So I was watchinng this comedy show the other night. Comedy Club at '54 to be exact. There was a man from Texas there. He was the second comedian I believe for that night and he was making all these jokes between America and Canada, those are funny, because people who don't live in either two countries think they are the same, which they aren't
But what was so funny is what he said.
(little fact, Canada is to be known as really cold!)
(but its not always)
so he says,
I came to Canada hoping to see a polar bear, I've never seen a real polar bear. So I asked this man where I could find one. His responce was, oh we don't have them here, we keep them up where its cold
You should have seen the face on this texan man, LMAO.
He goes,
If this is cold here where I am now, I would hate to think what a canadian says is cold
it was hillarious
I don't really have much to say about other countries at the moment, I like a lot of them, some more than others.
Well actually Nicole Kidman, she's cute! And where is she from :P