred wossname is an Ahole :)

stretch37 02 Aug 2016 23:38


Originally Posted by samurai7 (Post 615692)
Sorry to rain on your parade, but Behind Blue Eyes is a Who song written by Pete Townshend, not a Pink Floyd song by Gilmour & Waters. But agreed that Fred wossname is an Ahole :)

Lol, yeah, I knew that. Unfortunately, that didn't dissuade me from writing something so inaccurate in my post.

What I should have said, had I actually been awake enough to comprehend my own thoughts, was that I had heard the cover of behind blue eyes by the Who, and I actually still like it better than the original.

Having said that, when I first heard Wish You Were Here as a cover, I liked the cover version better (It wasn't by Fred Durst btw, can't remember who but If I did some digging I could find it). After I heard Gilmour perform it, that changed things for me. I've thought of his rendition of it as really the best version for me since.

Danny L 03 Aug 2016 01:42

Total Eclipse is teased on the Tyce facebook. Sounds wicked.

Possibly my only distraction from BTWA this autumn!

Adje 03 Aug 2016 02:01

I wish the guy all the luck in the World but it's not for me.

Good to know the Steinman works are being revisited though.

madagascar 03 Aug 2016 09:40

All the luck in the world, like you said Adje, but to be honest, his singing is not rising to the expectations, I'm afraid.

ThatWriterGuy 03 Aug 2016 11:29


Originally Posted by madagascar (Post 615714)
All the luck in the world, like you said Adje, but to be honest, his singing is not rising to the expectations, I'm afraid.

Probably best to wait until you can actually HEAR it before you make a judgement. Tyce has got some surprising vocal chops under his belt. That said, it definitely won't be for everyone (especially if you're expecting ML style vocals ... because that ain't ever gonna happen, by anyone, anywhere!).

Out of curiosity: how would you all feel if LADY GAGA recorded an album of Jim songs, in her own style?

ashkent7 03 Aug 2016 12:03


Originally Posted by ThatWriterGuy (Post 615716)
Probably best to wait until you can actually HEAR it before you make a judgement. Tyce has got some surprising vocal chops under his belt. That said, it definitely won't be for everyone (especially if you're expecting ML style vocals ... because that ain't ever gonna happen, by anyone, anywhere!).

Out of curiosity: how would you all feel if LADY GAGA recorded an album of Jim songs, in her own style?

I'm always open to other artists interpreting Jim's work. There have been many over the years, some great, some good, some ok. I can't say I've heard any that I think have been terrible (in the grand scheme of music), but there have been a couple that just haven't been my preferred versions.

I think depending how she did it, Gaga has that grandiose thing of her own going on at times so I could see her bringing something gothically eccentric to certain songs...probably I would say something as her style was between the releases of Bad Romance and the Born This Way album (I thought Artpop was perhaps pushed a little too far into the bizarre at times).

In the end, I remember Billy Joel once saying in a radio interview that when he started he didn't want to be a singer, he just wanted to write for people but was told that the only way to get his music out there was to sing it himself so people could hear it. When Westlife recorded Uptown Girl, he was asked what he thought, and he said that he was always glad to hear other people's interpretations and takes on his for me, and particularly when I have written anything be it songs, novels, scripts, there are two purposes - to please yourself (your own personal directors cut as it were) and to please other people, who will interpret what you put out in the way that makes them happy. Sometimes you might like it, sometimes you might not, but what it always does is keep your work alive.

Other than the really big players, try and name more than a handful of singers from the 40s or 50s who had decent sized, well loved hits back then that are ever heard of in general discussions now. Then have someone like David Guetta (not sure on the spelling there) put out a remix album of their work and see how suddenly people can name them again.

It can be a double edged sword, but the goal of any songwriter is to have their work live on in some way, and as Jim has heard Tyce sing and had a hand in singling him out, I'm sure he will be happy which is good enough for me.

AndrewG 03 Aug 2016 12:05


Originally Posted by ThatWriterGuy (Post 615716)
Probably best to wait until you can actually HEAR it before you make a judgement. Tyce has got some surprising vocal chops under his belt. That said, it definitely won't be for everyone (especially if you're expecting ML style vocals ... because that ain't ever gonna happen, by anyone, anywhere!).

