![]() |
Please have a nice day! Much Love!! Eva http://meatloaf-fanclub.gmxhome.de/verymuchlove85.jpg |
I have know knowledge of the origins of this thread, but I have just read the whole thing and it reminds me very much of the words to one of my favourite songs, which I would like to post here.
------------------------------------------------------------------- When you walk through a storm, Hold your head up high, And don't be afraid of the dark. At the end of a storm is a golden sky, And the sweet silver song of a lark. Walk on through the wind, Walk on through the rain, Tho' your dreams be t ossed and blown. Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart, And you'll never walk alone, You'll never, ever walk alone. Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart, And you'll never walk alone, You'll never, ever walk alone. ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Badger thank you for posting here - a truly wonderful song.......
check your pm box ok. |
You have been wedged into my heart
Every single little thing that you do And every emotion you feel Deep inside of me, I feel it too But I cannot remove you from my heart Because I know if I should try That with you away from me I'd be left with choice But to die http://www.links2love.com/love/roman...e_bouquet2.jpg |
Just wanted to let you know I think of you a lot...and hope you are well!
We miss you! Mariella xxx |
I'm sending again all my love to you, my dear friend!! Stay well!! :D Eva |
It's wondrous what a hug can do.
A hug can cheer you when you're blue. A hug can say, "I love You so" Or, "I hate to see you go." A hug is "Welcome back again," And "Great to see you! Where've you been?" So stretch those arms without delay And give someone a hug today!!!! ********** Here is my hug for today: (((((FRIEND))))):D |
Welcome to our Garden :)http://www.alterpa.nl/shop/media/Cd_garden_of_love.jpg
It's something no one can replace It's also something of true grace When things sometimes don't go your way, your friends will be there, come what may. They'll always find it in their hearts, to forgive and do their part. To trust and always have hope and faith, There are few things on this earth so great. So treasure friendship from the start. And hope that it will not depart. For it will always bring a smile, This special love that makes life worthwhile. Kari Lauer http://www.healthhappiness.com.au/se...owers/love.jpg |
When God opened the window of the Heaven He asked me:
What is your wish for today? I said: Please take special care of the person reading this!! :D http://meatloaf-fanclub.gmxhome.de/heart-love02.jpg |
take our hand and let us lead you back where you belong.......... |
The name of this bouquet is "Friendship Bouquet" :D
http://www.hallmark.com/Website/Imag...clr_LIFE_x.jpg ...and we have to send it to a friend! So, I do!! :D Much love to you!! Eva |
Dear friend,
Please don't forget ever: Love is in the air to you ALWAYS!! Much love!! Eva http://meatloaf-fanclub.gmxhome.de/mydearestfriend.JPG |
Because Dottie isn't online the next three weeks (or longer), she did ask me if I would post here for both of us.
So, all my postings in the next couple of weeks to you, dear friend, are from Dottie and Eva together!! This is the first one: http://meatloaf-fanclub.gmxhome.de/rosen.jpg Much love from Dottie and Eva! :D |
I'm back from vacation, but still missing you my friend! Please come back soon or contact us via PM- we can't wait to welcome you back!
Sherrie |
Dear friend,
here is a hug from Dottie: (((((FRIEND))))) :D and here is a hug from Eva: (((((FRIEND))))) :D Much love again - as always!! :D |
With LOVE from Dottie and Eva:
You may not have ever seen me But you know that I am here. You can feel me in your heart As you enter each new day. I will always be there for you I am your friend. Someone to share the good times As well as the bad. I make no judgments by what you say I just listen with my heart and Hope to be of help in anyway I can. I will be there for you now and forever And always please remember I am your friend! http://home.arcor.de/mausepaula1/TeddyHerz.gif |
With very much love and a big thank you for been our friend!!
