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Old 10 Oct 2007, 19:06   #25
The German
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Originally Posted by Lucy! View Post
Re-read what Deb said, tour started in February in the US and got to the UK in May.

Another point I'd agree with is what evil nickname said about the ending, if you're writing a persuasive piece you're meant to push people towards whichever corner you're fighting for, so it defeats the object to let the reader make up their own's like when you write a story as a kid and can't think of an ending so you finish with "and then he woke up and it was all a dream"
yep, lucy's absolutely right.
what you did here was writing a consideration paper (or however its called) concluding with your own statement/opinion.
In a persuasive essay, on the other hand, your own opinion is the least thing that should appear. You have to be able to persuade someone about something as good as you can, even if your personal opinion is totally different.
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