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Old 12 May 2008, 16:44   #12
Mega Loafer
Join Date: 26.04.2003
Location: Did I say that?...
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Yes Steph no roundabouts But instead we get this 'stick' we both got in the car and were 'wtf is this' what do we do with it? Now if only i'd paid more attention to you telling me over and over about that bloody thing and how stupid our gears are, eh Heather lol.

I could write a book on driving in the USA lol. One thing that really does surprise me with anyone hiring a car in another country is that they just give you the car! nobody cares if you can't drive it or have any idea what to do with it lol, or that you don't drive on that side of the rd!

And Steph.. the UK for once is warmer! can you beleive it! UK is warmer than LA!!!

Good job there's no more shows Heather or i'd be dragging you back for more craziness, with the day / week I'm having
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