Originally Posted by Biter
Im tired yet I cant sleep.
I just snapped at airhead for no reason other than me being pissed off and grumpy - sorry hon you didnt deserve that.
Tomorrow I have to find a way to live through hell on earth aka Tesco's Pharmacy on christmas eve
My nose hurts cos I just walked into a door. Im a dopey cow sometimes.
Told mum about the new boyfriend..which went down rather well...as did the bottles of champagne on the table...
Boyfriend is coming down to my work tomorrow to see me before he goes away
If I dont get to post again... Merry christmas :P
don't worry hun, thats okay! *hugs*
going out for a pub disco and i fee stressed out. I can't tell my mum my problem because she just says am i trying to give her a nervous breakdown and i can't tell my friends because i don't want to burdern them. help me...