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Old 11 Nov 2006, 19:44   #1
Join Date: 25.07.2004
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Default MySQL problems! (Have to do an exercise for uni, help!)

So, I have to install MySQL and MySQL GUI Tools Bundle with Query Browser.

I installed but I cant connect anymore! I deactivated all firewalls (first NIS 2004 and XP firewall, they are not running at the same time!) and antivirus. But now, with no protection, I cant still log in anymore.

First the installation corrupted a bit because AV I think. So I unistalled all. No problems. Then a new installation without the protecion, I can login. Then I got allways error numbers, as soon as I execute a database or a querry. Just once I was abtle to make a table, but since then not anymore.

Now I have unistalled a new one, deleted also death folders and I have rebooted. But now without protection I cant no longer login! Also with activated NIS, with access granted for the MySQL software, it does not work!

Very strange is, that in the login menu are still the IP and port number, although I have completely unistalled mySQL before (normal unistallation + manual delete of death folders).

I hate it! But I have to do an excerise for uni and it counts to the marks!
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