Thread: Crimbo music
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Old 12 Nov 2006, 22:43   #2
Mega Loafer
Join Date: 23.11.2003
Location:  Sunderland, UK
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Is it a CD or list of potential songs you want? Not sure about CDs, but I'm sure they'll be advertised soon in the next week or so!

Songs Secular:
Rocking Around the Christmas Tree
White Christmas - Bing Crosby
Fairytale in New York - Pogues (love this song! )
Wish It Could be Christmas Every Day (who did this one again?!)
Deck the Halls - Trans Siberian Orchestra have a pretty good instrumental

Non- secular
Silent Night - Meat!
OK, now my mind has gone blank, all the ones I can think of are more carol-y!

And to clear out the room at the end, the eternal:
Mistletoe and Wine - Cliff!
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