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Old 31 May 2008, 00:42   #17
Nutty Tart From Hell
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Originally Posted by djfierce View Post
was that really called for???

for your information, we will be travelling a hell of a lot this summer, maybe to more shows than you maybe not, i dont give a flying feck. These londoners use up their babysitter credits on a regular basis and yes shock horror, we've travelled far to see many artists and wouldve to see Pearl last time if there was no london date, we even travelled to support Patti when no one could be bothered to jump in their cars to show her support, she's the buzz name right now but where was everyone when she needed the fans to show her the ML fans still loved her, nowhere!! I can count on one hand the people who turned up to either of the events we were at, so stick your lecture back in.

FYI I AM gutted there is no london date as i cant travel to one more show, i wouldve had to grovel for the one night the london gig would take, my babysitter said no to any more nights, she has a life too, it doesnt revolve around my ML travels although she does her best to help. And also fyi we will travle to see Pearl again if she comes back when we havent spent a fortune on hotels/travel/tickets on Meat already.

Alot of people travel more than us some dont but i'm not gonna post shit like you just did to those that dont, everyones situation is different, why the ~~~~ do people have to be so argumentative

She seems to be getting a bit of a following over here barb, so hopefully she will be able to come back for a small tour of her own, her album is due out in Sept so hopefully we see some tour dates next year from her as i said seeing her recently she really has grown as an artist and put on one hell of a show. Oh and arent you a londoner too Barb?? Have you considered travelling?? Oh sorry like alot of us you already are

I totally agree with all you said Anji, and yes i am a just a shame i have to come back from Liverpool by the 5th as i have a wedding to go to other wise i could stay,still im sure there will be another chance to see Pearl and i will jump at it..
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