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Steingirl 05 Jun 2008 18:52

Randy Flowers?
I have heard about various projects from all the band members except Randy Flowers. Has he been playing with any other bands while he's not touring with Meat? (other than that one gig with CC) I think I saw him several years ago at a Country Music Festival playing guitar for Wynonna Judd.

Deb 05 Jun 2008 18:57

Very cool Steingirl. I'd have loved to have seen Randy with Wynonna. He has worked with her. Where was the fair? local?


samurai7 05 Jun 2008 19:02

didn't he used to play for Shania Twain as well, or am I thinking of someone else.

(PS now you've done it - you've mentioned Randy... ;))

Steingirl 05 Jun 2008 19:10


Originally Posted by Deb (Post 414482)
Very cool Steingirl. I'd have loved to have seen Randy with Wynonna. He has worked with her. Where was the fair? local?


My mom goes to this festival each year, and I usually go along for the ride. It's in a different city each year (in the U.S.), so I'll have to find my photos to see which one this was. My mom's the big country music fan, but it usually is a fun time with some great performers. Wynonna (and Randy) did a few songs that really rocked.

Deb 05 Jun 2008 19:16

Wow you have pictures. very cool :cool:

Steingirl 05 Jun 2008 19:28


Originally Posted by Deb (Post 414486)
Wow you have pictures. very cool :cool:

I'll stop by my mom's this weekend and start sorting. She has about five years worth of photos. One of the festivals aired on U.S. tv, but there was only one shot of Randy in the background. I'll see if she has that too and I'll let you know, Deb.

Deb 05 Jun 2008 19:30

Thanks Steingirl :-) Pics would be great :cool: The video would as well lol. Wonder if anyone has it :?

RadioMaster 05 Jun 2008 22:29

a band related event Debbie didnt know about....Im shocked

Deb 05 Jun 2008 23:15

I knew about Randy and Winona. I have pics on my site Renardo :-P What I didn't know is that Steingirl or any other Meat fans for that matter had seen him with her :-)

RadioMaster 05 Jun 2008 23:34

damn....i give simply know everything! lol

young at heart 06 Jun 2008 14:47

great to see RANDY being mentioned again!

Deb 06 Jun 2008 14:58

LOL I wondered where you were :-P

Steingirl 09 Jun 2008 19:18

Deb, I now have a copy of the Wynonna/Randy video for you. I'll bring it with me to Plymouth.

Steingirl 18 Jun 2008 18:10

btw, This was the CMA Music Festival. The year was 2004 and the city was Nashville, TN, USA.

I found a photo of Wynonna with Randy in the background at this link:

Pudding 19 Jun 2008 03:33

Randy performed with David Gates (singer with Bread) back in 2003. There's a great review of the Manchester 31st gig from THIS place. And I think he was also part of the Bread tour in '96-97 (Picture taken from the same website)

Check out the guitarist at around 2 minutes. Video from 1997 I believe.
YouTube Video

It kinda looks like Randy :shock:

Pud :twisted:

calie 12 Jul 2008 15:18

Great to see a recent discussion about Randy, When is this great muso going to get his own web site?????????????????????????????????????????

MissAsh 12 Jul 2008 15:27

He has a Myspace which is easy enough to find... most bands/musicians seem to use that in place of a 'proper' site anyway.

bookwyse 12 Jul 2008 18:18

When Randy is not touring with Meat he is usually found playing with his brither and two other band members in a group called Pinch. They used to have have a site @ but it hasnt been around for a while.

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