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R. 10 Mar 2003 20:22

Ok folks - Say Hello to Mr. Crook
Hi Mr. C.

Welcome to the forums.


Chris 10 Mar 2003 20:47



(Who is Mr Crook?)


The Flying Mouse 10 Mar 2003 20:59

:twisted: Hi Paul,and welcome.
(it's Meat's new guitarist Chris)
Your gonna have a blast working with Meat :twisted: .

Chris 10 Mar 2003 21:07

Thanks for explaining it.

Very sorry! :oops:

The Flying Mouse 10 Mar 2003 21:16

:twisted: Hey this is great.
First Meat now Paul.
Before too long we'll have the whole Neverland Express visiting :mrgreen: .

Michel 10 Mar 2003 21:29

Hi Paul,

Welcome to The Neverland Expres and to this forum!

White of High 10 Mar 2003 23:48


But where is he! I didn't find him in between the members! Or was he only a guest? What was his name?

Michael Marxen 12 Mar 2003 00:06

Hi Paul,

brilliant job at your first Meaty concert in Cologne!
(Yes, I know, I should tell Kasim...)
Giving the songs a harder edge than former guitarists did.
And having a better stage presence too.
You will probably even become better on tour and may become part of history when being involved in the Bat III-tour!

Metal Loaf 12 Mar 2003 01:46

Hi Everyone,

Thank you so much for your warm welcome. Your kindness really means a lot to me.

Meat told me about this forum so I figured I'd cross the Altantic and check it out. Great site.

I read through some of the discussions. I found a thread where Meat talked about my first performance:

"... Paul is a great guitar player... By June he will be amazing."

I have to say this: Meat is such a kind, beautiful, fun soul. I can't believe how nice this guy is to me. I have never been treated with such respect, ever. I truely love playing my guitar for this man.

I'm looking forward to meeting all of you on the road.

Metal Loaf,
p.s. Tim, I'm very sorry I ruined your Wetten Das experience with my happiness of being on stage with Meat.

ChrisBelfast 12 Mar 2003 02:00

hi paul, welcome, great to here from you as well as Meat Loaf!!
As for you comment about Wetten Das - anyone would be excited next to meat loaf - i saw your BOOH performance at NBA - amazing! thats all i can say. I hope to see you here in Belfast on the UK tour - make sure Meat doesnt forget us! How is the song-learning going? good luck. Hope to hear from you soon - i post here as i dont see it as just a Meat forum but any other association is more than welcome too - especially the guitarist!

ChrisBelfast 12 Mar 2003 02:01

hi paul, welcome, great to here from you as well as Meat Loaf!!
As for you comment about Wetten Das - anyone would be excited next to meat loaf - i saw your BOOH performance at NBA - amazing! thats all i can say. I hope to see you here in Belfast on the UK tour - make sure Meat doesnt forget us! How is the song-learning going? good luck. Hope to hear from you soon - i post here as i dont see it as just a Meat forum but any other association is more than welcome too - especially the guitarist!

JenniferSal 12 Mar 2003 02:50

Hey Paul! I just wanted to say I saw the BBC taping on the 4th and you're a great addition to the band -- everyone is in for a true treat and even better experience with Paul on board! He interacts and blends well with Kasim and the rest of the guys (and gals!) and it was really great to see, and this was a 'mellowed' evening, since it was a performance taping (and believe me, they all rocked big time!). Take care!

Shane 12 Mar 2003 04:34

Welcome to the forum and to the wider Meat Loaf community, Paul!

I am wondering, how did you get the job as the lead guitar player?

I've heard (read) that the band has recently completed filming the video for "Couldn't Have Said It Better". Could you tell us whether Kasim is in it? I read that another guy, James Michael (who wrote that song) plays bass in the video so I'm not sure.

I am in New Zealand so I have not had the privilege of hearing you play with Meat. One way I have of comparing the various guitarists Meat has had over the years is to listen to the motorcycle guitar sound on Bat Out Of Hell. Is there any chance of you posting a sound clip of this, or of you playing other Meat Loaf songs, on your website?

