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Old 24 Mar 2007, 14:03   #2
Join Date: 21.11.2003
Location:  Over the top..... seeing what's on the other side
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Despite everyones initial enthusiasm for these, orders have been slow to come in. This is disappointing on a number of levels, not least because of the amount of effort that has gone in to sort this out for people.

As it currently stands we're in a position where it doesn't make it financially viable to order the mugs. We need to achieve a minimum order on these in order to keep the costs reasonably low, and currently we're not even half way there.

Thank you to those who have made the committment so far, you're payments won't be processed until such a time as we know that we can go ahead with this. If we can't then your cheques will be returned to you.

Please get your orders in to the fan club address before the end of March.
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