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RadioMaster 21 Jul 2006 11:45

Our favourite Meat/Jim lyrics
Dunno if this has already been done, so if...:oops:

We were talking about our favourite songs, but now lets talk about the lyrics.
Doesnt have to be Jim lyrics but if itīs by Jim it doesnt have to be sung by Meat.

Some of my favourite lyrics are:
- Youīll have to pay for it later, if you dont get it when itīs going for free
(What I like on this is the double meaning of paying (giving money) if something is not for free, and then that if you dont use a chance itīll be too late.)
- Weīll never be as young as we are right now
(Thatīs just so simple and nobody thinks about, but itīs the truth and very deep in sense if you think about)
- I saw you making love to my best friend (two of my best friends, a group of my best friends), so I looked him (them) right in his (their) eyes and I said...
(Shows perfectly Jimīs sense of humor:)))

Itīs your turn8)

Edit: to the mods, maybe this belongs more to TT&BH, so please move it

L96 21 Jul 2006 12:06

Aaaaargh. Too hard.

The seconds go on forever, but the thirds and fourths are even better
I hate every bone in her body except mine
You were only killing time and it will kill you right back
It's an endless plan unfolding
We'll never be as young as we are right now

Oh, and the rest of them! :lol:

LucyK! 21 Jul 2006 13:23

"The angels had guitars even before they had wings" - because I'd like to think they did!

AndrewG 21 Jul 2006 14:49

Far too many to mention.

However some of my current favourite lyrics:

From Did I say that:

(The bit at the end when the background singers sing this over Meat's Chorus is superb IMO):
This time I'm not letting go, this time
I'll have and I'll hold
This time I'm walking through fire
this time I'll feed your desire
This time I'll stand by your side, this
time I will be your pride
This time I'm not letting go, this time
I'll have and I'll hold
This time I'm walking through fire

From Cry to Heaven:

(The Batman bit I find truly amazing is this):
And I see it all
I see it, all the devils are rising
As all the angels are starting to fall!

Maybe it's a curse!
Maybe it's a gift!
But I see it all!

(Those lyrics are just great and work so well if sung by the Batman character IMO)

mszee 21 Jul 2006 15:25

Wow...way too many to mention...

1. The entire For Crying Out Loud
2. The entire Read 'Em and Weep
3. Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere
4. Objects in a rearview mirror may appear closer than they are
5. I know I will never be politically correct and I don't give a damn about my lack of etiquette
6. Wasted youth is better by far then a wise and productive old age
7.If you want my views of history,Then theres something you should know
The three men I admire mosta are Curly, Larry, Moe
Don't worry about the future, sooner or later its the past - if they say the thrill is gone then it's time to take it back
8. And I'll kill you if you don't come back
9. A Kiss is a terrible thing to waste
10.Well whatever you got and whoever it was, I guess you couldnt get it from me.

Oh my god...the list goes on and on...I can hold entire conversations just by quoting songs that Meat sings...

RadioMaster 21 Jul 2006 16:08

Some lines from it just wont quit are great too

Itīs a stairway to heaven or a subway going down to the pits
(well Iīm a Led Zeppelin fan :)))
Maybe Iīm under a spell and itīs magic, maybe thereīs a witchdoctor with an office in town

Can you get me a perscription for that one perfect touch

szakal88 21 Jul 2006 17:01

You took the word right out of my mouth, oh it must have been while you were kissing me

And many more.....

Jeanie 21 Jul 2006 20:32

There are so very many... here are a few though.

From RR&D's.. you've been through the fires of hell, and I know you've got the scares (ashes) to prove it.

DIST.. I want to take you in the backseat now and slowly drive you home.:oops:

WAS.. Money ain't the power king, and a man can be most anything, where angels sing.

AIG.. chorus

FY.. entire song

And for my hubby.. last bit of PBTDBL.. It was long ago and far away, so much better than it is today. ;) LOL


needmoremeat 21 Jul 2006 20:46

There are far far too many to choose from! But I'll give it a go.

The "for the good of" lyrics in BFG
"maybe I'm lonely, that's all I'm qualified to be" - love the voice at this point!
The aforementioned lyrics from Graveyard Shift.
"and it's just my luck tonight I don't have anything to wear" - Ravishing. Everyone laughs at that!:lol:
"we got our dreams reborn and our upholstery torn but everything we tried was right" - particularly the LATW version!

I can't think right now, it's hot, and my brain is mush!

RadioMaster 21 Jul 2006 20:55

The next line is much better IMO:
She used her body just like a bandage, she used my body just like a wound

MeatGrl1 22 Jul 2006 00:19

At the present time...

#I can't lie
I can't tell you that I'm something I'm not,
No matter how I try
I'll never be able
To give you something,
Something that I just haven't got..#

Because work especially seem to judge me and assume that I'm something I'm not so I just feel like yelling this lyric at them.. It's just very appropriate right now.

L96 22 Jul 2006 01:32

Ah man... how could I forget...