Vickip 12 Mar 2003 05:12


Originally Posted by Metal Loaf
Hi Everyone,

Thank you so much for your warm welcome. Your kindness really means a lot to me.

Meat told me about this forum so I figured I'd cross the Altantic and check it out. Great site.

I read through some of the discussions. I found a thread where Meat talked about my first performance:

"... Paul is a great guitar player... By June he will be amazing."

I have to say this: Meat is such a kind, beautiful, fun soul. I can't believe how nice this guy is to me. I have never been treated with such respect, ever. I truely love playing my guitar for this man.

I'm looking forward to meeting all of you on the road.

Metal Loaf,
p.s. Tim, I'm very sorry I ruined your Wetten Das experience with my happiness of being on stage with Meat.

Hi Paul !

Welcome to the forum and the Neverland Express !
You were fantastic on the NBA show - it was the best guitar solo for Bat that I've ever heard :)) And it looked like you were really having a ball on the Wetten Das show !! But who can blame you, eh?

I'm so glad to hear how much you're enjoying working with Meat. You're a great new addition to the group and hopefully I'll get a chance to meet you when you're out on tour :))

Talk to you again soon!

mariella 12 Mar 2003 10:17

Hi Paul,
It's good to have you here!
Stay happy :wink:
Have a great day,

Guppie 12 Mar 2003 15:02

Hi Paul,
And a big welcome from me too :wink:

Michel 12 Mar 2003 21:15

I also didn't like your performance on Wetten Das, I think it probably was because it wasn't live. But I saw the NBA performance, and you were amazing. You can play guitar very good, it sounded amazing!

M.Bison 12 Mar 2003 22:00

Welcome To The Fourms/School
Hi Paul, Welcome to the MLUKFC Fourms, My fourm name is M.Bison and I am 12 years of age. I saw clips of your NBA preformance and you were amazing, hope you're keeping well. The school I go to is Scoil Triest in Lota, Glamire and the class I'm in is Class 4 moving to Class 5 this September which is the Senior Side but now on the five school days of the week and here's the five things I do:
Monday: Cookery
Tuesday: Art
Wednesday: Gardening
Thursday: Woodwork
Friday: Potery.
I also have my break times at 11:00AM and 1:00PM with the Senior Side as well and when I go on The Bikes, there's this guy in Class 6 going by the name of Gary Fleming and he's very annoying as he do be cycling very fast and he do be saying these quotes as well like the quote he said today in which it says on my signature, "I'm gonna cast a spell on you" whilst I'm playing basketball with Nicholas and if he says something we say to him "Cut it out Gary." Also one of my friends in Class 5 named Martin Roche do be at him as well when he has a football and he throws it against the crossbar which is very dangerous has someone could lose their balance and fall of their bike. A couple of weeks ago Gary had this quote saying "You're under arrest for suspicious murder" and a couple of weeks before You're Under Arrest was "The guy without the seatbelt who done the damage" in which me and Nicholas would say to him, "You're the one who did the damage." So my other friends besides Martin are:
Nicholas O'Brien (That dude I was mentioning.)
Paul Ryan (Yesterday at Respite he was crying like a baby wanting to go home.)
Martin Roche (He burps an awful lot!)
Colm Monahan (When I got droped off at the House Of Pizza, he saw my dad and he said to him "Why you are the Pizzaman? Why?"
Gary Fleming (I like his attidude on the bikes)
John Egan (He's another burper.)
That's all of them and last month I send a Valentine's Day card to Dana Patrick and she was in the promo videos of I'd Do Anything For Love and I'd Lie For You (And That's The Truth.) So I guess that's all I have to say and also I'm taking up in guitar lessons on Friday at 7:00PM.
Take care.

Overlord 12 Mar 2003 22:28

Imagine being able to say "I'm the lead guitarist for the Neverland Express". Wow! I doubly look forward to Bat III now!

M.Bison, I must say, that has to be about the best tagline I've ever seen!


Tim 13 Mar 2003 00:27

Well Mr. Crook, just want to let you know, i've send you a pm, hope you will read it and reply!

Also welcome.

Metal Loaf 14 Mar 2003 08:57

Hey Friends,

Thank you for all of the replies. Let's see:

Tim, We spoke via PM. Hope you're well today.

