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LucyK! 27 May 2008 13:58

Pearl UK Dates Summer 2008
From My Space...

As well as supporting Meat for most of the UK and Germany dates, Pearl's added some solo gigs on the nights in between:

July 5th at Barfly, Cambridge
July 8th at Barfly, Liverpool
July 10th at Barfly, Birmingham
July 12th at Fibbers, York

Monstro 27 May 2008 14:06

WOT????? No London???????????????

LucyK! 27 May 2008 14:11

Nope, straight to Germany after these dates...Pearl's not supporting Meat in London though so I suppose she can go where she likes at that point rather than following him

djfierce 27 May 2008 14:21

:( considering the reception she got last time in london, i'm very dissapointed

Battybarb 28 May 2008 01:15

that is disapointing...

Monstro-08 29 May 2008 22:56

I'd love to see Pearl live,
I've seen some videos on youtube and she is AWSOME!!!!

djfierce 29 May 2008 23:12

Saw her in london recently, she truly is awesome, she has grown as an artist so much, if anyone gets the chance to go see her you absolutely have to, guesse we will have to make do with seeing her open for Meat

Battybarb 30 May 2008 10:01

Neil told me she is gonna be in Liverpool on 8th July but unfortunately i cant stay after the concert until then so i am gutted,but Neil and Jo are going so they can give me a full report..i relly would have liked to of made it myself though....

christa 30 May 2008 11:08


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 413327)
WOT????? No London???????????????

Believe it or not, the UK consists of more places than London!!!!!!!!!!

I know that hard to take in but its true!!!!!!!!!!!!

It means that.......SHOCK..............HORROR............... Londoners just might have to travel like the rest of us:shock::shock::shock:

Hypnobabe 30 May 2008 11:25


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 413327)
WOT????? No London???????????????

Cambridge isn't that far from London.... whizz round the M25 and straight up the M11... no problem....

djfierce 30 May 2008 11:44


Originally Posted by christa (Post 413705)
Believe it or not, the UK consists of more places than London!!!!!!!!!!

I know that hard to take in but its true!!!!!!!!!!!!

It means that.......SHOCK..............HORROR............... Londoners just might have to travel like the rest of us:shock::shock::shock:

was that really called for???

for your information, we will be travelling a hell of a lot this summer, maybe to more shows than you maybe not, i dont give a flying feck. These londoners use up their babysitter credits on a regular basis and yes shock horror, we've travelled far to see many artists and wouldve to see Pearl last time if there was no london date, we even travelled to support Patti when no one could be bothered to jump in their cars to show her support, she's the buzz name right now but where was everyone when she needed the fans to show her the ML fans still loved her, nowhere!! I can count on one hand the people who turned up to either of the events we were at, so stick your lecture back in.

FYI I AM gutted there is no london date as i cant travel to one more show, i wouldve had to grovel for the one night the london gig would take, my babysitter said no to any more nights, she has a life too, it doesnt revolve around my ML travels although she does her best to help. And also fyi we will travle to see Pearl again if she comes back when we havent spent a fortune on hotels/travel/tickets on Meat already.

Alot of people travel more than us some dont but i'm not gonna post shit like you just did to those that dont, everyones situation is different, why the ~~~~ do people have to be so argumentative :bicker:


Originally Posted by Barb
Neil told me she is gonna be in Liverpool on 8th July but unfortunately i cant stay after the concert until then so i am gutted,but Neil and Jo are going so they can give me a full report..i relly would have liked to of made it myself though....

She seems to be getting a bit of a following over here barb, so hopefully she will be able to come back for a small tour of her own, her album is due out in Sept so hopefully we see some tour dates next year from her :pray: as i said seeing her recently she really has grown as an artist and put on one hell of a show. Oh and arent you a londoner too Barb?? Have you considered travelling?? Oh sorry like alot of us you already are ;)

djfierce 30 May 2008 11:46


Originally Posted by Hypnobabe (Post 413707)
Cambridge isn't that far from London.... whizz round the M25 and straight up the M11... no problem....

I actually didnt know that claire, thought those dates would include an overnight, but it's certainly worth looking into. Thanks :))

Deb 30 May 2008 12:27

It's about 50 miles further than me Anji.

djfierce 30 May 2008 14:37


Originally Posted by Deb (Post 413715)
It's about 50 miles further than me Anji.

just looked a the date Deb, it's the day after Meat's show at bath right? then it would def be a no from my babysitter :(
If you go you'll have to give me a detailed report Deb;)
Will sit and hope she comes back soon then :)

Monstro 30 May 2008 15:34


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 413327)
WOT????? No London???????????????


Originally Posted by christa (Post 413705)
Believe it or not, the UK consists of more places than London!!!!!!!!!!

I know that hard to take in but its true!!!!!!!!!!!!

It means that.......SHOCK..............HORROR............... Londoners just might have to travel like the rest of us:shock::shock::shock:

You don't say......really....well that's me told then.

Fortunately having just moved to London from the south coast I know about trains and motorways, all growed up me and I'm quite conversant with the need for travel as ticket stubs for most of the UK venues that Meat's played in the last 20yrs in this county will prove.

