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heat 31 Dec 2003 00:45

New Years Resolutions
I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours.....

DIZZY DRUMMER 31 Dec 2003 01:06

To get more MEAT

To lose a few pounds

Tim 31 Dec 2003 01:26

None...... at least, not at the moment. Another strange thing... why on the first of january??? why not in may?? or august???

Juan Llanos 31 Dec 2003 01:28

I have the same as the last years... that are the same that last years... I never made it :P

Rob The Badger 31 Dec 2003 02:11

I think Tim should be on that BBC 2 show "Grumpy Old Men". . .bitter much?!

BadAttitude 31 Dec 2003 02:39

I have four new year's resolutions:
1. to work out more (not make excuse for not working out) and to lose more weight

2. to not let myself get so stressed out this year

3. to look for happiness and not wait for it to find me

4. to value each and every day that I wake up for this could be the day of a new beginning

Love & Happiness

shadow1000001 31 Dec 2003 03:56

I have decided to make a resolution that I know I won't break. I have decided NOT to quit smoking :lol:

[RDH]draconia 31 Dec 2003 09:30

shadow1000001 said

I have decided to make a resolution that I know I won't break. I have decided NOT to quit smoking
now that is a good one :twisted:
mine is to - try to work at least one month and not be off sick :twisted:
oh and to get a new job as i HATE the one i got now

madonna123968848 31 Dec 2003 10:25

Mine are:-

1/ Lose weight (again!)

2/ Try and be more positive (again!)

3/ Travel New Zealand in October 2004 for 6 months or so (never had this one so might actually keep it??)

Happy New Year All :D

dottie 31 Dec 2003 13:20

To be myself - no-one does it better.

Live to Love - Love to Live

plukie 31 Dec 2003 13:30


Originally Posted by Rob The Badger
I think Tim should be on that BBC 2 show "Grumpy Old Men". . .bitter much?!


New Years resolutions are made on 1st January because that is the start of the new year Tim. May or August is not the start of the new year. Duh!

AndyK 31 Dec 2003 13:40

A coup[le of simple easy ones for me to keep....

1) Marry CC and be happy ever after

2) Continue in my position as supreme being emperor of the universe
3) Be more like the person my dog thinks I am.

Easy huh?


heat 31 Dec 2003 18:57

Well here goes mine....

1. To embrace life and to enjoy every moment for what it is.

2. To have as many new experiences as possible.

3. To win the bloody lotto and f**k off outta this country to a climate more suited to me.ON MY OWN.

Failing that,

4. To pursuade Meat that in fact, he actaually cannot live without me and that he really wants to wisk me off to some exoctic romantic retreat for the rest of our lives.

martha_mae 01 Jan 2004 14:18

simple not to make any resolutions :lol:

Tim 01 Jan 2004 16:30

Mine is to kick some asses around here :twisted:

black dog 01 Jan 2004 17:46


Originally Posted by BadAttitude
I have four new year's resolutions:
1. to work out more (not make excuse for not working out) and to lose more weight

2. to not let myself get so stressed out this year

3. to look for happiness and not wait for it to find me

4. to value each and every day that I wake up for this could be the day of a new beginning

Love & Happiness

I think these are really good resolutions. I feel like they could have been choosed for me.

Would you mind if I copied them Autumn?



Tim 01 Jan 2004 18:23


Originally Posted by plukie

Originally Posted by Rob The Badger
I think Tim should be on that BBC 2 show "Grumpy Old Men". . .bitter much?!


New Years resolutions are made on 1st January because that is the start of the new year Tim. May or August is not the start of the new year. Duh!

Yeah plukie...duhuh!!! i know that... what i mean is... if you got the balls to do it on another date, don't be a group person and think: cool, everybody else is doing it, so why don't i start also on the 1st of january.

That is my point.

And why rob should i be in Grumpy old man?? Tell me why?? cause i'm realistic? hate this stupid thing were everyone is doing the same thing all together??? is that it??

The butcher, who is ~~~~ing anoyed by some members.

The Flying Mouse 01 Jan 2004 19:29

Can we have a little more mutual respect round here please :evil: .
If not, this get's locked.
Simple as that.

New Year resolutions are a tradition, although any time is a good time for self improvment.Happy?Good.

Please continue to post your new years resolutions.

Tim 01 Jan 2004 20:29


Originally Posted by THE FLYING MOUSE
Can we have a little more mutual respect round here please :evil: .
If not, this get's locked.
Simple as that.

New Year resolutions are a tradition, although any time is a good time for self improvment.Happy?Good.

Please continue to post your new years resolutions.

Mouse... you are talking about respect, but now my question is, are you talking to me, and did i cross a line i did not see??

original sin 01 Jan 2004 20:31

I am never ever ever going to drink again :evil:

The Flying Mouse 01 Jan 2004 20:56


Originally Posted by Tim
Mouse... you are talking about respect, but now my question is, are you talking to me, and did i cross a line i did not see??