I've heard singers do these songs closer to and more in the vein of Meat than Tyce seems to be able to do, that's for sure. :|
But he's very young I believe. With maturity comes experience, style and ability to capture people so he might well grow into a singer I will appreciate more in the long run.

As others have said, good luck to him and if he entertains audiences a lot with these great songs then that's only a good thing.

Mr. Happy 03 Aug 2016 12:08

Those clips sound fantastic to me. I wasn't sure what to make of Left in the Dark or Hero, but this excerpt from Total Eclipse has got me cautiously excited. Steinman songs need a very powerful, melodic voice, and as Braver has demonstrated Meat just can't provide that anymore. It's good to know that there's still artists out there capable of giving us our Steinman fix. Total Eclipse sounds great:cool:

Has Jim actually donated some legitimately new songs to this project, or does 'new' mean something like Not Allowed to Love or Only When I Feel?

ThatWriterGuy 03 Aug 2016 14:18

For me, if GaGa were to record an album of Jim songs, I'd want to hear her JUDAS/EDGE OF GLORY style production taken one step further into the realms of SONIC GOTHIC POP HORROR!! However, I'd also want - and this is a DEAL BREAKER - at least three tracks (NOT bonus tracks) with just GaGa and a piano, and nothing else.



I've tried to omit the more obvious 'this is what a female vocalist covering Jim songs would sing' kind of thing (note: this wouldn't be the running order of the album!).


I think GaGa has the potential to produce some of the above songs phenomenally well and to great effect, especially as some of the tracks are tracks that you wouldn't necessarily assume to be a female vocalist's first choice to cover. You can only IMAGINE the videos ...

ThatWriterGuy 03 Aug 2016 14:47

Damn ... missed out MORE and THIS CORROSION!! They HAVE to be on there!!
(too many tracks!)

nikox1 04 Aug 2016 00:45


Originally Posted by Mr. Happy (Post 615719)
Those clips sound fantastic to me. I wasn't sure what to make of Left in the Dark or Hero, but this excerpt from Total Eclipse has got me cautiously excited. Steinman songs need a very powerful, melodic voice, and as Braver has demonstrated Meat just can't provide that anymore. It's good to know that there's still artists out there capable of giving us our Steinman fix. Total Eclipse sounds great:cool:

Has Jim actually donated some legitimately new songs to this project, or does 'new' mean something like Not Allowed to Love or Only When I Feel?

Im sure Meat can,

Meat Loaf_fan 04 Aug 2016 16:51

After hearing samples ("Left In The Dark" and "Total Eclipse Of The Heart") on Tyce facebook page, I will change my point of view (from the past post). Of course Meat :cool: is my favourite singer, but Tyce is also good :-). It only means that I will give chance to younger singer (and I will buy his CD).

mindnick1 05 Aug 2016 01:21

Hi, so i am the Co Producer of this project and have pretty much played ALL the guitars.....

There is another teaser coming out today I hope, this one is 4 mins plus and gives a proper idea of production etc, then there will be a release date set for the first single Hero....then an album release date for October is likely...were waiting on album artwork and mastering....

Remember 2 outta 3 (sorry) of the teasers have been songs that Meat NEVER recorded, so we cant think about comparing Meats vocals on songs that he never did....and Eclipse and Hero were both female, Tyce is obv male so a completely different take on it......

Love all your comments, remember, this is Tyce, not Meat, he is a young man with a VERY bright future indeed, the gauntlet he HAS been handed is HUGE.......Keeping Jim and Meats music alive for a new generation.......and lastly, after Meat retires, who is going to hold the candle worldwide singing Jims music live exclusively!.....

lets support this as i know you all will!! :)


mindnick1 06 Oct 2016 02:19

Hi All, looks like the album will be out later this year or early next, its done, now just waiting on art and mastering....Jim has been giving us some great pointers on the mixing, not sure if anyone follows me on facebook but yesterday Jim gave us a great public comment saying he loves what we have done!!....very humbled indeed....

eltmatt 06 Oct 2016 14:27

Hi Nick, yeh I saw Jim comment! Very cool, also heard the 4 minute sampler, the production sounds awesome so well done! Does Tyce have any plan to do a live show singing these songs with a live band, in the UK? ;)

mindnick1 08 Oct 2016 22:28

Thanks so much, the production was something we REALLY focused on as we feel Jim's music should be HUGE sounding most of the time......and YES there are plans right now for some UK shows, just trying to make the numbers work...the album is going to be released in FEB 2017 so sometime around March maybe for the UK shows.....we were going to release in Nov but the artist for the album cover wont have it ready in time, by the way the cover is as epic as Braver....again we feel any Jim album should have an epic cover!..lastly, and without giving too much away it may be the only chance the uk will get to here some of the Braver songs live...