from Dottie and Eva: The friends that love us always, In the good times and the bad; The friends that love us always Are the friends that keep us glad. The friends that cling in tempest As they do in calms, are those That have made the paths of hardship Seem the paths of song and rose. The friends that love us always, When we go their way or not, Are the friends our hearts remember When the others are forgot. They are the crowning jewels Of the coronets we weave In the dream of tender moments When the troubles start to leave; We revere their names for ever And we see their faces clear- The friends that love us always, Whether the sun or shadow's near. (author unknown) http://www.uzo.de/natur-lexikon/rote_rose.jpg |
Dear friend,
Please have a nice Sunday! With love!! Dottie and Eva http://meatloaf-fanclub.gmxhome.de/verymuchlove351.jpg Stuttgart (Germany), 10/28/2004 |
Because you have been an angel of support to so many here, here is a picture that reminds me of you:
http://members.lycos.co.uk/loveatfir...heartangel.gif Sherrie |
A very sunny morning to you, dearest friend!! :D
Much love from Dottie and Eva http://www.friendshipandlovepoetry.n...etingheart.gif |
Thanks, dear friend, for all your friendliness!! :D Much love, Dottie and Eva :D |
The name of the below pic is "friendship rose"!! :D
Please get the nicest flower a heart can give: FRIENDSHIP!! With love! Dottie and Eva http://glassworks.sio2.ca/images/Friendship_Rose.jpg |
Much love and good luck to you, dear friend!!
Eva http://meatloaf-fanclub.gmxhome.de/lucky-friend.gif |
Good morning, dear friend!!
Please have a very, very good day!! :D Much love from Dottie and Eva http://meatloaf-fanclub.gmxhome.de/support.gif |
Can't sleep....
So I'm looking here and say quick a short love to you!! :D Eva |
Just thinking about you, dear friend!! :D
again with very much love from Dottie and Eva: ***** YOU'VE GOT A FRIEND (Carole King) When you're down and troubled And you need some love and care And nothin', nothin' is goin' right Close your eyes and think of me And soon I will be there To brighten up even your darkest night You just call out my name And you know wherever I am I'll come runnin' to see you again Winter, spring, summer or fall All you have to do is call And I'll be there You've got a friend If the sky above you Grows dark and full of clouds And that ol' north wind begins to blow Keep your head together And call my name out loud Soon you'll hear me knockin' at your door You just call out my name And you know wherever I am I'll come runnin' to see you again Winter, spring, summer or fall All you have to do is call And I'll be there Ain't it good to know that you've got a friend When people can be so cold They'll hurt you, yes, and desert you And take your soul if you let them Oh, but don't you let them You just call out my name And you know wherever I am I'll come runnin' to see you again Winter, spring, summer or fall All you have to do is call And I'll be there You've got a friend |
Some days are cloudy and grey,
And it seems as if the rain is Chasing all your dreams away. While other days are bright and sunny, Making you feel as though the feats You can accomplish are many. On this particular day I have but One wish coming your way... I hope you have a wonderfully nice day! (Patricia Kelly) Very much love!! :D from Dottie and Eva http://www.geocities.com/devilfood027/images1/heart.gif |
I'm sending much love and a nice pic to you!! :D
Eva http://meatloaf-fanclub.gmxhome.de/handsome05.jpg |
Please, dear friend, don't forget:
LOVE IS IN THE AIR all the time from Dottie and Eva :D http://meatloaf-fanclub.gmxhome.de/rose.jpg |
When I cry you help me out
When I'm happy you hear me shout When I grin you know I'm really mad because you are my best friend You can tell when I'm sad You're there in thick and thin You're my best friend You hear me out when I want to talk You help me out when I get mad You are the bestest friend I've ever had So hear me out when I say You're the light in my day You are the moon in my night You shine very bright You are the bestest friend I have and I miss you (aotuhor unknow) but true!! Hugs!! :D Eva http://www.namelyyoursgifts.com/hand...se%20black.jpg |
Flowers for our friend that we all miss so very much:
http://members.lycos.co.uk/loveatfir...pinkrosebq.gif I wish that we could fill your home with real flowers just like this to remind you how much we want to hear from you! Sherrie |
Dear friend,
with this nice pic we show you our love!! :D Please have a nice Sunday! Much love from Dottie and Eva http://www.christian-enthoefer.de/gallerie/herz.jpg |
What a handsome neighbour!!! :D :D Much love! Eva http://meatloaf-fanclub.gmxhome.de/verymuchlove999.jpg |
Good morning, dear friend!
