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Old 06 Dec 2006, 04:55   #1
Join Date: 26.03.2006
Posts: 4
Default Vote for Paul Crook- Best Rock Guitarist

Hi Folks-

Since I vist this site often and witness firsthand the loyalty and dedication of Meat Loaf fans (I'm one of them!), figured I'd challenge ourselves to see if we can get Paul voted as "Best Rock Guitarist" in this year's Guitar Player magazine Annual Reader's Poll. The link to the page of the online survey is here...

Forward this to other Meat Loaf sites if you frequent/ post on them. With the thousands and thousands of fans worldwide who visit the popular Meat sites, perhaps we have a good chance of influencing the vote. I will be visiting other Meat sites as well as some Anthrax sites to try to drum up support.

Not only would this be great recognition for Paul as an artist (as his brother I would certainly enjoy helping give him a well deserved gift), it is a secondary way to add to the press/ publicity for Meat and Bat III ("Meat Loaf guitarist wins award, etc.")...more bang for the buck!

So if you feel like voting, Great and Thanks! If you don't feel like voting or don't feel he is the Best Rock Guitarist, no sweat. Just figured I'd ask.

Thanks so much to those who have supported Paul and have said such nice things about him on this site. He truly loves Meat, loves playing guitar for Meat and loves meeting you at shows.

Happy Holidays to you all!

Mark Crook
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