Thread: Amanda Aday
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Old 17 Jun 2008, 13:22   #26
The Flying Mouse
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Originally Posted by djfierce View Post
i tried to type this earllier but it woudnt let me so hoping my memory is good lol

I dont really understand why she has been criticised for the role, i doubt she did anything that wasnt in the script or was asked of her so i would have thought the blame lies more with the producer/writer/casting director if they produced scenes that america in general were offended by ( i had it worded so much better earlier )
Because hun, the public is made up of idiots who think this sh!t is real

There have been a few soap opera "baddies" who've been known to complain about the number of times they've been shouted at in the street, or even hit by little old grannies because the actor's character has been cheating on another fictional character in the show

Remember the "Free Deidre" thing on Coronation Street that led to questions being asked in the houses of parliament?

It gets me when chat show hosts and comedians can be so insulting about a soap characters looks or shape
Although the character might not be the nicest person in the world, they are still played by someone with that face and that body.Insult the character and you insult the innocent actor.
Either people don't realize or people don't care.

Bottom line is that too many people out there associate the actor with the character, and if people don't like the character or what they do, god help the actor
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