Dave, I know, it's cool to be able to say "I play lead gtr for Meat." I have a story. In the late 80's I was a roadie for the band ANTHRAX (which I later became the lead guitarist). Anyway, we were on tour in Europe with IRON MAIDEN. I worked (side stage) at the NEC, WEMBLEY, all these huge venues. I used to go to my bunk on the bus at the end of the day and dream about playing on these huge stages. I can't tell you how excited I am to hit the road with Meat!!!! We're playing all these venues that I used to work as a roadie. I am very thankful to be able to do something I love for a living.

Mr. Bison, I really enjoyed reading your email. You write very well. I was laughing out loud at some of your comments. I guess my questions to you are: Have you heard back from Dana? Also, good luck on Friday in regards to your guitar lesson. Quick lesson: Vibrato (string shaking) is everything. Shake all of your notes.

Michel, I remember your previous negative post about me. I forgave you even before I finished reading it. DON'T LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN!!!! Just kidding. Thank you for the kind words in regards to the NBA performance. That means a lot to me.

Hi Guppie, you are cute. I love your post. Very warm.

Mariella, Thank you. It's good to be here. I'm still happy!

Vicki, I'm looking fwd to meeting you too. Yes, I really enjoyed myself at the NBA gig. Meat threw me right to the wolves. He said, "Paul, you got the first 90 seconds. Stand here (center stage). I’m coming in right behind you."

Hi Shane, How did I get this job? I have a lot of friends. It pays to keep your head on straight in this business. There really isn't any room for ego. There's always some undiscovered kid out there who can play you under the table. Anyway, I've know Pearl for awhile. We met on a Motley Crue/ Megadeth/ Anthrax tour a few years back. Meat needed a guitarist. Pearl mentioned my name. Kasim called me. It was that simple. Of course I had to back it up. I worked my ass off for weeks getting the material down. Bringing in a new musician is very expensive and frustrating. The last thing I wanted to do was let Meat down. I have always been (still am) a fan of his. I showed up and played the best I could. Thankfully it was good enough. Now, I have the gig. But the work doesn't just stop. I watch Meat all the time. He works incredibly hard. He's my barometer. I think like this: Well, if Meat's working this hard on say, "Couldn't Have Said It Better". I'm going to work twice that on my gig just so I make sure I'm keeping up.

Hi JenniferSal, Thank you for coming to the BBC taping. That was fun but stressful. Anytime TV's involved my nerves get a little crazy. Yes, I love playing with this band, awesome bunch of musicians. I respect the hell out of everyone in the Neverland Express.

Hey Meatloafisgod, You sound like a musician. The song learning is never ending. I practice them everyday. I want to get the material into my bones. I'm sure we'll be learning new songs for the upcoming tour as well. Gotta stay on top of my gig.

Hey M Marxen, We talked in Cologne right? I remember you. We took a few photos together. I remember you complementing my performance. I thought my playing was a little loose and I told you to tell Kas you liked how I did. Hope you're well. Bat III... I'd love to be apart of it. My sites are on "Couldn't Have Said It Better" at the moment. The record is beautiful. I have to play my ass off for Meat on this tour to make sure I'm around for Bat III.

White of High, Here I am...

Hi Flying Mouse, great name. Yes, we have to get the rest of the band here.

Chris, I laughed out loud when I read your posts!!! The blushing face is classic!

R, Thank you. It's good to be here. I feel loved.

That's it. I think I've gotten back to all of you. I'll check back soon. Thanks for your warmth.


Guppie 14 Mar 2003 13:42


Originally Posted by Metal Loaf
Hey Friends,
Hi Guppie, you are cute. I love your post. Very warm.

Hi Paul,
Well, of course I'm cute, I'm a little Dutch fishy, they're all cute. :wink:

You take care now, before you know it, replying to all posts will become a daytime job for you :lol:

Tim 14 Mar 2003 14:50

tnx mr Crook, will wait for your PM

Vickip 14 Mar 2003 23:07


Originally Posted by Metal Loaf
Vicki, I'm looking fwd to meeting you too. Yes, I really enjoyed myself at the NBA gig. Meat threw me right to the wolves. He said, "Paul, you got the first 90 seconds. Stand here (center stage). I’m coming in right behind you."

