Thanks for the feedback.
Lucy,I appreciate what your saying, and agree, but its not just an event for Meat Loaf fans, this is an event for drumming fans, drumms, music fants etc. Previous drum clinics have sold out at 150 tickets. Im trying to get in touch with SONOR to see if they will sponsor a kit for the evening, I have also been offered the run of a venue for free, so thats a positive and the venue holds 300 people, but 200/250 is cosy, dont want to be cramped like sardines. They wont just be a drum clinic by John, there will also be a live band, plus a buffit. And I am also trying to get the promoter to throw in one free drink per person only IF we sell so many tickets. I am going to get in touch with Johns managment, or approach John direct if he would rather do this without all the hassle of managment. I am also willing to put some people up in my place if this event goes ahead for the night. I have 2 spare beds, a large living room and cook a mean breakfast!!!
Will keep you all posted on updates etc and if the event is actually happening.
Love in a peaceful world