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Old 26 Oct 2005, 19:22   #3
The Flying Mouse
Armed ba$tard and Jo's other half.
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Originally Posted by Gerry
..........backs against the wall
Typical Gerry

Doesn't bother me personally.
Whatever people get up to behing closed doors is up to them.
Just so long as it isn't shoved in my face (should rephrase that )

A very positive aspect of gay men is that it leaves us straight chaps less competition

One thing that does irritate me is when a well know celebrity, who everyone knows is gay, just can't stop going on about the fact they're gay when they're being interviewed.
It's just an old, worn out shock tactic by self obsessed people who are (no pun intended) up their own asses .

Anyway, to bring the level of conversation down (that's what i'm here for)....

Went to the pub the other night.
Seen an attractive girl at the other end of the bar, so after a couple of drinks to get my courage up, I approached her and asked her if I could buy her a drink.
"I'm fine thanks" she replied.
"Oh come on, i'd really like to buy you a drink" I pleaded.
"Look" she said firmly "you don't seem to get the point, i'm a lesbian".
"I don't care what star sign you are...." I began.
"No, look" she said "You see that blonde over there in the red dress with the hourglass figure?".
"Yes" I reply.
"Well i'd really like to make love to her" she said.
"F^@*ING HELL" I exclaimed.
"What's wrong?" she asked.
"I must be a lesbian as well then"
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