Thread: RIP John Hughes
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Old 07 Aug 2009, 07:54   #3
Super Loafer
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Originally Posted by Pudding View Post
According to IMDB John Hughes wrote 5 episodes of Delta House, the show that had Jim Steinman's Delta House Theme which then became Deadringer For Love.
It wasnt the other way around? Dead Ringer becoming Delta House Theme, and not Delta House Theme becoming Dead Ringer?

Personally I dont know, but I found this on Google:

"There was a short lived TV version of the movie Animal House, called Delta House. Jimmy was tapped to write the theme song, which was basically a recycled version of the Dead Ringer tune. The credits list Jimmy only as the music writer and not the lyrics. But if you listen you can hear some recycled Jim lyrics, which can only lead one to assume Jimmy helped write the lyrics. An interesting side note is that Meat had been asked to play Bluto had Belushi turned the role down."
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