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MeatGrl1 13 May 2008 01:29

Kasim has posted the following bulletin on myspace...
TITLE: Kasim Has Sent A New Message to His Mailing List!!


I have a couple solo shows coming up this month. If you happen to be within driving, walking, flying, limping or crawling distance, please join us for an evening of songs and stories....

The first show is this weekend, May 17th in Bearsville NY. My old stomping grounds.

I'll be performing at The Bearsville Theater http://www. bearsvilletheater. com
The Theater will be screening the new Meat Loaf Documentary "In Search Of Paradise" prior to my set.

It's an intimate look behind the scene during last years tour. Funny, insightful, serious, telling and a hoot to boot.

Not to mention the fact that I have a very dominant role in the film!

Saturday, May 17, 2008
Doors at 6:30pm
Movie at 7:30pm
Concert at 9:30pm

The second show is on May 27th in Boston at Johnny D's http://www. johnnyds. com

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Doors - 4:30 (this is a Dinner Venue if you so desire)
Opener - 8:30
Kasim - 9:30

This is a very popular club in the Boston area and I'm happy to be playing a show here.

And it's the night after the Pizza and Trivia evening!

Anyway, if you can, please join me. If your not there, I'll need a Doctors note.


Deb 13 May 2008 01:32

That sounds like fun, wish I could be there :(

Thanks for posting it Emma

Battybarb 13 May 2008 01:35

sounds really great,he is very talented

MeatGrl1 13 May 2008 01:37

Your welcome, thought any bit of news from the Meat camp is good :cool: .

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