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Old 10 Sep 2005, 09:26   #3
Join Date: 14.04.2002
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My friend Kacy Ross from Interstate Music did send this text to me to promote here:


Archer Guitars USA and Kasim Sulton will team up September 17th, 2005
at Oglethorpe Speedway Park in Savannah, GA to raise funds for victims
of Hurricane Katrina.

Kasim will perform solo and with multi-platinum act Meat Loaf and will
raffle off a prototype of the Archer K Sulton Signature Bass he has
been playing this summer on Meat Loaf's "Hair of the Dog" world tour!
This one-of-a-kind instrument will be autographed by Kasim and by Meat
Loaf and the current members of his band. Kasim has been Road Testing
the K Sulton Signature Bass in anticipation of it's public debut later
this fall.

The K Sulton Signature Bass will be on display at the merchandise area
for this event and raffle tickets are available for just $2 each!
Concert goers may purchase as many tickets as they like with all
proceeds going to the American Red Cross and their efforts to aid the
victims of Hurricane Katrina.

Kasim has been playing four different versions of the K Sulton
Signature Bass over the past few months as it is developed for it's
initial production stages. "To be honest," he says, "It's not easy to
part with it. But this is a great opportunity to help out and I think
raffling off one of these prototypes is a good idea." Highly
collectable as a prototype, this is a great opportunity for one lucky
fan to walk away with this amazing instrument, played around the globe
and signed by KAsim, Meat Loaf and the band, while helping the American
Red cross in their vital relief efforts.

For more information visit WWW.KSULTONBASS.COM
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