Take me to a land where I won't have to stay.
Cant you hear the planet groaning like a broken down mahcine? Rusty with the guilty tears of fallen kings and queens.
And we fear the end of days, from the cradle to the grave.
Nothing really rocks, and nothing really rolls, and nothing's ever worth the cost.

PanicLord 22 Jul 2006 07:01

I love ALL of IGLHFBOU and REAW.

Dead Ringer is great too, but this bit is pure genius:

(boy:) You got the kind of legs that do more than walk
(girl:) I dont have to listen to your whimpering talk
(boy:) listen you got the kind of eyes that do more than see
(girl:) you got a lotta nerve to come on to me
(boy:) you got the kind of lips that do more than drink
(girl:) you got the kind of mind that does less than think


The seconds go on for ever, but the 3rd and the 4th ones are even better :lol:

Oh, baby, Im a hunter in the dark of the forest
Ive been stalking you and tracking you downr
Cruising up and down the main drag all night long
We could be standing at the top of the world
Instead of sinking further down in the mud
You and me round about midnight
You and me round about midnight
Someones got to draw first
Draw first
Someones got to draw first blood
Someones got to draw first blood
Oooh I got to draw first blood
Oooh I got to draw first blood

Nothing ever grows in this rotten old hole
And everything is stunted and lost
And nothing really rocks
And nothing really rolls
And nothings ever worth the cost

Who am i?
Why am I here?
Forget the questions someone get me another beer

And so many many more!

allrevvedup 22 Jul 2006 13:58

From the forthcoming BAT III's the future aint what it used to be

'It doesn't matter what they're thinking
It doesn't matter what they're thinking of me
It's always so cold
I'm to young to be old
The future ain't what it used to be'


'She used her body just like a bandage, she used my body just like a wound
I'll probably never know where she disappeared
But I can see her rising up out of the back seat now
Just like an angel rising up from a tomb'

FROM Wasted Youth

'Slowly I opened the door, creeping in the shadows
Right upto the foot of their bed
I raised the guitar high above my head
And just as I was about to bring the guitar crashing down
upon the centre of the bed, my father woke up, screaming " Stop!"
"Wait a minute! Stop it boy! What do ya think you're doin'?
That's no way to treat an expensive musical instrument!"
And I said: "God damn it daddy!
You know I love you, but you got a hell of a lot to learn about rock 'n roll"

The Flying Mouse 22 Jul 2006 17:12

:twisted: hmmmmm, think this would be better off over in "Tyre Tracks" :wink:

The Flying Mouse 22 Jul 2006 17:14

:twisted: In fact, as it's a pretty umberella discussion on Meat's songs (and we haven't got too many stickies here), pass me the glue :mrgreen:

RadioMaster 22 Jul 2006 18:13

Wow, my own stickied thread! An honor!

Jackoutofhell 23 Jul 2006 02:26

See my signature. Otherwise, all of FCOL, a lot of BFG...

Well, too much to mention.

RadioMaster 23 Jul 2006 11:52

What about from Jims Stark raving love:
Too much is never enough
short but cool :cool:

Space Monkey 23 Jul 2006 15:11


Originally Posted by Radiomaster
Too much is never enough

I've always liked that.

My favourites:

- "Live a sinner before the gates of heaven I'll come crawling on back to you"
- entire second verse of Objects, especially "He was dangerous and drunk and defeated and corroded by failure and envy and hate"
- Also enjoy Jim's subtle-as-a-sledgehammer-cracking-a-nut references to erections; "Surf's up and so am I" and "I know you belong inside my aching heart. Can't you see my faded Levi's bursting apart?"
- "The truth is hard to swallow when you're choking on your pride" is a brilliant line
- "They hand you a pay cheque every week and steal a piece of your soul every day"
- "Every hero was once, every villian was once, just a boy with a bad attitude"

That gives me an idea...

PanicLord 23 Jul 2006 21:03

"Some days I just pray to the Gods of Sex and Drums and Rock and Roll"

Wikkid :)

RockingBat 24 Jul 2006 12:18

Yep... certainly...

"Sometimes I pray for soul, Sometimes I pray for Silence and sometimes I just pray to the Gods of Sex & Drums and Rock N roll"

Hypnobabe 24 Jul 2006 13:12

My favourite combination is Paradise...

"...I swore I would love you 'til the end of time....

So now I'm praying for the end of time, to hurry up and arrive, 'cos if I gotta spend another minute with you, I don't think that I can really survive..."

MeatGrl1 31 Jul 2006 18:31


Originally Posted by Hypnobabe
My favourite combination is Paradise...

"...I swore I would love you 'til the end of time....

So now I'm praying for the end of time, to hurry up and arrive, 'cos if I gotta spend another minute with you, I don't think that I can really survive..."


Yes love that too:lol: !

Space Monkey 04 Aug 2006 01:15

You don't have a lot
but it's all that you've got
and you can turn it into more than it seems

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