Thanks Paul :))
I'm so glad you enjoyed the NBA gig !!
Keep up the good work and hopefully I'll talk to you again soon!


M.Bison 14 Mar 2003 23:08

Dana Patrick/More On Gary Fleming/Respite
Hi Paul. I heard from Dana on Valentine's Day and it was a very nice response, here's what she said:

I was delighted to recive your card, I didn't get a Valentine's Day card for a long time, your poems were beautiful. I am so glad somebody remembers me from my days in the Meatloaf video. I will always be thinking of you and I will keep you in my heart. If I ever visit your country Ireland, I will try to let you know so we can meet each other.
Best wishes always.
Dana Patrick

And about the Guitar Lessons I'm learning with a normal guitar as apposed to the Electric Guitars and I forgot to tell you on my other post that a couple of months back, I can't remember the date but I remember it was on Friday when everyone was taking a photograph on The Bikes then Nicholas said to Gary, "I'm gonna flat your tyres" and Gary said to him "I'll give you a shove and run you over so you'll be dead." Then a couple of months before I'll Give You A Shove, it was Friends Transition Year in Scoil Triest and when we went out on The Bikes, John was talking to this guy named Colin and Gary said to John "You stop that now! If you touch me, you'll be dead!" Also at Art I'm doing a set of pictures titled The Very Best Of Dangerous Man which is all the best moments caused by Gary Fleming, but let's just skip this part and my guitar teacher's name is Sean Kelleher and I was learning about the chords and it lasted for about an hour and it was great. And I go to Respite every once in a while in which you heard about the part with Paul Ryan crying like a baby, he was saying "I wanna go home" and about ten or twenty minutes before that, Colm was running into the shed and I was saying to him, "Get back in the house." So I guess that's all I have to say for now and good luck learning to play all the other Meat Loaf songs.
Take care for now.

Shane 15 Mar 2003 04:22

Wow Paul, thanks for those must have taken you ages to type all that out!

White of High 15 Mar 2003 13:56

Hi Paul!

I didn't know you are Metal Loaf! Could you talk with Meat that you come to Hungary? I'd like to be in a concert!!!


mariella 15 Mar 2003 14:38

Hi White,

I was just waiting for this question :wink:

Have a great day,


Guppie 15 Mar 2003 21:58


Originally Posted by White of High
Hi Paul!

I didn't know you are Metal Loaf! Could you talk with Meat that you come to Hungary? I'd like to be in a concert!!!


he he.. I KNEW you were gonna say that. :lol:

White of High 16 Mar 2003 13:42


Michel 16 Mar 2003 14:14

Nice color's, White!

Thanks for the reply, Paul! I will see you more on this forum, and on tour.

tbuck 23 Mar 2003 09:00

All I can say is that if haven't seen/heard Paul Crook play at the NBA deal or at Cologne, you are going to be truly amazed!
This guy freakin ROCKS. Best damn motorcycle around from seeing the NBA performance.
Check out his webite that was posted. He seems like a very cool guy who really cares about his fans.

Cloggy 23 Mar 2003 18:11

This board is getting famous then :P

R. 23 Mar 2003 18:14

Patience is a virtue ...

Vickip 23 Mar 2003 21:57


Originally Posted by tbuck
All I can say is that if haven't seen/heard Paul Crook play at the NBA deal or at Cologne, you are going to be truly amazed!
This guy freakin ROCKS. Best damn motorcycle around from seeing the NBA performance.
Check out his webite that was posted. He seems like a very cool guy who really cares about his fans.

I have to agree with you on all counts ... it was the best BOOH guitar solo I've ever seen !! His site's great, he's a cool guy, and I hope I get the chance to meet him when he's on tour with Meat this year :))


Dave 06 Apr 2003 23:23 much cooler can one guy be!

You rock hard core!!!

The Flying Mouse 07 Apr 2003 01:53

:twisted: Hi Paul.
Was that you on the lottery show?
If so,great job 8) .

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