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Old 11 Jun 2004, 23:31   #43
Mega Loafer
Join Date: 20.02.2003
Location: Largo, FL
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Andy K said:
As for "Have a nice day" I think the mickey taking started when MacDonalds opened their first UK restaurants. Somehow it doens't sound as sincere coming from a surly spotty British teenager
It doesn't sound too sincere coming from the surly spotty American teenagers either! I went to Taco Bell the other day, and the young man serving me had a swastika tattooed on his face- I fear they are not hiring America's best and brightest at Taco Bell!

Preconceived notions we have- I live very near Clearwater Beach, and many people here say we can spot the British and other Europeans quite easily by the incredibly painful shade of red that they turn their first day in Florida! Apparently not so used to the need for sunscreen in the UK?

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