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Old 23 Jul 2006, 15:11   #20
Space Monkey
Super Loafer
Join Date: 28.03.2003
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Originally Posted by Radiomaster
Too much is never enough
I've always liked that.

My favourites:

- "Live a sinner before the gates of heaven I'll come crawling on back to you"
- entire second verse of Objects, especially "He was dangerous and drunk and defeated and corroded by failure and envy and hate"
- Also enjoy Jim's subtle-as-a-sledgehammer-cracking-a-nut references to erections; "Surf's up and so am I" and "I know you belong inside my aching heart. Can't you see my faded Levi's bursting apart?"
- "The truth is hard to swallow when you're choking on your pride" is a brilliant line
- "They hand you a pay cheque every week and steal a piece of your soul every day"
- "Every hero was once, every villian was once, just a boy with a bad attitude"

That gives me an idea...
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