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Evil One 08 Feb 2014 18:56

Brand new 30 minute documentary featuring 2 new songs?

That's the claim on the back of the Guilty Pleasure Blu Ray box.

Is the documentary the same as the regular DVD version? And are these 2 new songs non existent?

melon 08 Feb 2014 19:40

Is it only available in Blu ray?

Adje 08 Feb 2014 19:53

I have the BluRay. I have the DVD. Same content....

loaferman61 08 Feb 2014 20:06


Originally Posted by Adje (Post 600716)
I have the BluRay. I have the DVD. Same content....

Same lighting?

Adje 08 Feb 2014 20:43


Originally Posted by loaferman61 (Post 600717)
Same lighting?

Same lighting, same editing, same ConcertOne f*ck-ups. At least it has HD sound and HD picture.

Evil One 09 Feb 2014 16:57


Originally Posted by Adje (Post 600723)
same ConcertOne f*ck-ups

ConcertOne is a ~~~~ up. Appallingly shoddy worksmanship.

Monstro 09 Feb 2014 18:11

Same shit different ray

Wario 10 Feb 2014 07:02

ugh we really need a good DVD release....

loaferman61 10 Feb 2014 18:04


Originally Posted by Adje (Post 600723)
Same lighting, same editing, same ConcertOne f*ck-ups. At least it has HD sound and HD picture.

I see blue people. I thought I had accidentally bought a "Smurfs" DVD. I'm still trying to figure out how much is overdubbed but the lighting makes it harder to tell. I like to get DVD's and I appreciate Meat doing it, but the company did a pretty poor job on this one I must say.

Wario 11 Feb 2014 02:07


Originally Posted by loaferman61 (Post 600796)
I see blue people. I thought I had accidentally bought a "Smurfs" DVD. I'm still trying to figure out how much is overdubbed but the lighting makes it harder to tell. I like to get DVD's and I appreciate Meat doing it, but the company did a pretty poor job on this one I must say.

They increased the contrast and made it darker to mask the overdubbs. Its terrible.

Evil One 11 Feb 2014 12:04

No, I suspect ConcertOne increased the contrast and made it darker to mask the poor job they made of filming. Judging by their overall attention to detail, I doubt it was their intention to hide any overdubbing.

MarkS 11 Feb 2014 19:39

The concert one website hasn't been updated in over a year, so I imagine they are out of business. An d watching the GP DVD it isn't hard to see why

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TheDoode 12 Feb 2014 11:56

At least they have an alarmingly accurate name now.

loaferman61 12 Feb 2014 19:46


Originally Posted by MarkS (Post 600812)
The concert one website hasn't been updated in over a year, so I imagine they are out of business. An d watching the GP DVD it isn't hard to see why

Sent from my Moto X using Forum Runner

I can't imagine anyone else using them after the shoddy job they did with GP. That is why I hope for another DVD so much. I thank Meat for going through with making the GP DVD although it was clear there were issues with the company. Meat didn't film it or anything so it was not his fault. He has seem to had a streak of bad luck with DVD's -with illness, throat and vocal chord issues, and bad lighting and poor production companies- and I hope he will break it with a new one.

loaferman61 12 Feb 2014 19:49


Originally Posted by Evil One (Post 600804)
No, I suspect ConcertOne increased the contrast and made it darker to mask the poor job they made of filming. Judging by their overall attention to detail, I doubt it was their intention to hide any overdubbing.

True. I'm not sure they would have expected the overdubbing when they filmed. It just looks bad. I'm still trying to guess how much is audio from the actual Sydney show, I suppose we will never really know unless Meat or Paul says. I know Meat hoped to keep about 80% at one time, but from watching it I don't think it ended up being that much.

Evil One 12 Feb 2014 20:02

I suspect most of the overdubbing occurs whenever the sound effects come into play. The bit that I think should have been done is the end of Rock And Roll Dreams. Meat mumbles something about "It doesn't make any difference..." and I have no idea what he's actually saying.

Wario 13 Feb 2014 21:32

concert one even deleted their fb page. they are dead. good riddance

drewhiggins 28 Feb 2014 11:25

^ Good riddance indeed. I'm still peeved that I got two DVDs from different stores and not one worked in any of about 6 DVD players including friends' ones. Whether it was a botched batch or what, who knows.

You know, I still haven't been able to see the full show.

AndrewG 28 Feb 2014 18:59

The back sleeve sounds like it was written by an absolute, complete and utter moron.

Meat Loaf needs no introduction, then they introduce him, then the stupid short facts with exclamation marks and lastly they abbreviated many of the titles + obviously the other stuff they got wrong. Piss poor craftmanship that probably took an hour to do instead of spending a few days nailing the cover which would sit in the collection of many fans.

Whoever did that deserves a good beating. :kickass:

AndrewG 28 Feb 2014 19:16

Haven't actually seen the full DVD but did just watch Peace on Earth on YT.

I agree with the Smurfs comment. Ridiculous amounts of blue and the blues are too harsh.

A lot of the shots seem really off. Sometimes we see the backs of the bandmembers that offers nothing significant otherwise. Why?

Some of the parts of Peace on Earth live I really liked during the HCTB tour in 2010. Like the use of the screen and seeing the shooting stars at the end. This nice stuff is completely lost by framing things so poorly. Why constantly show us the shot that shows us the stage and its surroundings to the extent you can see the theatre building interiors being lit up? This surely is a no-no for a DVD you have had time to spend post production time on? Poor editing and poor shot choices for a DVD capture they claim to have had 15 cameras for.

That's a real bloody shame actually. Bunch of ~~~~ers.

JennaG 28 Feb 2014 19:53


Originally Posted by AndrewG (Post 601482)
Piss poor craftmanship that probably took an hour to do instead of spending a few days nailing the cover which would sit in the collection of many fans.

Whoever did that deserves a good beating. :kickass:

Two Out Three Ain't Bad, anyone? Where's the 'of'?

The design itself isn't too bad but the write up should have been better. It doesn't really look all that professional when you've got mistakes like that in there.

lorenzoduke 01 Mar 2014 01:03

The most jarring overdub has to be the start of Stand In The Storm. Of course when he was on The One Show last time, this was the clip they showed.

Half of the songs listed on the back cover don't use the full title. I'm willing to bet that they just copied them from a hand-written setlist.

I think Rock Fuel have taken the 'shit music DVD' mantle from them now - almost makes me wonder if some of the same people are involved.

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