I'm a little bit late today! :D Here is a hug from Dottie: (((((FRIEND))))) and here is a hug from Eva: (((((FRIEND))))) Please have a great day! Love!! Eva |
This great pic
http://www.traumspuren.com/herz1.gif is from a website named http://www.traumspuren.com Translation: dream-tracks. They write there among others this: Folge dem Regenbogen und vertraue dem Glück. Jeder Tag - der Schlüssel zum Glück: ein Geschenk für Liebende und Träumende, für Reisende und alle Menschen, die das Wünschen nicht verlernt haben. Translation: Follow the rainbow and trust the happiness. Every day - the key to get happiness: a gift for lovingly people and dreamer, for traveler and all people who don't have unlearn how to wish! Please, dear friend, try never to lose the ability to wish!! Much love!! Eva |
Good morning, dear friend!
Please let the sun shine in your heart!! Much Love, Dottie and Eva http://www.beepworld2.de/memberdatei...bl-feld_a8.jpg |
Traumspuren Alles was du willst liegt in deinen Händen, es beginnt die Wirklichkeit, wenn die Träume enden. Alles was du fühlst ist ein Teil des Lebens und du gehst den Weg zu dir niemals vergebens. Translation: Dream footsteps All what you want is in your own hands The reality begins If the dreams end All what you feel is a piece of life and you are going the way to yourself NEVER in vain. Much love!! Eva |
Translation: Rainbow-butterflies softly hover in my dreams Touching my heart with the flapping of hope Much love to you!! Dottie and Eva |
Traumbilder Es gibt Dinge, die du mit den Augen nicht sehen kannst. Du mußt sie mit dem Herzen sehen, und das ist das Schwierige daran. Translation: Dream-pictures There are things you can’t see with your eyes. You have to see them with your heart and that is difficult sometimes. Much love!! Eva |
Dein Engel Ich kenn einen Engel, der gehört nur zu dir, und wenn du ihn rufst, dann ist er gleich hier. Er hört dich im Dunklen, er hört dich bei Nacht. Er hört, wenn man weint, er hört, wenn man lacht. Er hört dich bei Sonnenschein und auch bei Regen, wo immer du lang läufst auf all deinen Wegen. Er kommt, wenn du krank bist, und macht dich gesund, er vertreibt alles Schwarze und macht die Welt bunt. (Andrea Schacht) Translation: Your angel I know an angel who is only for you And if you call him he comes immediately He hears you in the darkness, he hears you in the night He hears you if you cry, he hears you if you laugh He hears you in the sunshine, he hears you in the rain Whereever you are on your way He comes if you are ill and he heals you He drives away all black and makes the world colorful With very much love!! :D Dottie and Eva |
Wo man Engel sieht
Wenn sich ein Regenbogen über den Himmel spannt, dann gehen die Engel darauf über Land. Wenn ein silberner Stern durch die Wolken schuppt, kann es sein, dass er sich als Engel entpuppt. Wenn uns am Abend die Sonne rot brennend verlässt, dann feiern die Engel über den Bergen ein Fest. Und wenn`s leise flüstert: "Ich habe dich gern!", dann ist ein Engel gar nicht so fern. (Andrea Schacht) Where you can see angels If a rainbow is around the sky There are angel on their way If a silver star looks through the clouds It is possible that an angel originates If the sun leaves us in the evening as a red burn ball There are angels, they have a ball around the mountains If you hear a quiet whispering: "I love you!" Then is an angel near!! Much love!! Eva http://meatloaf-fanclub.gmxhome.de/verymuchlove998.jpg |
I'm not at home but I want quick to send you a big
(((((FRIEND))))) Much love, :D Eva |
A big thank you Eva for continuing to post for me love dottie xxxx |
I've missed you so much, so happy to be back and posting to you.... |
and you'll know that we miss you more than ever............... |
Dottie, you are welcome!! :D
Love, Eva |
Dear friend,
my love is always on the way to you!! :D Much Love, Eva http://www.drechsele.de/Mama/meat%20loaf%209.JPG |
Dear friend,
The follow poem I didn't write by myself. But I feel it and I want to show it to you! Very much love to you!! Eva **** Late at night when the world has gone to sleep, I close my eyes and I dream of magical things. Whispers of a dream come true.. My dreams are of memories from a childs heart... innocent and pure, untouched. In my dreams I see a world filled with magic. I see rainbows being born, by the hand of tiny, precious faeries. I see secrets being told from Angels to Faeries deep in the darkest, prettiest forest... Magic for all to behold. Secrets untold to the world... Secrets that could touch the sadest of hearts. Beauty beyond any imagination... I see a world with no more tears... only love and peace surround all hearts. My dream holds a future that we may never see... In the leaves gently touched with magic... I hear happiness...I hear children smiling... I hear Whispering...A Dream Come True. Poem © Morning Glory 2002 http://www.northern-dreams.com/Whisp...stOfDreams.jpg |