Originally Posted by eltmatt (Post 618688)
Hi Nick, yeh I saw Jim comment! Very cool, also heard the 4 minute sampler, the production sounds awesome so well done! Does Tyce have any plan to do a live show singing these songs with a live band, in the UK? ;)

Danny L 09 Oct 2016 14:39


Originally Posted by mindnick1 (Post 618703)
Thanks so much, the production was something we REALLY focused on as we feel Jim's music should be HUGE sounding most of the time......and YES there are plans right now for some UK shows, just trying to make the numbers work...the album is going to be released in FEB 2017 so sometime around March maybe for the UK shows.....we were going to release in Nov but the artist for the album cover wont have it ready in time, by the way the cover is as epic as Braver....again we feel any Jim album should have an epic cover!..lastly, and without giving too much away it may be the only chance the uk will get to here some of the Braver songs live...

oh fantastic!!

eltmatt 10 Oct 2016 19:22

Awesome! Thanks, hope to get to one of the shows.

Meat Loaf_fan 12 Oct 2016 14:32

Good news! :-) It's good idea that we will have songs from Jim Steinman next year.

mindnick1 02 Dec 2016 20:23

So PR starts today for Julie Bell is doing the art for the front cover, the album is being released Feb 17 on Broadway Records out of New York City!!!

The Album will have 9 songs fully produced and will be available worldwide on Itunes etc etc, there will also be a double CD version available with an additional 7 songs from a live recording session in LA of Piano and Vocal only versions of the album Everything is Permitted, a Crazy slow version of Hero, and an amazing version of Im
Gonna Love way more.....

scroll down in this article for the Tyce info


eltmatt 04 Dec 2016 17:05

Awesome, Ill be getting this :p

nightinr 04 Dec 2016 21:27

Any news on UK tour...what sort of venues will he be playing at?

mindnick1 05 Dec 2016 07:59


Originally Posted by nightinr (Post 619506)
Any news on UK tour...what sort of venues will he be playing at?

Well yes we do hope so, depending how the album is recieved will depend on the venue size, but small 300-500 seat venues seems like a good start..maybe April/May/July 2017....the more we sell the more likely it happens!! so share, like and buy and keep Steinman music alive!!


Meat Loaf_fan 05 Dec 2016 13:03

I'm happy that we will have very good album in February 2017. :-)

Meat Loaf_fan 07 Jan 2017 16:01

I have one question: when there will be info (about the album) in Amazon (or in other shops)?

mindnick1 11 Jan 2017 01:10


Originally Posted by Meat Loaf_fan (Post 619975)
I have one question: when there will be info (about the album) in Amazon (or in other shops)?

Hi, thanks for asking, if you would like to friend me on Facebook i give lots of updates there...Nicky James, i don't come here that often so i may miss your responses.

The exact release date is not 100% confirmed, why? only one reason, we are waiting on the final cover art from Julie Bell, its due to be delivered to us on Jan 31st with a potential release by the end of will be on amazon etc...


mindnick1 20 Feb 2017 19:29

Pre Order the Double CD at....and see the album cover by Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell

or instant 2 track pre order now on iTunes worldwide

PanicLord 20 Feb 2017 23:13


Originally Posted by mindnick1 (Post 620676)
Pre Order the Double CD at....and see the album cover by Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell

or instant 2 track pre order now on iTunes worldwide

Exciting times! Any idea when it might be available in the UK?

mindnick1 21 Feb 2017 21:17


Originally Posted by PanicLord (Post 620685)
Exciting times! Any idea when it might be available in the UK?