I must say that your post was one of the reasons for posting my ruling (although I will allow that you were provoked).
Refering to each other as "Duh" and "Duhuh" is not being respectful.Also I agree that the Grumpy Old Men comment was out of line, and is bordering on a personal attack.
There is way too much anger on this thread, especially for such a trivial subject.

Vickip 01 Jan 2004 21:14


Originally Posted by martha_mae
simple not to make any resolutions :lol:

That's my resolution too Martha Mae :))

black dog 01 Jan 2004 22:08


Originally Posted by original sin
I am never ever ever going to drink again :evil:

I bet a few people are saying that today. I have never been able to keep this one so have stopped trying. Good luck.

Chris 01 Jan 2004 22:25

Sin, I'll give you 24 hours before yours is broken!!!

Heat, If you win lotto and move away alone, what do i do!!!

Mine are to
give up smoking (and include cigars in this!)
give up takeaways!! (local pizza place/chinese shop owners are wringing their hands in despair already!
Not to let customers piss me off so much!
To win the lotto, move to some hot country and set up a harem!

Between you and me, i am not sure I will manage all of these!!
There is one i will have trouble with!

I like my cigars too much to give them up!!! :lmao:

Tim 01 Jan 2004 22:51


Originally Posted by THE FLYING MOUSE

Originally Posted by Tim
Mouse... you are talking about respect, but now my question is, are you talking to me, and did i cross a line i did not see??

I must say that your post was one of the reasons for posting my ruling (although I will allow that you were provoked).
Refering to each other as "Duh" and "Duhuh" is not being respectful.Also I agree that the Grumpy Old Men comment was out of line, and is bordering on a personal attack.
There is way too much anger on this thread, especially for such a trivial subject.

Excuse moi.

BadAttitude 01 Jan 2004 23:14


Originally Posted by black dog

Originally Posted by BadAttitude
I have four new year's resolutions:
1. to work out more (not make excuse for not working out) and to lose more weight

2. to not let myself get so stressed out this year

3. to look for happiness and not wait for it to find me

4. to value each and every day that I wake up for this could be the day of a new beginning

Love & Happiness

I think these are really good resolutions. I feel like they could have been choosed for me.

Would you mind if I copied them Autumn?



No, Shells

I don't mind sharing my New Year's Resolutions with you.
Hope that the New Year finds you happy, and healthy.

Love & Happiness

Rob The Badger 02 Jan 2004 00:07

1. Screw my head on.
2. Tolerate people I dislike.
3. Don't be a pretentious git.

heat 02 Jan 2004 08:03

Sinny - Thats the best laugh i've had all year.... :lmao:

Chris - I'm sure you'd think of something. Failing that a first class ticket to join me would be on it's way. Also Chris, i cmpletely agree that you can't give up cigars - there is just something sexy as hell about a man who smokes a cigar... :wink:

christa 04 Jan 2004 00:39

Mine has to be:

Not to shout at my kids as much, to love and respect them for who they are. (Even when they are a pain!)

To smile at 10 people I dont know every day. (Could get locked up for that one)

To be happy with what I have and stop wanting things out of my grasp. (Thats the lottery down the pan then)

And most thank god for every new day that I awake and be happy that I have been granted another day on this earth. (Sounds corny I know, but its a woderful feeling to have)

It sure beats trying to give up junk food and fags when I know it just aint gonna happen!

Bigmomma 04 Jan 2004 02:30

be more tolerant to others.
try to get more healthy.
and live every day as though it is my last.

kaz 04 Jan 2004 22:34

Don't make 'em, don't break 'em!

i guess if i was to make one though it would be to remember that the world does not revolove around results and grades and to stop letting people walk over me so that at the end of the year i feel like a waste of space and that life is not worth all the heartache i seem to go through

Chris 06 Jan 2004 23:13

Just a little one we decided at work today.

After talking about all you guys, i resolve, to meet as many of the cool peeps off these forums as poss!!!!

Up to 12 so far!!

Emily 13 Jan 2004 22:35

new years resolutions

here are MY resolutions for 2004!

1. Actually attend class...

2. Stop finishing peoples breakfast, lunch and dinner, aswell as my own...

3. Actually start my art project (due in 2 weeks...ooooooooh im in big trouble!)

4. Reach 'superloafer' on this board

5. Actually practice my violin. my exam is in a month...

6. Stop making excuses to my P.E. teacher. I have to stop pretending that i have a corn on my big toe, which stops me from taking part in any form of physical activity...

7. Stop stealing Louise's jeans...

8. Stop spending so much time on the gamecube!

9. Get over my obsession with 'Rock and Roll Mercenaries'

10. Become Mrs Kasim Sulton.

WHATS YOURS????????????????????????

