Originally Posted by Di
Originally Posted by sultonfan
Originally Posted by Di
Actually when I think on Brits, I envision them in their picturesque kitchens stirring up Yorkshire Pudding, and cooking the meat well done.
hmmmmm .... you would  but not all of us like our meat well done. I like mine with blood dripping :)
Oh and we think all Americans say "Have a nice day" and eat Mcdonalds
You like your meat blood dripping! Always knew you were a woman after my own heart. Next time I zip over to England I am there. I will buy the Prime Rib, best cut I can find.  Do you make a mean Yorkshire Pudding to go with it?
I prefer to dine in a manner a bit more refined than McDonalds... but I am not above a Filet o Fish now and again.
What is wrong with have a nice day?
Next time you zip over to Uk you had better come here

and yep even us southerners cane make Yorkshire Puds, Just like aunt bessy
Not sure why we take the mickey about "Have a nice day