Should be available for pre order now, with release on March 10th...Amazon no pre order, but will be available for download on March 10th


letsgotoofar 21 Feb 2017 21:52

Not to be the guy tossing the cat in among the pigeons yet again, but do you or your collaborators on the project have anything to say about this recent statement by Jim's P.A.?

mindnick1 21 Feb 2017 23:15

I generally agree with the comments made by some of the Steinman fans who responded to Jim's PA, and she has a right to HER opinion........some people hate the idea of releasing now, some love it, some are glad for new versions of songs some are not...if we could please all the people all the time we would.

proctorloaf 22 Feb 2017 00:23

I honestly thought that Jim was involved with BOTH of these projects or had given his blessing to them...

anotherday 22 Feb 2017 00:51


Originally Posted by proctorloaf (Post 620718)
I honestly thought that Jim was involved with BOTH of these projects or had given his blessing to them...

Same here...

ashkent7 22 Feb 2017 11:26


Originally Posted by anotherday (Post 620719)
Same here...

I definitely thought so on the Tyce front especially with Meat's comments about him...wasn't so sure on Karine's when I've seen the "cover" and heard the clip.

loaferman61 22 Feb 2017 16:57

I will need to hear clips of both albums before I buy them. I knew Jim was not directly involved but thought they kind of had unofficial blessing as opposed to Meat having direct blessing from Jim on "Braver".

I still think "Hero" is just not a man's song, so I'm really skeptical on that. I may be pleasantly surprised if I hear it, but like Meat I see these songs as having characters and "Hero" screams female to me as does "Safe Sex" and most of the Bonnie, Pandora's Box stuff.

Others mileage may vary.

mindnick1 22 Feb 2017 17:31

Dont believe everythng you "that" post it was stated to be an opinon...

You should be able to preview at least two songs on Itunes

mindnick1 22 Feb 2017 17:33


Originally Posted by loaferman61 (Post 620727)
I will need to hear clips of both albums before I buy them. I knew Jim was not directly involved but thought they kind of had unofficial blessing as opposed to Meat having direct blessing from Jim on "Braver".

I still think "Hero" is just not a man's song, so I'm really skeptical on that. I may be pleasantly surprised if I hear it, but like Meat I see these songs as having characters and "Hero" screams female to me as does "Safe Sex" and most of the Bonnie, Pandora's Box stuff.

Others mileage may vary.

Totally respect for your opinion, but why could't a gay man sing Hero?? the words will mean the same to him as a straight man or woman...

ashkent7 22 Feb 2017 17:54


Originally Posted by mindnick1 (Post 620729)
Totally respect for your opinion, but why could't a gay man sing Hero?? the words will mean the same to him as a straight man or woman...

I don't think gay or not gay makes a difference...I think it is more when you take a song that has categorically up to that point been associated with a female performer(s), then you have to go some way to flip that. It's a bit like if Meat, or if you want to keep like for like then someone like Freddie Mercury had recorded Dolly Parton's 9 To 5 or Donna Summers Hot Stuff. It could be done, but it would take a lot of getting used to, and I think pretty much any of the songs Bonnie recorded of Jim's fall into that category for the majority.

PanicLord 22 Feb 2017 20:22


Originally Posted by ashkent7 (Post 620730)
I don't think gay or not gay makes a difference...I think it is more when you take a song that has categorically up to that point been associated with a female performer(s), then you have to go some way to flip that. It's a bit like if Meat, or if you want to keep like for like then someone like Freddie Mercury had recorded Dolly Parton's 9 To 5 or Donna Summers Hot Stuff. It could be done, but it would take a lot of getting used to, and I think pretty much any of the songs Bonnie recorded of Jim's fall into that category for the majority.

But for me, the more different the songs are when a new artist covers then, the better. I never like it when you end with something that you've already got. When I hear it, maybe it will have even more of an impact by being sung by a male.

mindnick1 22 Feb 2017 20:28


Originally Posted by PanicLord (Post 620731)
But for me, the more different the songs are when a new artist covers then, the better. I never like it when you end with something that you've already got. When I hear it, maybe it will have even more of an impact by being sung by a male.

Exactly right, some will love and some will not!!

loaferman61 24 Feb 2017 20:57


Originally Posted by mindnick1 (Post 620729)
Totally respect for your opinion, but why could't a gay man sing Hero?? the words will mean the same to him as a straight man or woman...

How about "More Than You Deserve"?

proctorloaf 24 Feb 2017 21:34

Jim does not write 'men's songs' or 'women's songs' he writes Erections of the Heart and last time I checked both men and women could achieve these...

