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Old 26 Apr 2005, 22:46   #5
Always Ready For A Bang
Join Date: 30.11.2003
Location:  Left In The Dark .......... AGAIN
Posts: 6,389

This is as true as the screen you are reading.

1. Before they go to sleep at night, at least two people smile and think of you.
I hope so

2. At least three people love you enough to die for you.
I would not want that

3. When you smile, even your enemies feel a little happier.
Made some today Are they smiling

4. Your name is doodled on at least one old school book in little love hearts.
Think I know of one

5. No matter how long you haven't talked to eachother, someone, somewhere is thinking and reminiscing about you.
Know they are

6. You can garantee, no matter how "un- unique" you are, there will always be a quality to you that no one else on earth has.
Mine is playing the drums - badly

7. Somewhere someone you don't even know exists looks up at you like a role model.

8. You don't have to save someones life to be a hero.
No just a friend
9. Anyone can be a mate, or a pal, but it's someone goddamn special to get the word friend.
Yes - you know who you are

10. There is always someone jealous of you and your good looks.
They must be ugly then

11. You are featuring in someones dream every single night.
Nice - as long as it's clean

Now you know these things, do these things today.

1. Kiss someone you care about (it doesn't have to be a partner) on the cheek randomly.
I always kiss the hubby & the dog

2. Share a secret with your best friend beneath a tree.
Can't afford the train fare that often

3. Make someone laugh. It makes their day worthwhile.
I am very good at that

4. write a poem to your partner and whisper it in their ear at night.
Not that perverted - but could be persuaded

5. Do something that frightens you every day.
I go to work

airhead - this is great
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