*luv and paper lanterns*


Gez 13 Jan 2004 23:11

Lucy , u have a few issues here :roll:

Mines is to stop drinking. I'm finding this hard to do as I log onto this site and it DRIVES ME TO DRINK :twisted:

Emily 13 Jan 2004 23:51


black dog 14 Jan 2004 00:00

Typical man to get your name wrong :roll: Mind you it could be the drink. :p

Good luck with the resolutions Emily. If you use the search option you will find another thread with lots of people resolutions.

meatfan 14 Jan 2004 03:07

To get to bed before 12.00 midnight!

Not doing too well, am I?


CarolM 14 Jan 2004 20:27

1. Accept the fact we will never meet Meat Loaf. :cry: Thats my new years resolution. :(

Emily 14 Jan 2004 22:23

well thats depressing....

CarolM 14 Jan 2004 22:30

wasnt meant to be Emily just stating a fact. :(

Gez 15 Jan 2004 18:32

Emilky, don't worry for me...........they're here to take me back :bicker:

Emily 15 Jan 2004 22:15

Gerry, are u purposly getting my name wrong now???
its Emily not Emilky! :bicker: grrrr u make me SQUIRM!!! LOL

hey Carol, some people do meet Meat Loaf - u never know y'know.
never say never..cus i once saw Gabriel Byrne in the most strangest place. It was in a circus in Galway in Ireland.. me and my sisters were standing next to him! so u never know about Meat Loaf! :D

God i have that song "HEY-YA!" by 'Outcast' stuck in my head..
AAAAH! :wtf:

*luv and paper lanterns*
Emily(hey! take note of how to spell that Gerry..!)
xoxoxoxoxo <----- for Kasim!

Gez 15 Jan 2004 23:11


Weezy 16 Jan 2004 14:28

LOLOLOLOL!!!! :lmao:

Emily 16 Jan 2004 19:52

ok (J)erry u and me outside boy ! :twisted: hell hounds on your trail BOY!

hell hounds on your trail...

Emily(take note boy) XOXOXOXOX <----- Mr Sultons

The Flying Mouse 16 Jan 2004 20:01

:twisted: New years resolution.
To merge duplicate threads much sooner :mrgreen:

Emily 16 Jan 2004 23:00

:mrgreen: there be a lot of long words there Mr Mouse... i'm not but a humble ALIEN...!

XOXOXOXOXOXX <------ Mr Sulton's!

amethyst 30 Dec 2005 15:28

New Year Resolutions
I dont know if this thread has been started somewhere else, if so, please excuse me.

Just wondered what your New Year Resolutions were going to be for the coming year (yeah i know, im nosey :lol: ).

Some of mine are: to finally meet Meat Loaf (if he tours the UK that is); to go to more concerts; to get a better job.

So come on...... tell me yours ;) .

ames xx

R. 30 Dec 2005 15:47

Threads merged.

Ankie 30 Dec 2005 16:18


Originally Posted by amethyst
Just wondered what your New Year Resolutions were going to be for the coming year

Do everything I can to have a year as brilliant as 2005!!!

Taking this opportunity to thank each and everyone for your part in it!

dottie 30 Dec 2005 20:00

Same as every year......

To be myself - nobody does it better..

Live to Love - Love to Live........

2006 will definitely be the year I found myself.........

The Flying Mouse 31 Dec 2005 15:19

:twisted: After the worst, to have the best F$^"ING year of my life :cool:

And to give up smoking on my 30th birthday later this year :wink:

Ageing Bat 31 Dec 2005 19:51

In January 2005 my wish, rather than resolution, was that it would be a better year than 2004, which by my standards then had been pretty cr*p...... looking back however, I think that 2004's crud was in preparation for 2005, which like Mousie, has to be the worst year of my life. Therefore, I resolve never to make assumptions again that things can only get better. However, the eternal optimist that I am, I prefer to look at life now from the angle that you have to experience the bad things in life to really appreciate the good.

Chris 31 Dec 2005 20:17

I have made a new years resolution but i am not telling you what it is!!!

This is the year i am going to do what i keep intending to do instead of chickening out!! (Neil knows what i mean!!)

shadow1000001 01 Jan 2006 00:52


Originally Posted by shadow1000001
I have decided to make a resolution that I know I won't break. I have decided NOT to quit smoking :lol:

Same one as before!! :twisted:

I'm doing really well not breaking this one!

The Flying Mouse 02 Jan 2006 15:56


Originally Posted by Chris
I have made a new years resolution but i am not telling you what it is!!!

This is the year i am going to do what i keep intending to do instead of chickening out!! (Neil knows what i mean!!)

:twisted: You KNOW i'm rooting for you on this one buddy :up:

Chris 02 Jan 2006 15:57


Originally Posted by THE FLYING MOUSE
:twisted: You KNOW i'm rooting for you on this one buddy :up:

And vice versa!

The Flying Mouse 02 Jan 2006 16:04

:twisted: Thank you kind sir :D .
May both our campaigns be victorious :cheers: .

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