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Old 27 Jan 2009, 17:11   #1
Couch Potato
Join Date: 27.09.2006
Posts: 342
Default Would You Pay To See John Do A Drum Clinic

Hello fellow rockers!!

Like John, I myself am a Drummer, and when I go and watch bands, be it a big world tour or the local pub with a band on, and find myself always watching the drummer and I have learned alot from watching.
I also am endorsed by SONOR (LIKE JOHN) and was wondering if you fellew ML fans would pay to watch John give a drum clinic?

Its just an idea in the pipeline ATM, I have not officially approicahed John or his managment to enquire about fees etc, but a freind has his own Dum shop and has put clinics on before (not at the shop) and has generally charge £5-£10 for a ticket.

Would any of you fellow drummers on here AND fans on Meat and the Band pay around £15 for a ticket to watch John give a clinic?
It would be in the South Yorkshire area, and the venue(s) we are looking at hold between 200-400 people.
I would just like toget an idea from some of you if you would come, and if it would be worth me approcahing John and his managment to discuss!

Any feedback/help appreciated.


Frank Goodness
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