What exactly do you say when you call?
What do you say when you call them?
I think it may be better not to say that you want to talk about the Meat Loaf album. I tried that and got the lady who knew nothing, as I mentioned above (of course there may be differences between countries). You could try asking for the person responsible for "Sales and Promotion" or "Marketing", without stating which album you want to talk about. If the person responsible for that is a different person than those you have already spoken to, perhaps you may find out some new information. On one of the times I called, I asked if there would be a single in New Zealand, and the person who answered my call (the lady I mentioned) didn't know, so she put me through to someone else who knew a lot more about Meat Loaf.
If the person you want to speak to isn't available, you could ask to speak to someone else.