Thread: Amanda Aday
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Old 16 Jun 2008, 16:40   #24
"Most things that i worry about, never happen anyway"
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I think it's crazy when political correctness overthrows common sense at times...I know of people who loved Carnivāle for the short time that it lasted...i've only ever seen stills from it...but i think it's amazing what we celebrate and tolerate compared to what we find offensive.

For instance Samuel L Jackson's image and speech of "and i will strike down upon thee...etc" in Pulp fiction is seen as a cult classic and most forget that he kills people after that speech...and yet a woman playing the role of a stripper is not condoned?

It confuses me

On separate topic, there will never be a doubt that Amanda is Meat's daughter...that's probably been said several times on this thread already!
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