Originally Posted by Ankie
Since I do not know how Max will be playing while on tour I can not give an opinion on that one.
OK, I did say
"Not just touring, but studio as well" To limit the discussion to just touring would be boring and I don't really want this to turn into a John Micelli worshipping thread, that can be done
I'm really interested in pure drumming ability. NOT looks, NOT personality and definately NOT a misguided judgement based on a euphoric experience at a rock show, that view isn't an impartial one.
By the way if anyone wants to know what Meat Loaf tracks Max Weinberg has played on and are too lazy to look at their liner notes, here they are.
Bat Out Of Hell
You Took The Words
Peel Out
I'm Gonna Love Her For Both Of Us
More Tha You Deserve
I'll Kill You If You Don't Come Back
Everything Is Permitted
He's also played on some Bonnie Tyler songs, but since thisn't about her, then it's irrelevant.