I am genuinely surprised that Pearl hasn't yet announced a London gig as the reception she got from her last one was excellent and as far as the south of England goes it's reasonably central for people to get to, got lots of them train station thingys you know. Fortunately I'm brave enough to be able to travel and will be seeing her open for Meat on more than one occasion...SHOCK..........HORROR......he's leaving London:shock::shock::shock:

allrevvedup 30 May 2008 17:25


Originally Posted by djfierce (Post 413712)
I actually didnt know that claire, thought those dates would include an overnight, but it's certainly worth looking into. Thanks :))

just looked on the barfly website and there's no mention of Pearl playing Cambridge..however I don't go back til the 6th so it is definitely something I would consider going to if it could be arranged

Battybarb 31 May 2008 00:42


Originally Posted by djfierce (Post 413711)
was that really called for???

for your information, we will be travelling a hell of a lot this summer, maybe to more shows than you maybe not, i dont give a flying feck. These londoners use up their babysitter credits on a regular basis and yes shock horror, we've travelled far to see many artists and wouldve to see Pearl last time if there was no london date, we even travelled to support Patti when no one could be bothered to jump in their cars to show her support, she's the buzz name right now but where was everyone when she needed the fans to show her the ML fans still loved her, nowhere!! I can count on one hand the people who turned up to either of the events we were at, so stick your lecture back in.

FYI I AM gutted there is no london date as i cant travel to one more show, i wouldve had to grovel for the one night the london gig would take, my babysitter said no to any more nights, she has a life too, it doesnt revolve around my ML travels although she does her best to help. And also fyi we will travle to see Pearl again if she comes back when we havent spent a fortune on hotels/travel/tickets on Meat already.

Alot of people travel more than us some dont but i'm not gonna post shit like you just did to those that dont, everyones situation is different, why the ~~~~ do people have to be so argumentative :bicker:

She seems to be getting a bit of a following over here barb, so hopefully she will be able to come back for a small tour of her own, her album is due out in Sept so hopefully we see some tour dates next year from her :pray: as i said seeing her recently she really has grown as an artist and put on one hell of a show. Oh and arent you a londoner too Barb?? Have you considered travelling?? Oh sorry like alot of us you already are ;)

I totally agree with all you said Anji, and yes i am a just a shame i have to come back from Liverpool by the 5th as i have a wedding to go to other wise i could stay,still im sure there will be another chance to see Pearl and i will jump at it..

christa 31 May 2008 01:07


Originally Posted by djfierce (Post 413711)
was that really called for???

for your information, we will be travelling a hell of a lot this summer, maybe to more shows than you maybe not, i dont give a flying feck. These londoners use up their babysitter credits on a regular basis and yes shock horror, we've travelled far to see many artists and wouldve to see Pearl last time if there was no london date, we even travelled to support Patti when no one could be bothered to jump in their cars to show her support, she's the buzz name right now but where was everyone when she needed the fans to show her the ML fans still loved her, nowhere!! I can count on one hand the people who turned up to either of the events we were at, so stick your lecture back in.

FYI I AM gutted there is no london date as i cant travel to one more show, i wouldve had to grovel for the one night the london gig would take, my babysitter said no to any more nights, she has a life too, it doesnt revolve around my ML travels although she does her best to help. And also fyi we will travle to see Pearl again if she comes back when we havent spent a fortune on hotels/travel/tickets on Meat already.

Alot of people travel more than us some dont but i'm not gonna post shit like you just did to those that dont, everyones situation is different, why the ~~~~ do people have to be so argumentative :bicker:

She seems to be getting a bit of a following over here barb, so hopefully she will be able to come back for a small tour of her own, her album is due out in Sept so hopefully we see some tour dates next year from her :pray: as i said seeing her recently she really has grown as an artist and put on one hell of a show. Oh and arent you a londoner too Barb?? Have you considered travelling?? Oh sorry like alot of us you already are ;)

Struth get off your friggin high horse will ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

obviously you lot south of wherever have never heard of light humour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I travel, I have to have a babysitter and I have to pay for hotels JUST LIKE YOU!
My point being that people south of Watford gap tend to think it aint happening unless its within the M25, this is veiw shared by alot of "northerners" .
And Im NOT argumentative , Im one of the calmest, most laidback people I know:cool:

The Flying Mouse 31 May 2008 01:14


Time out folks.
Arguing over who is more willing and has the most resources to travel the most is hardly relative to the thread.

Remember her?

I'm personally looking forward to seeing her at Liverpool 8)

christa 31 May 2008 01:17

Whose arguing? Certainly not me.

Monstro 31 May 2008 01:17


Originally Posted by christa (Post 413789)
My point being that people south of Watford gap tend to think it aint happening unless its within the M25, this is veiw shared by alot of "northerners" .

Fortunately not by all "Northerners" as this "Northerner" will testify.

And with all due respect if it's humor you're injecting, lol or :mrgreen: goes a long way towards letting people know that......SHOCK...HORROR...:shock::shock::shock: doesn't convey

The Flying Mouse 31 May 2008 01:20


Originally Posted by christa (Post 413789)
Struth get off your friggin high horse will ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Originally Posted by christa (Post 413794)
Whose arguing? Certainly not me.

:twisted: Please tell me you're joking? :wtf:

OK, the next post is either about Pearl, or one of these :lock: get's put on the thread.

djfierce 31 May 2008 01:23

of course it was only me that thought it was uncalled for :roll:, btw you quoted a northener. I dont believe in speaking for all southerners, just for myself, and we work extra hard to be able to do what we do and go where we go.
I dont have a high horse btw, i have a car that cant seem to handle all mileage ;)

If you meant it in jest then fine, i back down, it came accross as a cheap shot to someone you know nothing about that's all ;)

I hope anyone close can get to see Pearl, i am gutted she was awesome when we saw her and is truly deserving of her own gig these days.

The Flying Mouse 31 May 2008 01:28

:twisted: OK, thread locked, then decided to open it again.

All is now said and done.

It was a joke ha ha ha very good.

Now can we get back onto the topic at hand please or this thread is gone for good.

Monstro 31 May 2008 01:30

Back on topic lol

Expect this...


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