Thread: Amanda Aday
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Old 16 Jun 2008, 01:06   #20
Mega Loafer
Join Date: 15.06.2005
Posts: 3,596

i tried to type this earllier but it woudnt let me so hoping my memory is good lol

I dont really understand why she has been criticised for the role, i doubt she did anything that wasnt in the script or was asked of her so i would have thought the blame lies more with the producer/writer/casting director if they produced scenes that america in general were offended by ( i had it worded so much better earlier ) i obviously havent seen the scenes being referred to but thats just my take, nudity scenes?? Well i have to say it prob wouldnt bother me (again, i know i havent seen it) but its all natural right?? So as long as it was shown after the appropriate watershed,i dont see the problem. i personally have seen Meat do more cringeworthy roles/scenes than his daughter being shown nude, but hey, thats just me

I have never seen her acting so couldnt possibly comment on that, i would be interested in seeing how talented she is though, anyone seen any clips on the net??
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