Originally Posted by Deb
Who's to say if John hadn't played on them songs that he wouldn't of played them just as good if not better? Or another drummer for that matter.
I agree Max is an excellent drummer but I do also think that John is.
No one's disputing John as an excellent drummer, because he is. But the subject is, who's THE best drummer Meat Loaf has worked with and you can take into account their other work with other bands i.e. Weinberg with Springsteen for example.
Also I think it's important not to throw if's, but's, maybe's or what if's type scenario's into the equation, the facts and facts only should speak for themselves.
It's interesting that Liberty DeVitto or Kenny Aronoff hasn't been mentioned yet and both of those are excellent drummers.

*Edit: Cross out Kenny Aronoff, Leah was quicker than me in posting
