Originally Posted by Monstro
WOT????? No London???????????????
Originally Posted by christa
Believe it or not, the UK consists of more places than London!!!!!!!!!!
I know that hard to take in but its true!!!!!!!!!!!!
It means that.......SHOCK..............HORROR............... Londoners just might have to travel like the rest of us   
You don't say......really....well that's me told then.
Fortunately having just moved to London from the south coast I know about trains and motorways, all growed up me and I'm quite conversant with the need for travel as ticket stubs for most of the UK venues that Meat's played in the last 20yrs in this county will prove.
I am genuinely surprised that Pearl hasn't yet announced a London gig as the reception she got from her last one was excellent and as far as the south of England goes it's reasonably central for people to get to, got lots of them train station thingys you know. Fortunately I'm brave enough to be able to travel and will be seeing her open for Meat on more than one occasion...SHOCK..........HORROR......he's leaving London