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Old 18 Sep 2006, 09:49   #91
Join Date: 24.01.2006
Posts: 70

Originally Posted by tink View Post
i'll assume you're talking re: Paradise?.. and how do we even what Paradise will evolve into this time around?.. i'm a Meat fan only since Bat2.. and in that little time.. over those few years... i've seen that many different stage versions of Paradise... i look forward to hearing about the new version that will be viewed at RAH...
Have I missed something? Ever since Meat did Paradise with Carla DeVito in the 70s, it's been the same more or less...The act has always consisted of a young couple that gets married, and as time has gone by, they've soured on each other to the point where Meat wants either for her to die or he to die because they can't go on this way and his morals won't allow him to break off with her. During the Phil Rizzuto baseball dialogue Meat has ALWAYS passionately made out with his partner, feeling her up, and kissing deeply (we've even seen tongues). This has always been a big part of the act, and with Patti it came across as funny because she being almost 40 and Meat almost 60 it was believable that they were a couple. Unless Meat plans on dressing Aspen in an old lady suit, I don't see how doing this act with a 27yr old would work! Let's forget that it may look kind've sick for a 60 yr old to be making out with and feeling up a 27yr old who looks like a teen...But when exactly did Meat's character marry this girl so many yrs ago that he's sick and tired of her, when he was 33 and she was in her diapers? I'm sorry but Aspen might have a great voice and may be able to pull off songs in the studio with Meat, and maybe even singing duets with him on stage, but I seriously think there's no way the stage performances will ever equal the powerful chemistry that Meat had with Patti. Chemistry can't be created, it just happens, and Meat had it with Patti...They just clicked on all cylinders. Anyone who ever saw Meat and Patti performing on stage together already knows this. I just hope those who go to see Meat and Aspen on stage together don't find out the hard way.

Last edited by TravisWRedfish; 18 Sep 2006 at 09:55.
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