Originally Posted by MeatGrl1
Oh 25th I meant  .
I went to my seat and had two massive people infront of me so all I could see was pitch black so I went to this security guard and explained this and he told me that he would see what he would do and said he would be back, however this guy never came back and it got to Objects and I had missed all that Meat said, I thank Michael for capturing it !! Because it was then they decided to come and talk to me and tell me that I had to go back to my seat and not stand in the asle which I was not blocking btw and I still could not really see, however they shunted me to this seat and I was crying then for the rest of the show, it just totally ruined my night.
unfortunatly for us shorter folk that happens alot at shows, they have to keep people in their seats otherwise i guess it might as well be a standing show, this is why alot of us try so hard and pay so much to get in the first few rows, i have been to many concerts where i couldnt see a thing, sheffield in may was one, even as tall as m is he couldnt see anything either, in those situations you just have to enjoy the music and the atmosphere.
You may not have been blocking the aisle but someone sees you getting away with it, then they think they can do it then it goes on and then the aisle does get blocked, see where i'm going with this

I'm sorry you didnt enjoy the show but you do need to change your expectations when you are that far back hun