Wario 24 Feb 2017 21:40


Originally Posted by proctorloaf (Post 620750)
Jim does not write 'men's songs' or 'women's songs' he writes Erections of the Heart and last time I checked both men and women could achieve these...

last time i checked women can't get erections..... :shock:

proctorloaf 24 Feb 2017 21:53

I think you're wrong Wario, however, I'm talking erections of the heart.

Evil One 24 Feb 2017 22:08


Originally Posted by proctorloaf (Post 620750)
Jim does not write 'men's songs' or 'women's songs'

Safe Sex, Rebel Without A Clue and Ravishing are definitely women's songs.

proctorloaf 24 Feb 2017 22:12


Originally Posted by Evil One (Post 620753)
Safe Sex, Rebel Without A Clue and Ravishing are definitely women's songs.

Disagree 100%

madagascar 24 Feb 2017 22:18


Originally Posted by Wario (Post 620751)
last time i checked women can't get erections..... :shock:

...from you? :lol::lol::lol:

GDW 25 Feb 2017 08:52


Wario 25 Feb 2017 08:59


Originally Posted by Evil One (Post 620753)
Safe Sex, Rebel Without A Clue and Ravishing are definitely women's songs.

Id say they are "People who are interested in Men" songs

letsgotoofar 25 Feb 2017 09:29

With minor changes of lyric from a different POV, maybe those songs could work for men. But that's a very big maybe.

Wario 25 Feb 2017 12:17


Originally Posted by letsgotoofar (Post 620760)
With minor changes of lyric from a different POV, maybe those songs could work for men. But that's a very big maybe.

you arent listening. its songs written for people interested in men, not just women.

letsgotoofar 26 Feb 2017 14:57

Yes, because every single person interested in men is a "gullible girl" ("Safe Sex") or has been "learning all the roles" "from Dirty Harry to Madonna" ("Rebel Without a Clue"). As a "person interested in men," trust me when I say, they're clearly written for women. It doesn't negate what Tyce is doing, nor is such a statement intended to. It's just facts. Some stuff that is explicitly written for and about women would need a real stretch to be sung by a "person interested in men," and some wouldn't, and there's nothing wrong with pointing it out.

proctorloaf 26 Feb 2017 16:45

*BOOH the Musical Spoilers in this post*

Jim constantly re-uses melodies for projects and re-writes lyrics. Songs are never set, they are remodelled over and over again. So songs can of course be remodelled for male or female performers. Most of the BOOH the musical numbers are duets in one way or another.

'No-one ever said I was a naive guy' would work for the opening line of Safe Sex and I don't think that you'd need to change any other lyric.

In all honestly I can't believe that Meat Loaf fans are talking about 'male' and 'female' songs. Meat always says that a singer just has to own a song. Meat often talks about how Total Eclipse of the Heart was meant to be on Midnight at the Lost and Found.

Heaven can wait was originally sung by Ellen Foley playing Wendy in Neverland. The demo is by Bette Midler. It's sung in the Musical by a female. Is Heaven Can Wait a 'girl's song'?

letsgotoofar 26 Feb 2017 17:58


Originally Posted by proctorloaf (Post 620773)
'No-one ever said I was a naive guy' would work for the opening line of Safe Sex and I don't think that you'd need to change any other lyric.

To answer the first, doesn't quite scan does it, and to answer the second, "You're not such an innocent boy" comes to mind. :-P

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's impossible, but I am saying it requires more emendation than, say, just letting a guy sing "Holding Out for a Hero" and letting it speak for itself.

Wario 26 Feb 2017 22:02


Originally Posted by letsgotoofar (Post 620771)
Yes, because every single person interested in men is a "gullible girl" ("Safe Sex") or has been "learning all the roles" "from Dirty Harry to Madonna" ("Rebel Without a Clue"). As a "person interested in men," trust me when I say, they're clearly written for women. It doesn't negate what Tyce is doing, nor is such a statement intended to. It's just facts. Some stuff that is explicitly written for and about women would need a real stretch to be sung by a "person interested in men," and some wouldn't, and there's nothing wrong with pointing it out.

obviously thatsc ause women are singing them if it was a guy those female things would be changed liked to "gullible girl". madonna can be considered a feminine guy term

ashkent7 26 Feb 2017 22:41

I can't help feeling like I've walked into Equality and Diversity PC Police 101.

