Originally Posted by The Flying Mouse
So that's 250 X &10 = £2500.
And that two and a half grand has got to pay John's expenses (flight, additional travel, hotel, food.As well as leaving a small profit in his pocket.Hey, a guy's gotta eat) and you need a buffet to feed 250 people + to pay for the band who's going to play.
I don't know how much it would take to get John on board, but it looks like the money could be being spread a little thin.
I pretty much agree, the cost of the ticket price would have to at least double for it to be worthwhile for him to make the trip.
I can see it being a possibility on the next Meat Loaf tour when the band have a few days off, a bit like when Kasim does a solo gig. Other than that, I can't see it happening.