http://www.krislon.net/images/Love/W...0Is%20life.jpg This is for you.............. |
You my friend
There is no particular reason for this letter. No forgotten birthday or anniversary. It's just me sitting here, quietly thinking about the important things in my life and I thought of you... I wanted you to know, that you are important to me. My life, without you in it, would be markedly different. The sun wouldn't shine as brightly, the flowers wouldn't smell as sweet, the days wouldn't be as warm, and my smile would not beam as frequently. ...Sometimes I may gush, sometimes I may mush... But I want you to always know how much I care and how thankful I am, that you are part of my day. (author unknown) |
The Friendship Rose
Just like a rose, so precious and rare, is the forever friendship the two of us share. Planted with kindness, it's warmed by the sun of caring and sharing, laughter and fun. It's grounded in trust and nurtured by love, with a sprinkling of grace from God up above. Tears of sadness and joy, like dew, renew this friendship I share with you. And in the heart's garden, we find the room to be ourselves, to grow and bloom. A blessing of beauty unsurpassed, our friendship's a flower that will always last. http://www.flowersdirectory.co.uk/products/srrted.jpg |
Footprints in the Sand
by Mary Stevenson One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the Lord. Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene, he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand: one belonging to him, and the other to the Lord. When the last scene of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. He noticed that many times along the path of his life there was only one set of footprints. He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in his life. This really bothered him and he questioned the Lord about it. "Lord, You said that once I decided to follow you, You'd walk with me all the way. But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life, there is only one set of footprints. I don't understand why when I needed you most you would leave me." The Lord replied, "My son, My precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I Carried You." With very much love!! Eva |
May angels rest beside your door,
May you hear their voices sing. May you feel their loving care for you, May you hear their peace bells ring. May angels always care for you, And not let you trip and fall, May they bear you up on angel's wings, May they keep you standing tall. May they whisper wisdom in your ear, May they touch you when you need, May they remove from you each trace of fear, May they keep you from feeling greed. May they fill you with their presence, May they show you love untold, May they always stand beside you And make you ever bold. May they teach you what you need to know about life here and here-after. May they fill you always with their love And give you the gift of laughter (author unknown) Very much love!! :D Eva |
We all remember it well and miss you more as time passes............. |
Just thought I would stop by and to tell you I think of you, daily!
xxx Mariella |
I have a little garden
No flowers will you find. Instead you'll see the friendships That I have made online. They grow from something other Than normal flowers do. They thrive on love and support And understanding too. This special little garden No matter rain or shine. Is always in bloom This special place of mine. It's filled with fun and laughter Where happiness abounds. This lovely garden echoes Many joyful sound. I would like for you to know That you are planted here. In my "Friendship Garden" Our hearts are always near. (author unknown) http://www.silke-moeller.de/malerei/...lume_small.jpg |
White Rose
In the storm Stands the white rose tumultuous waves of destruction abound her Yet tall is the white rose strong in the face Of the sensed doom around her And she does not bow down Pure is the white rose In the compost earth growing eternal strength in the nights that so hurt I see not the white rose She is so far away But I long to protect her But only the words can I say So I send her my words And my poets heart To help her when there is hope to see her through Be Strong little flower Your heart will guide true And as long as you want I will always talk to you (by Walter Poe) http://www.sweetnews.de/freunde/post...mage/rose3.jpg |
Dear friend,
Please get this bunch of flowers, bound with my love!! :D Eva http://www.thelovebundle.com/catalog...te%20Roses.jpg |
In any language we all say WELCOME to your Garden of Love and Support |
F for all the Fun times we have together...
