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Sarge 14 Nov 2011 01:27

Meat Loaf to appear on German TV in December
Apparently Meat will play All Of Me which is supposed to be the first single on Wetten, dass...? on December 3. Just accidentally stumbled upon this, trying to get further info.

Wario 14 Nov 2011 01:31


Originally Posted by Sarge (Post 558939)
Apparently Meat will play All Of Me which is supposed to be the first single on Wetten, dass...? on December 3. Just accidentally stumbled upon this, trying to get further info.

Itll probably be mimed. arent most performances on that show mimed?

Sarge 14 Nov 2011 01:35

I haven't watched it in ages but as far as I know it's usually live vocals to pre-recorded music. Not sure about Meat Loaf's previous performances on that show, they sounded pretty much like the album versions to me, but here's a nice appearance by Alicia Keys which sounds live:

Sarge 14 Nov 2011 03:01

For those who speak German, there is some info regarding the appearance on the bottom of this page:


Mit der ersten Singleauskopplung "All Of Me" wird Meat Loaf, der in Deutschland ein besonders treues Publikum hat, am 3.12. in der letzten Wetten Dass Sendung 2011 auftreten.
Translation: "Meat Loaf, who has an especially loyal audience in Germany, will perform the first single All Of Me on December 3, on the last Wetten Dass show of 2011."

I hope there will be more info in the next couple of days, I could not find out that much about the guests of the show so far.

stretch37 14 Nov 2011 03:10

Way to go Meat!! I'm so stoked that your appearing on tv to perform the single! Here's hoping there's more promo performances coming up!!

Vickip 14 Nov 2011 03:11


Originally Posted by stretch37 (Post 558947)
Way to go Meat!! I'm so stoked that your appearing on tv to perform the single! Here's hoping there's more promo performances coming up!!


Wario 14 Nov 2011 08:36

I thought he was home. why go all the way over to germany for a small performance on a tv show?

juniper 14 Nov 2011 08:40

This is most awesome news!

carole 14 Nov 2011 09:41

Wow, that's great. Hopefully it will be put on youtube so the rest of us can see it too.


unbekannt 14 Nov 2011 10:32

Yay! :cheer:

2jaxx 14 Nov 2011 11:18

It's not a small performance. Wetten Dass creates big sales.

AndyK 14 Nov 2011 11:43


Originally Posted by Wario (Post 558966)
I thought he was home. why go all the way over to germany for a small performance on a tv show?

Maybe things have changed and the European promo is starting prior to Christmas now? Wetten Dass is a HUGE show in Germany, and the opportunity to get some promo on a stage such as that is one not to be missed.

unbekannt 14 Nov 2011 12:05

Since it's Thomas Gottschalk's (he's been hosting the show since 1987) last show of Wetten, dass…?, it will be really huge!

Nici 14 Nov 2011 13:29


Originally Posted by unbekannt (Post 558980)
Since it's Thomas Gottschalk's (he's been hosting the show since 1987) last show of Wetten, dass…?, it will be really huge!

Wetten, das is not. Ā small tv program, it is HUGE in germany and even in Holland. Millions and Millions of people Will be watching that show so it Will be ā great way for Meat to get something going in Europe:D

chairboys 14 Nov 2011 13:40

I am as thrilled as everyone else that Meat is appearing on Wetten Dass.
Are we thrilled with the song choice though? (as it is only 4th in our poll)

unbekannt 14 Nov 2011 13:51

I think All Of Me is a good choice for a show like Wetten, dass…?, it's pretty catchy.

Sarge 14 Nov 2011 14:12


Originally Posted by Wario (Post 558966)
I thought he was home. why go all the way over to germany for a small performance on a tv show?

According to the link to the online shop I posted, the CD will apparently be released the day before. Judging by the price it does not seem to be an import, so maybe this is indeed the release date for Germany. As 2jaxx, AndyK and unbekannt have said Wetten, dass..? is a huge show in Germany, in fact it is the biggest Saturday night entertainment show. It is also broadcasted in Austria and Switzerland. It has its 30th anniversary this year and the show in December will be the last one with Thomas Gottschalk. Many people will watch it and it will get a lot of media coverage. Yes, it's certainly worth to come over for this "small performance". If he really performs on that show, it will be one of the best opportunities to plug his album in Europe.

Dick 14 Nov 2011 15:03


Originally Posted by Sarge (Post 558988)
According to the link to the online shop I posted, the CD will apparently be released the day before. Judging by the price it does not seem to be an import, so maybe this is indeed the release date for Germany. As 2jaxx, AndyK and unbekannt have said Wetten, dass..? is a huge show in Germany, in fact it is the biggest Saturday night entertainment show. It is also broadcasted in Austria and Switzerland. It has its 30th anniversary this year and the show in December will be the last one with Thomas Gottschalk. Many people will watch it and it will get a lot of media coverage. Yes, it's certainly worth to come over for this "small performance". If he really performs on that show, it will be one of the best opportunities to plug his album in Europe.

Definately! and bearing in mind most of the US doesnt really seem to stick by him when he is releasing a non bat album. U.K, Ireland, Germany and many other European countries go along for the ride as they know its one they enjoy no matter what the theme. Not to say American audiences arent there but i just think they're very much a Bat audience. The smaller shows and Bat dominated sets reflect this.

unbekannt 14 Nov 2011 15:06


Originally Posted by Sarge (Post 558988)
Judging by the price it does not seem to be an import, so maybe this is indeed the release date for Germany.

Yes, probably. They also sell the Australian import:

Edit: And now it's on German Amazon for pre-order:

Vickip 14 Nov 2011 15:44


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 558979)
Maybe things have changed and the European promo is starting prior to Christmas now? Wetten Dass is a HUGE show in Germany, and the opportunity to get some promo on a stage such as that is one not to be missed.

Excellent :))

Dave 14 Nov 2011 15:50


Originally Posted by Wario (Post 558966)
I thought he was home. why go all the way over to germany for a small performance on a tv show?

Ummmm.... The last time I checked, this show was huge. I remember the comment being made that like Two Out Of Three people who can do turn into this show - it is almost a nation wide event.

chairboys 14 Nov 2011 15:55

wetten dass - what is the equivalent type of show over here?

don't worry just checked it out. You Bet!

pierre 14 Nov 2011 16:35


Originally Posted by Wario (Post 558940)
Itll probably be mimed. arent most performances on that show mimed?

Yes, they are.

He already performed Anything, Not A Dry Eye (Meat made a big mistake in the mimed performance) and DIST (where Meat kissed the showmaster Thomas) at that show.

Itīs a Saturday evening family show.

glamourgirl 14 Nov 2011 17:54


Originally Posted by Sarge (Post 558939)
Apparently Meat will play All Of Me which is supposed to be the first single on Wetten, dass...? on December 3.

So Patti won't be there? :(

She's supposed to be performing with the SAS Band on Dec. 3.

Smithie 14 Nov 2011 19:07


Originally Posted by pierre (Post 559003)
Yes, they are.

He already performed Anything, Not A Dry Eye (Meat made a big mistake in the mimed performance) and DIST (where Meat kissed the showmaster Thomas) at that show.

I remember that. Not really his mistake, but the cd skipped a couple times during the Not a Dry Eye performance.

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