Over the years there have been any number of things that have been wrong in terms of equality, but I don't believe every single thing should have to be for both a man or woman. There are songs that were written for men, songs written for women, and songs that have no gender about them (I count Heaven Can Wait as the latter). So to me there is nothing wrong in a song being a male or female only song.

If like Safe Sex you have to change words to make it right in context, then effectively the original song is still a song that was written for a woman with a new version that has been written for a man to sing. Two different songs for two different people.

If you want to look at a pop song that sums it up take a look at I Kissed A Girl by Katy Perry. It's a song sung by a woman about kissing a woman. If you run through the lyrics though, that could easily be sung by a bisexual male. Some songs are written that way naturally without any shoehorning, others aren't in which case you are technically creating a new song to make it fit.

That's my simplistic view of it anyway.

letsgotoofar 27 Feb 2017 18:18


Originally Posted by Wario (Post 620775)
obviously thatsc ause women are singing them if it was a guy those female things would be changed liked to "gullible girl". madonna can be considered a feminine guy term

My signature is the prime reason I don't really give a shit about anything you have to say on the subject. If you can't give it more than the level of thought that goes into "if it's from a person interested in men, that means I could sing it and no one could judge"...

anotherday 27 Feb 2017 19:16


Originally Posted by letsgotoofar (Post 620779)
My signature is the prime reason I don't really give a shit about anything you have to say on the subject. If you can't give it more than the level of thought that goes into "if it's from a person interested in men, that means I could sing it and no one could judge"...

Nice personal attack there, LGTF.

Wario 27 Feb 2017 22:20


Originally Posted by letsgotoofar (Post 620779)
My signature is the prime reason I don't really give a shit about anything you have to say on the subject. If you can't give it more than the level of thought that goes into "if it's from a person interested in men, that means I could sing it and no one could judge"...



Originally Posted by anotherday (Post 620781)
Nice personal attack there, LGTF.

its a (very good) jab. i got a kick outta it. never be afraid to get good ones in, we are all just avatars.

CarylB 27 Feb 2017 22:48

This .. and nothing simplistic about it .. just clear, uncomplicated and unambiguous ;)


Originally Posted by ashkent7 (Post 620776)
If like Safe Sex you have to change words to make it right in context, then effectively the original song is still a song that was written for a woman with a new version that has been written for a man to sing. Two different songs for two different people.

eltmatt 28 Feb 2017 14:26

Haha as if anyone here is arguing over the ambiguity of Jim's songs, its very clear he swings both ways.

letsgotoofar 01 Mar 2017 01:18

Yeah, if both ways point in the direction of men... he's never come right out and said it, but his Facebook likes (and the constant emphasis on scantily clad males in his music videos) tell the whole story. (Not that it matters; as I said elsewhere in the thread, I'm a man into men.)

eltmatt 02 Mar 2017 17:01


One of the main plots in the musical is Tink being in love with Strat.

mindnick1 03 Mar 2017 01:27

ok great, so now thats solved....

Anyone on the east coast want a comp for the Tyce show? March 9th in NYC?


proctorloaf 10 Mar 2017 10:55

LOVE the album. In particular what's been done with I'll Kill You if you don't come back - and the piano on the acoustic tracks is sublime but guys WHERE THE F ARE THE BACKGROUND VOCALS???

(And you should really have got Ellen Foley, or anyone else: Aaron Tviet, to do the duet bit in Anything for love')

All in all GOOD JOB tho :)

eltmatt 10 Mar 2017 16:23

When will it be on Spotify? :p

MarkS 10 Mar 2017 17:19

I think Tyce may now have the definitive version of Holding out for a Hero, very rocking version

loaferman61 10 Mar 2017 17:49

Is it available digitally? I don't do itunes, but use the other services.

proctorloaf 10 Mar 2017 19:52

I've been listening to this all day. It's all coming back to me now OMG what emotion. I've been in tears doing Arts Marketing, all day. Ha!

I LOVE that we now have an album which contains Hero, Total Eclipse and It's all coming back to me now. They are the back bone of the album for me. They are sisters, they belong together and now they're home.

nightinr 10 Mar 2017 20:05

When is this out in the Uk? Can't see it in UK Amazon?

Evil One 10 Mar 2017 21:08

I think it's bland. It doesn't kick me in the bollocks. :shrug:

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