R for Rooting for me always... I for the Immensely lovable person you are... E for being all Ears for me... N for Not saying "yes" everytime... D for the Dozens of hugs... You mean so much to me!! :D Much Love, Eva |
again and again:
When you're down and troubled and you need a helping hand and nothing, whoa nothing is going right. Close your eyes and think of me and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest nights. You just call out my name, and you know wherever I am I'll come running, oh yeah baby to see you again. Winter, spring, summer, or fall, all you have to do is call and I'll be there, yeah, yeah, yeah. You've got a friend. If the sky above you should turn dark and full of clouds and that old north wind should begin to blow Keep your head together and call my name out loud and soon I will be knocking upon your door. You just call out my name and you know wherever I am I'll come running to see you again. Winter, spring, summer or fall all you got to do is call and I'll be there, yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey, ain't it good to know that you've got a friend? People can be so cold. They'll hurt you and desert you. Well they'll take your soul if you let them. Oh yeah, but don't you let them. You just call out my name and you know wherever I am I'll come running to see you again. Oh babe, don't you know that, Winter spring summer or fall, Hey now, all you've got to do is call. Lord, I'll be there, yes I will. You've got a friend. You've got a friend. Ain't it good to know you've got a friend. Ain't it good to know you've got a friend. You've got a friend. (Carole King) With much love!! Eva http://aktion-hummelschutz.keyspace....onnenblume.jpg |
F for Friend - R for Reaching (out) - I for Indispensible - E for Elation (if you come back to us) - N for Noble (person) - D for Dreaming (of the day you return to us)
A FRIEND who is so sorely missed - where are you? http://deckernet.com/shed/cards/friend.jpg |
I send much friendship-hugs to you, dear friend!! Much Love!! Eva |
I think of you often friend, I wish so much that you would come back to us. Today I especially thought of you as I bought tickets to see James Taylor in concert in October. I know that you also love his music, and I will be thinking of you when he sings the song that is both of our favorites, Frozen Man.
As always, wishing that you were here. Sherrie |
I think of you often friend, I wish so much that you would come back to us. Today I especially thought of you as I bought tickets to see James Taylor in concert in October. I know that you also love his music, and I will be thinking of you when he sings the song that is both of our favorites, Frozen Man.
As always, wishing that you were here. Sherrie |
Please get the flowers with a smile! Much Love!! Eva |
Just call out my name and you know wherever I am I'll come running... |
...winter/spring/summer or fall...ALL you have to do is call...and I'll be there!...
A Friend loveth at all times - Proverb 17:17
WOW!!! :D
It's VERY hot here, isn't? GREAT!! :D But it isn't a wonder - because YOU are such a dear friend!! Much LOVE!! :D Eva Don't forget: You have got a friend .... sorry... YOU HAVE GOT MANY FRIENDS!! :D |
Please let the sun, I try to send here, into your heart and have a sunny and restful Sunday!
Much Love!! :D Eva http://www.lagerquistgallery.net/ima...0Splendor~.jpg |
Dear friend,
In the same moment I saw this pic http://www.poofcat.com/friend22.jpg I was thinking of YOU! Because it is a pic with much love in!! Love we share to each other!! Much Love, Eva |
We hope your heart is so full of love, that problems have no way to walk in.............. |
Which "babyface" do you like more?
This one? http://meatloaf-fanclub.gmxhome.de/babyface02.jpg or this two? :D http://meatloaf-fanclub.gmxhome.de/babyface01.JPG Much love to you!! :D Eva |
Knew you'd like this - we both send all of our love to you...... |
This is the brigde which I will come running if you call out my name...
http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~willerd/rainbow_ocean.jpg |
Friends are cherished people whom we carry in our hearts wherever we go in life.
We may spend a lot of time together, getting to know each other and sharing each other's lives, then have to move on to other places. But no matter where we go, we always remember the wonderful people who touched our lives... No matter where we go in life, we always remember the people who loved us and helped us learn more about ourselves, the people who stayed by us when we had to face difficult times, and with whom we felt safe enough to reveal our true selves. Friends are the unforgettable people we dreamed and planned great futures with, who accepted us as we were and encouraged us to become all that we wanted to be. ***** I am SO happy to have YOU as my friend!! Thank you!! Much love, Eva |
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